
US History

In the U.S. History class we tried to “see the forest from the trees.” What this means is that there is a danger of students getting bogged down with so much factual information that they fail to see the big picture or the drama. In some ways it’s how an English teacher tries to move from a summary of events of a novel to writing about theme and characterization. Since History is essentially a story, to really understand it one needs to see the main themes and characters involved. Hopefully by using this approach an interest in History and political events will allow students to be more interested in current events during the rest of their lives.
Mr. Drake

Spanish III

This year the students were involved in a variety of activities involving hearing, speaking, reading and writing. We reviewed the basics of the regular Present tense and stem changing verbs, Past tense, and later in the year they were introduced to Imperfect tense. Vocabulary in context with progressively more difficult reading passages were also studied. Cultural studies involving film and information about Latin America and Spain were part of the course.
Mr. Drake

Spanish II

This year the students were involved in a variety of activities including hearing, speaking, reading and writing. We emphasized the basics of the regular present tense and stem changing verbs, and later in the year they were introduced to the past tense. Vocabulary in context and use of adjectives were studied. Cultural studies involving film and information about Latin America and Spain were part of the course as well.
Mr. Drake

Spanish 1

This year the students were involved in a variety of activities including hearing, speaking, reading and writing. We emphasized the basics of the regular present tense and stem changing verbs, and later in the year they were introduced to the past tense. Vocabulary in context and use of adjectives were studied. Cultural studies involving film and information about Latin America and Spain were part of the course as well.
Mr. Drake

Resource Room

In the Resource Room students get extra academic support. IEP students get individualized and small group engagement to address educational challenges. This year in Resource Room we saw students in each grade improve in their subject classes. There were many success stories and students showed confidence in their academic abilities.
Ms. Neal


Psychology explores the idea of controlling behavior and mental process. It’s the type of class that lends its self to debate and self-evaluation of one owns thoughts and behavior. This year we had some amazing debates and experimental group work. Some of the more memorable experiments were applying classical condition to fellow students, testing hearing and touch absolute threshold and testing visual difference threshold.
Miss Kemp

Spanish Class

These are the first three years of advanced class to the Spanish language and Hispanic culture. Students continued to learn the conversational and vocabulary concepts of Spanish, with the goal of refining and advancing proficiency by the end of the year.
These Spanish classes focused on the following four skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Class time was used to engage skills such as situation dialogues; mini-skits; group work; conversations with classmates and teacher
Students learned that in order to achieve success in this course, it is essential to be prepared for each class. Language learning is a discipline that requires steady, cumulative preparation; a discipline in which each point builds upon its predecessor, such that if you do not master a given grammatical concept or vocabulary cluster, this will prevent assimilation of the following lesson. It was amazing to see the students take on the challenge and put forth so much effort.
Mrs. Haughton

Senior Seminar

Our seniors were applying for various colleges. They were involved with preparation for college. Students were engaged with a variety of activities to assist with their transition from high school to college. Our students began to research college majors and further career goals. Students also studied the differences between high school and college teachers and professors.
Our senior class of 2015: 90% are attending college and 10% will enter the work force after graduation.
Mrs. Christian

Business Math Class

Our students were involved with applying mathematics skills in everyday life. They were introduced to being better stewards with their finances. They were able to find percentage rates of gross and net pay per check.
Mrs. Christian

Bible Class

This year in Bible class, we learned how to defend our faith as in 1 Peter 3:15: “But sanctify in your hearts Christ as Lord: being ready to give answer to every man that asketh you a reason concerning the hope that is in you, yet with meekness and fear.” The students used the Bible, and three other books to learn more about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We also discussed different religions in order to parallel the beliefs of those religions with Christianity. Over the course of the year, the students became more comfortable in sharing and defending their faith.
Miss Dixon

International Students – Intermediate English

One of our writing activities asked graduating seniors to share something helpful for new students entering Evangel. This was what Siting Li from China thought students should know.
1. Have respect for authority
2. Don’t be a victim of fads
3. Do not draw negative attention
4. Do well in academics
5. Create a set of goals
6. Learn to take responsibility
7. See things in other people’s perspective
8. Plan for after high school

Ms. Hampton

The students also wrote poems for national “Poem in Your Pocket Day.” For many, their work included family, their experiences at Evangel and plans for the future. They read the poems “If” by Rudyard Kipling and “ Hold Fast the Dream” by Langston Hughes.

My Family by Xinyao Liu 10th grade

We talk
We laugh
We cry

But we are family
And we do it all together
For as a family
We do it all as one

You hurt one
You hurt all
And as a family unity
We will all stand tall

For we are family
A family full of strength
A family full of love

Mom by Angelina Tang 11th Grade

Mom, my beautiful Mom
Mom, my great Mom
Mom, my virtuous Mom

I Love you Mom

Mom is like sunshine coming into my heart
Mom is like a light making my road right
Mom is like a book teaching me to be a good girl

I Love you Mom
You are Special!

Intermediate Literature

High School Intermediate Literature allows students to challenge and stretch their personal and global critical thinking. Within the classroom students explore a variety of genres, working through units on research, American folklore, and literature studies. This year students were able to successfully accomplish extensive and multi-layered research components, which included conversing with native English speakers during Academic Fair night. As well, high school students enhanced their formal writing by compiling character analysis essays after reading American classic novels. It has been clear that the international students at Evangel Christian School strive to reach for greater levels of academic success.
Ms. Hampton

Government and Economics

The American Government class is designed to teach students about the various forms of government and to understand the formation of the American government and its constitution. During this class the students learned about their own rights and responsibilities as citizens. The Economics portion is used to inform students of the different forms of economic systems and how they function, as well as the relationship between economics, business and government. During the government semester the students were given the chance to combine the knowledge learned about the government systems and their own creativity to create their own government. In economics the students were able to participate in the Stock Market Game and create divers and profitable portfolios as well as apply economic principles when creating a business plan.
Miss Kemp

English Class

This year 11 and 12th grade English class focused on American Literature and British Literature. Both grades were reading novels in different eras, but one of values that I wanted to instill in both grade levels was the importance of writing. I had students keep a reading journal which allowed them to respond to the different literature we were reading. I assigned several tasks to the students in these journals that allowed them to explore the different types of writing styles that can be used to respond to literature like essays, creative writing and answering analytical questions. It was a pleasure to see students not only become better writers, but grow as critical thinkers and be able to apply the skills they learned in my class to their other classes as well.
Miss Diaz

Computer Class

Shark Tank Meets High School Entrepreneurs

High School students created their own businesses. Our young entrepreneurs opened up a variety of creative businesses. From barber shops to book stores, from coffee shops to restaurants and more! It was interesting to see students take a hobby, interest, or something they were truly passionate about and turn it into a dream career. Once they had a carefully thought out business plan they designed a PowerPoint Presentation where they were able to approach the “sharks” (their classmates) in order to propose an investment from them.
Mr. Torres

English Class

Preparing for College

12th grade English students spent their year on in-depth discussion and writing based on their reading of 3 major works of literature: Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream and Macbeth, and C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters. They also practiced academic writing skills to prepare them for college through two extended research projects.

Christy Mitchell


ESL English

It’s over?

The school year is over? Wow, how quickly it has come to an end. It’s been an interesting year teaching a bright group of international students from China and Korea. HS Intermediate English was our focus. Reading short stories, folk tales, anecdotes, how to read non-fiction, fiction, what reading strategies to use to understand the text, were some of the genres and concepts covered. I enjoyed this. What was most exciting for me were the many moments when the students reached the place were they were able to convey their opinions, and ideas in English. When they made connections with the text, their culture, their families, etc. and gained the confidence to express it was wonderful to experience. It was a great year discovering how very much alike we are. I remember a story on the life of Bruce Lee. Each text is introduced before reading, so when asked if they were familiar with this person, or if they had ever heard of him, I got some nods and a Yes or two. When we were finished reading the introduction, I added that he was my cousin. When this tid-bit of information was met with their laugther, I knew that they understood. Mrs. Hernandez

Compute Class

Next Stop: College

This year the students learned how to do personal statements using MS Word. From setting up margins to making headers and foot notes, the students were exposed to what college students experience regarding technology.

Mr. B


English Class


This year, 12th grade made a study of classics and classics – there’s a difference! A spiritual or biblical perspective of value in literature is not the same as the world’s. The seniors took a brief tour through English (that is, British) literature with works such as Beowulf, portions of The Canterbury Tales, Shakespearean comedy and tragedy, and The Pilgrim’s Progress. Along the way they learned why the English language has so many rules and exceptions to them: it’s the adopted child of at least four different languages! They studied and tried their hand at the aesthetics of poetry. They also found examples of leaders both good and bad, pointing what they should emulate – and what they should not.

Miss Kleinschuster



Personal Finance

Students were given text-to-life lessons explaining the importance of personal finance. Many projects such as Stock Market Research, budgeting money, and sole proprietorship were the formats students undertook to comprehend the process of business. Seniors are now better prepared and enlightened in the business world.

Mr. Keeks


Bible Class

Make Wise Choices

In Bible this year, 11th and 12th graders learned about variety of topics from their three teachers. Most recently, they delved into the study of the Old Testament, focusing particularly on the book of Genesis and fitting familiar stories about Creation, the Fall, the Flood, and the Patriarchs into their historical contexts. In the end of the year, students participated in a special unit called Navigator (11) and Excel (12), during which they discussed how to make choices that glorify God in our hearts, bodies, and minds.

Miss Mitchell


Spring Program

We had a wonderful Spring Program. Elementary students danced to Shout to the Lord, with streamers. The middle school danced to Go Fast, and high school danced and ministered the songs that they did in Hawaii. The high school electives also danced to I’m Free.

Mrs. Rosario


Gym Class

Lets Get Fit

Students had fun doing relay races with obstacle courses. They also did their annual physical fitness test. At the end of the school year we had a field day at the park.

Mrs. Rosario


Psychology Class

Gender Roles

We have been researching gender roles in society over the past month. Each senior chose one of the following topics to make a visual presentation about: changes in gender roles over the last 100 years, gender biases, or individuals who have made a significant impact on society’s gender roles. They created posters, Power Points, etc. using the information they discovered. I was very impressed with the variety of presentation knowledge and how thought provoking their information was for the rest of the class.

Miss Stahler



Modern Physics

Seniors spent this semester studying modern physics. They learned about quarks, the nature of light, and the early models of the atom. They then began their regents review. They were amazed at how easy mechanics looked the second time around.

Mrs. Wong



Independent Study

Calculus students were amazing this year. Students completed an independent study. They had a minimum goal to reach each week, but they far exceeded that goal. Some students worked at an extremely fast pace because they wanted to learn as much material as possible before they entered college. Other students elected to work at a slower pace and to complete extra problems to make sure that they understood all the new concepts presented this year. All students learned how to use a math text as a resource and to take ownership of their own learning. They practiced skills that will serve them well in college.

Mrs. Wong


Government Class

Don’t be Sheeple

Since September, our high school seniors have constantly engaged and wrestled with concepts of American Govt. and comparing it’s ideologies to biblical based principals in understanding our American’s governmental foundations. I have emphasized through lessons and real-life experiences the theme: Don’t be Sheeple, Be People. This overarching theme is essential and cherished to these students in preparing them for college in order to distinguish between things of this world to the principals of God.

Mr. Keeks


Our Brain and Senses

We have been studying what psychology is and how it affects the body. The students have learned about our brain and senses, our perceptions and nature vs. nuture theory. This year I am teaching in a flipped classroom so the students will copy vocabulary and examples into their notes for HW (kind of pre reading for the next day’s lesson). In class the next day, they will watch a mini lesson of how to and practice the application in front of me. This has been helpful in not only the student understanding during homework/classwork, but in starting up math conversations during class about what to do and why. Currently, we are studying how we learn. Today we talked about making good decisions and judgements.

Miss Stahler

Physics Class

Fun in Lab

Physics students have used their lab time to understand their physical world. They used a marble launcher and a few calculations to predict where a target should be placed. They tried to mix up their directions in the vector lab to stump the other groups – they did not succeed. All teams were able to reach the finish. They have explored the need for seat belts as well as why air bags are needed to prevent injury.

Mrs. Wong

Math Class

Algebra 2

Seniors have been reviewing for their algebra 2 regents. They have realized the benefit of advanced math classes as they reviewed for college exams and planned for college financing.

Mrs. Wong

Health Class

Watch What You Eat

With obesity on the rise within the United States, more and more people are learning to count the amount of calories that they consume. Students undertook a project where for one week they needed to count the amount of calories that they consumed. This included breakfast, lunch, dinner and any other snakes that they ate during the day. Students then compared their total daily calorie intake to that of the average. If the amount of calories fell below or above the average, students needed to examine that day and find out what events lead to this difference. This project gave students a better understanding as to what they put in their bodies and for some it showed them that they need to change their eating habits and eat healthier food.

Mr. Wong

Gym Class

Soccer Playoffs

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.

Vince Lombardi

This month in Gym we have begun our Soccer Playoffs. These games are highly intense being that rivalries have been sown from the year before. Whether students are playing goalie, defense, offense, or midfielder they are determined, focused, and resolute to win the game. Often that means jumping in the path of the ball. Even though these games are intense, students maintain a high level of sportsmanship thought the season.

Mr. Wong

Money for Missionaries

Our student body had the privilege of hearing from a missionary family, the DiSalvo’s, who will be heading to the mission field of India.  They leave in about three weeks to begin their language school.  Our students were very receptive to hear what they had to say and asked many questions of how they would be sharing the gospel.  The students found out that due to the countries rules about missionaries coming in, they are coming their to help students with their education as well as opening a coffee shop to help form relationships with the people of India and through those relationships, tell them about the eternal gift of Jesus Christ.  Our students were so moved by the DiSalvo’s heart and love for Jesus and the people of India that they took up and offering of almost $500.00.  The elementary students had also been taking up school chapel offerings since the beginning of the year and were able to add $200.00 more dollars into the offering so the DiSalvo’s could be blessed with a $700.00 check to help them as they leave to spread the gospel into a country that so desperately needs to hear about the love of Jesus Christ.

High School Feast

The high school feast was filled with so many different types of food.  It was great and the students loved it.  Even before the feast started, the cooking elective worked hard to help get all the dishes set up.  The students of course, ate a lot of food and then they played games, heard from our student government, and competed in contests. They had a great time competing with each other but it seemed the best part of the day was dessert time.  What is a feast without dessert?  There was so much dessert on the table, they could have each had an entire plate full.  Thankfully, they shared with their teachers.  The feast was very memorable and a favorite time of year here at ECS.

See Galleries for awesome pics.

Trip to Federal Hall

“Today the senior class of 2013 explored the halls and rotunda of the Federal Hall National Memorial in downtown Manhattan. There they learned not only about New York City and State, but read about formative moments in our nation’s history: the transition from New Amsterdam to New York, immigrants’ influence and experiences, George Washington’s inaugural address — given from that very location — Alexander Hamilton’s influence on the nature of the federal government, Susan B. Anthony’s arrest for being female and daring to vote, and more.”

“On Oct 24th, 2012, the Seniors of Evangelical Christian High School had the opportunity to visit
the Federal Hall Museum in Downtown Manhattan on Wall Street. Here the students were able to experience and
learn the fundamental roots of American democracy. This building is not only significant because it’s adjacent to the
New York Stock Exchange, but it is also where our first president, George Washington, was sworn into the presidential office.
Each student worked in groups and were given a list of questions and terms they had to search throughout the museum to find.
Every question more challenging than next to expand their knowledge about America’s origins as well as have an appreciation
for American Democracy.”

Regent University visits Evangel

Our middle school and high school students had the privilege of hearing from students that are part of Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The director of student ministries, Dr. Richard Kidd, and Director of Discipleship, Jason Peaks, brought a group of young adults that were on fire for God as they shared through a powerful time of worship and the Word.  Our students were very receptive to what they had to say and were encouraged by the message of hope in Jesus Christ that was brought.

Meet Me at the Pole

The National day of “See you at the Pole” has not occurred at this school in a number of years and we were happy to see our students take a stand and come out earlier than normal for prayer in taking a stand for our school, city and nation.  Students formed various groups and prayed with one another and then they came together to worship and pray for more specific needs of our student body and school.   While staff was there in support, this was entirely student led.  God is doing great things through our students and we are excited to see where He will take them next!

Spiritual Emphasis Week

Spiritual Emphasis week was by far the best we have ever seen here at Evangel.  We thank God for the Spiritual guidance of our staff who helped prepare and speak for this chapel but it was the moving of the spirit of God through our kids that made this one so unique.  The students took to heart the things that were spoken of in chapel and ran with it.  They stayed late, past their school day and continued to pray and worship in the altar.  It was an amazing site.  Many times, when a movement takes place like this, students go back to their normal lives but our students have gone the extra mile.  They have begun their own facebook and twitter page called “be the spark.”  On this page, students encourage one another with scripture and more ideas of how to grow in the Lord.  They have also begun morning prayer and lunch time bible study. They recently ordered bracelets with “be the spark” on them and are now selling them to the entire student body.  God is continuing to do great things through our students as the spark was lit during Spiritual Emphasis week.

Elementary Spiritual Emphasis Week was a great time as we learned that with God ANYTHING is possible. Through bible stories of faith and purpose, our students learned:


Why it Matters:

Adults may feel like kids have it easy- and by comparison, maybe they do. But every child has faced, or is facing something that seems impossible. For some, it’s falling asleep in a dark room while they imagine monsters under the bed. Other kids are dealing with intense peer pressure or unstable homes. Some kids might just need the courage to stand up for their faith or to obey God’s word. Those seemingly impossible tasks can seem overwhelming to kids…until they discover that EVERYTHING is possible with God!


The Gideons Visit Evagel

During our Spiritual Emphasis week we were blessed to have the Gideons visit us. They gave a Bible to all of our students in 5th grade through 12th grade. We are so very blessed to be able to study the Word of God. Many thanks to the Gideons and their generosity to our students.

Please see Galleries for pictures

High School Graduation

On June 23rd, our Evangel family celebrated with our largest graduationg class! . What a wonderful day; a day full of excitement and happiness. We were so blessed to have Pastor Marko  speak to our graduates and his theme was: “Jesus is in oyourboat”. We were reminded to always “live for Him”. Our special music was provided by our seniors as they sang “The Climb”. Mrs. Rosario ministered in dance to “His Eye is on the Sparrow”. Each student was given their very own scripture as tey received their Diplomas. There were over 1,000 in attendance and what a celebration we had.

We pray that God continues to guide our graduates as they go on to college. We know that wherever they land – they will be a “light” and they will impact their world for Christ! Check out Galleries for some awesome pics!

See the list below for the colleges theywee accepted to…

Arceo, Alexi-Brockport University, /Baruch, /Brooklyn College, /LIU, /John Jay CollegeArroyo, D-Bergen CC, Nyack, Lehman(CUNY), Kingsborough CC, Hostos CC

Baba Salauddin, Mohammed-Yale, Harvard, Cambridge

Bi, Yixin-Parson’s school of Design

Cabrera, Anthony-St. John’s, Baruch, Hunter
Castillo-Ramos, Daniel-Nyack College 

Camacho, Kimberly-BCC, LaGuardia CC, College of Mt. Saint Vincent
Cruzado, Stephen-Nyack College 

Deng, Zhixin-Queens College(CUNY)

Edades, Samuel-CSI, York, LaGuardia CC 

Edwards, Daniel-BCC, Mercy college

Felix, K-Bay State/Boston
Gaco, Jofelyn-Harvard-Extension School

Gonzalez, Matthew-LaGuardia CC

Green, C-Mercy College, Kingsborough CC/CUNY 

Griffith, F-St. John’s, CSI, Nyack, Mercy college, Kings’ college, CSI, NYC TECH
 Johnson, Jr., D.J –St. John’s Univ., LIU, Hofstra Univ.

Karmacharya, J-BMCC-CUNY 

Kemp, R-Bay State, John Jay college, Cuny CC, Hostos CC


Kim, Steven-NYC Tech, CSI, John Jay College 

Lee, J-College of Tech/CUNY           

Lewis, A-Bay State/Boston, Nyack, Laguardia CC 

Lewis, Mark-Iona College

Li, Giannina- LaGuardia CC/CUNY

Lui, Derek-BMCC, City Tech/CUNY

Lynah, Vanessa-Kingsborough CC/CUNY

Melendez, Jose-Medger Evers College/CUNY, Nyack
Mercado, Christian-St. John’s Univ.,/ Queens Col., Baruch, Brooklyn Col, Lehman, City College

Montalvo, Randolfo-Hofstra Univ.

Narzullaev, Sardorzhon-Newberry College-Mass.

Ng, Shing Chun-Language Center/Flushing, NY


Parker, T-John Jay, QCC, Hostos, Laguardia, BCCPena, H-Penn State, BMCC

Perez, Jeremy-John Jay College/CUNY
Perreira, Jasmyn-Bergen CC(NJ), Essex CC(NJ), College of Staten Island (CUNY)/Hostos

Penameno, Kevin-Univ. of North Texas

Pham Khue, Dac Doan-LaGuardia CC, MEC/CUNY

Pichardo, Gabrielle-Mercy College

Rezkalla, J-NYU, Pace, Fordham

Reyes, Sabrina-QCC, LaGuardia, BMCC

Rodriguez, Steven-John Jay College/CUNY

Rosario, Telissa-QCC/CUNY
Samide, Jessica-St. John’s, Adelphi, College of Mount Saint Vincent 

Sanchez, Fred-University of Maine

Sciarrone, Joel-BCC/LaGuardia CC
Sena, Danny-St. Johns’ , Nyack

Solar, Alyssa-Hunter/CUNY

Tan, Ying Tong-Baruch College, Albany State Univ./Binghamton

Wang, Yishan-Michigan State/, Indiana Univ. 

Xing, Ruiying-Univ. of North Texas
Yang, Meng Ling-Baruch (Honor’s program)

Ying, T.-Stonybrook, Binghamton, Pace, Arcadia/Philadelphia

Yu, S-Binghamton, WPI/Mass., North Eastern Univ.

Zheng, Caiting-LIU

National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society


On Tuesday, May 22nd, we conducted our National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society Ceremony. This ceremony is beautiful as students carry during the processional and recessional. We are very proud to have inducted 95 new members to NHS and 13 NJHS. We welcomed back 100 NHS and NJHS members from last year. Both Societies worked very hard on their service project, raising money through bake sales and other means.  Students were delighted to take what they had raised to the different institutions. What a blessing to be able to bless others. Please click on the BLUE inserts for our Program.

Here is a little history about the National Honor Society and the criteria for selection:

When the National Honor Society was founded in 1921, the hope was to create an organization that would recognize and encourage high school students’ academic achievement while developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy.  The National Junior Honor Society was founded shortly thereafter-in 1929 to recognize middle school students in the same areas.  Now, over 80 years later, these Societies have become prestigious organizations with outstanding faculty members and students from the school community.  Their  reputation for excellence is the result of years of commitment on the part of everyone involved.  Membership is thus both an honor and a commitment.

2012 bulletin inside

2012 outside bulletin

Please see Galleries for some great pictures of NHS and NJHS .


Spring Celebration

Singing…..Dancing…..Drama……Poetry…….Worship……Fashion Show………..Flags……..and using our talents to honor the Lord. Our Spring Celebration was an amazing time and our student worked so very hard. Tuesday, May 22nd will be an evening to remember! A bid Thank You to all those who made this evening so very special.


Please see Galleries for wonderful pictures of the evening!

Academic Fair 2012

Ms. Gloria Gaynor

Academic Fair 2012

Over 1,000 people got a chance to attend our Annual Academic Fair on Thursday, March 22nd from 7pm to 9pm. Each student from Prek 3 through 12th grade designed and inquiry project which included a Project, Project Board, Research Research Paper and Presentation. Projects covered a gamut of Subjects: Science, History, English, Bible, Math, Sports, Home Economics, Technology, Fashion, etc…

The night was filled with excitement, smells of food from different countries, dances, singing, and so much more. We were honored to have with us Ms. Gloria Gaynor, famous for the song “I will survive”. Also, Mr. Michael Strawberry, brother of Darryl Strawberry, a former major-leauger, was able to attend and spend some time with our students. We are seriously honored to have had all the parents and students, families, friends, alumni, associates and partners that were able to attend.

We are so very proud of all of our students and we thank all the parents, staff and students for all of their hard work.

See “Galleries” for lots of incredible pics.

High School Christmas Program:

“The Colors of Christmas” was a new direction this year for our high school.  Students were able to see that each color had a meaning that illustrated God’s love and mercy on us as He sent His son to be born and one day die for us. The poems and testimonies that were shared by our high school brought about the true meaning of the season. God is using our students to spread the gospel literally around the world.

See Galleries for Great Pics


New Holidays

Amidst the rigors of learning how to use past perfect or simple past tense; changing gerund phrases to infinitives; learning challenging vocabulary and creating sensory word banks the international students have had an enriching time. Many experienced Thanksgiving and Christmas for the first time. Middle School listened to the radio drama about the life of Tisquantum and through his life they learned what Satan meant for evil God worked out for good. It led to good discussions about what happens when misunderstandings arise between people from different cultures. The Christmas season was especially blessed with an invitation to a Christmas Tea hosted by the Hephzibah House Ministry in their authentic Victorian brownstone. They served a variety of festive refreshments and a special tea poured from a camel shaped teapot. Best of all, students were touched by the testimonies of international college students and the thoughtfulness of all who ministered there. We are all looking forward to what the New Year will bring.

Mrs. Kemp


New Vocabulary

The beginning of school has been quite exciting in ESL with over fifty students from all over the world acclimating to a Christ centered school. The Middle School and High school students have been increasing their conversational English through group activities related to their workbooks. Spiritual Emphasis Week became an impetus for many students to learn for the first time words many of us take for granted such as sanctuary, redemption, praise, glory and audacity. It also became a special time to learn how to question and write reflectively. Our latest projects were for International Week; students made presentations with either posters or power points describing where they grew up, comparing and contrasting their hometown with New York City, and predicting where they will be in ten years. The best part was listening to the students ask questions in English about each other’s hometown. It was very enriching for all and enlightening to me.

Mrs. Kemp

International Week

International Week at Evangel was filled with diversity an a unique blend of rich cultures.  Over 73 different nationa are represented at Evangel and how awesome it is to share about our heritage with eachother.

Each day of the week was filled with something new… from wearing the colors of our flags, to country costumes, to food and desserts from our homelands. Each new student gets tpplace a marker in our wall map to represent where they are form.

We are so blessed at Evangel and we thank God for blessing us with such diversity.

Please see “Galleries” for some fantastic pictures.


Click on the link below to see News about our Curriculum.

“Evangel Newsletter”

Trip to the Federal National Memorial

The seniors enjoyed the day  in lower Manhattan as they learned about the history of the Federal Hall Museum.  Students got to see the piece of railing that our first president, George Washington, stood behind as he took his oath of office.  They also got to see the ground he stood upon as he was sworn into office.  Students also had the privilege of seeing ground zero and the progress of the freedom tower.  It was a great trip and a way for history to be brought to life for our students.

Spirtual Emphasis Week

October 26th to the 30th was Spirtual Emphasis week at Evangel.  Students had an amazing week during our Spiritual Emphasis week.  Our younger students learned how God loves them just the way they are. They alsocompleted crafts and sang songs each day with our theme, “Panadamania.”  The students are continuing to learn that God is “wild” about us!  Our older students had an amazing week as our speakers, Ron and Heather Rhoads flew in for the week to share the love of God through the Word and song.  Many students responded to the message that was given each day and we are blessed as a staff to see the seeds being planted in our students’ lives.

Please check out “Galleries” for some amazing pictures.

English Class

Mac Beth

ECHS’ Seniors got a chance to analyze the psychology of several complex characters in Mac Beth, one of Shakespeare’s classic tragedies. They saw how a guilty conscience plagued the protagonist — or was he more of an antagonist? — and his wife, and how the man who would become ruler of Scotland used reverse psychology to test one of his subjects. The students also learned the (Celtic) mythological background that lends a great deal of symbolism to the strange events in the play, and learned to look for the fine print in prophesies. They discovered many serious themes in Mac Beth, and how some of them paralleled with Oedipus Rex, a tragedy written over 2,000 years ago.

Miss Kleinschuster

Bible Class

New Testament

The 12th grade Bible class concluded its survey of the New Testament by conducting individual in-depth studies of the New Testament letters. Each student was encouraged to select a book of the New Testament that held particular interest for him or her, research the book’s background, and write a paper applying the timeless truths of that particular book to contemporary issues in the world, the church, and the culture. Only if God’s revealed word to us becomes our framework for understanding ourselves, our society, and God Himself, will the book of books be experienced as the treasure it is.

Mr. Roberts


We made it!

The seniors are seniors no longer—they are GRADUATES! What a year it has been! We’ve had lively debates (sometimes too lively) and sober minded discussions. Highlights for me include discussions on the changing interpretations of the U.S. Constitution throughout American history, the role of banking in today’s modern economy, China’s economic rise and its impact on us, as well as my (nearly) foolproof plan to earn a million dollars over the course of my lifetime, which I hope my students will shamelessly steal from me (the plan, that is, not my millions). The graduates of ECHS have a big future ahead of them and I have three final bits of wisdom to bequeath to them: 1) Look to the Lord for comfort and support—He will never fail you; 2) Study hard—education is transformative; and 3) Work hard—be diligent and consistent. Follow these rules and you will go far. God bless and Godspeed.

Mr. Poe

Gym Class

Fitness Testing

The students had to do the spring fitness test which involves sit ups, pushups, bent arm hang and finally a 10 minute run.

Mrs. Roasrio

Dance Elective

Hard work pays off

Students worked hard on their dance routines – section by section. The students had to learn a lot of new steps. They learned how to do leg swipes, pop and lock and moves with partners, feet gliding and flag routines. The students chose to also come on Thursday afterschool to work on their dance routines. Great job!

Mrs. Rosario

Gym Class

Hand Ball

Students have been doing work outs. We prepare for the jog-a-thon and for the fitness test. The students did pushups, crunches, and situ ups. Then I taught the students how to play street hand ball. It is a singles game, but you can also play with partners. They learned how to serve the ball against the wall and keep it in the squared line. Handball is a game that you hit with your hands and is very challenging.

Mrs. Rosario

Dance Elective

Do Wait

The song they danced to was Do Wait. This group worked really hard as there were very challenging dance steps and they had to work with partners. These students even practiced after school just to get a dance step or to learn the moves. There were about 27 students in the group. The challenge was that they had to learn how to move as a group and use the flags. It’s not that easy to throw a flag up in the air and catch it without dropping it on the floor.

Mr. Rosario

Gym Class

Basketball teams

Students have now mastered the basics and we have made teams. They enjoy playing against each other and switching to different teams so each one has the chance to play and shoot the ball in the hoop.

Mrs. Rosario

Gym Class


The students learned how to dribble the basketball, bounce pass, and chest pass. We had drills and then we made teams. Many students that didn’t know the game, learned how to play. The students had a great time as they also learned how to play defense and offense.

Mrs. Rosario


The end is finally here!

June found the seniors preparing for regents and for their senior trip. They finished strong.

Mrs. Wong

Math Class

The end is finally here!

The students have continued to study graphs by finding the points of inflection. The seniors are also studying for finals and preparing for their senior trip.

Mrs. Wong



Students had a new appreciation for Christmas lights as they began to study series and parallel circuits.

Mrs. Wong

Math Class

Up or Down?

Students have been able to determine when a function increases or decreases. They have been able to find the maximum and minimum points.

Mrs. Wong


Sound Waves

Students continued their study of waves by focusing on sound waves. They completed activities involving standing waves and the Doppler effect.

Mrs. Wong

Math Class

Practical Math

Seniors were challenged to use their knowledge of calculus to solve real life problems involving the rate of change.

Mrs. Wong


Light Waves

Students studied light waves this month with the help of a refraction tank. They were able to observe and calculate the angle of refraction.

Mrs. Wong

Dance Elective


After all the hard work the students did learning their dances, we decided to celebrate and have a party!

Mrs. Rosario

Gym Class


The students have been learning how to play soccer. They have been doing drills in how to guide the ball with only their feet. They also had drills on how to kick the ball and be goalies. After all our practice, we made teams and had fun playing games.

Mrs. Rosario

Dance Elective

Christmas Program

Besides doing the basic warm ups and stretching, the students also did pushups and sit ups to be ready for certain dance moves. They also learned to do cartwheels, the splits, and handstands. They worked in small groups and as a large group to learn various dance routines. For the Christmas program the song they danced to was Incredible. Other groups also danced to Joyful, Joyful, and Holy Visitation. They used both the big and little flags in their performances. It was powerful.

Mrs. Rosario

Gym Class


Students learned how to bump, set and serve in volleyball. We ran drills until everyone knew how to bump the volleyball and also how to serve the ball and get it over the net. Then we had fun playing a volleyball game against each other.

Mrs. Rosario

Computer Class

Skills for the future

8th-12 grades are finished with Adobe Illustrator. The quiz is all we have left. Even if they don’t use graphic design in their careers, the students will have a basic know-how that they can build on later.

Mr. Boyd

Computer Class

Did you know…

8th-12 grade are continuing an in depth unit of study with Adobe Illustrator. The lessons are going wonderfully, and the students love being able to dive in to the program and to do new things.

Mr. Boyd

Computer Class

Adobe Illustrator

8th-12 grade began an in depth unit of study with Adobe Illustrator. The lessons will follow a tutorial format, with the teacher showing the new skill and the students copying. This culminated with a quiz in May so the students could show all that they learned.

Mr. Boyd

National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society

On Tuesday, May 31st, we conducted our national Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society Ceremony. This ceremony is beautiful as students carry during the processional and recessional. We are very proud to have inducted so many new new members to NHS and  NJHS. We welcomed back NHS and NJHS members from last year. Both Societies worked very hard on their service project, raising money through bake sales and other means.  Students were delighted to take what they had raised to the different institutions. What a blessing to be able to bless others. Please see Galleries for some great pictures of NHS and NJHS traveling to give what they had raised.

Here is a little history about the National Honor Society and the criteria for selection:

When the National Honor Society was founded in 1921, the hope was to create an organization that would recognize and encourage high school students’ academic achievement while developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy.  The National Junior Honor Society was founded shortly thereafter-in 1929 to recognize middle school students in the same areas.  Now, over 80 years later, these Societies have become prestigious organizations with outstanding faculty members and students from the school community.  Their  reputation for excellence is the result of years of commitment on the part of everyone involved.  Membership is thus both an honor and a commitment.

The NHS and NJHS recognize outstanding high school and middle school students who demonstrate excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. The National Association of Secondary School Principals proudly sponsors these Societies.

For the selection of Members to the NHS and NJHS Chapters:

*   Members must maintain a cumulative overall 85% average or higher for two consecutive semesters with 80% as the lowest grade in all subjects.

*   Members must be in good behavioral standing.

*   Members must demonstrate outstanding performance in areas of scholarship, service, leadership and character.

*   The selection of each Member shall be reviewed and approved by the this School’s Administration and Faculty each school year.

Please click on the links below to view our NHS and NJHS Program.

2011 bulletin inside

2011 outside bulletin


Please go to “Galleries” for some wonderful piictures of this beautiful ceremony.

Annual Academic Fair

The sounds of singing and music could be heard and the smells of delicious food filled the hallways and classrooms of our school. What an awesome night it was! On Thursday, March 24th the school was filled with over 1,500 adults and children. One parent described it as a “huge party”! Students proudly explained their projects as eager listeners tasted, smelled, and watched.

The students and staff worked very hard and I believe this year was the very best Annual Academic Fair we have ever had. Pre-K focused on plants and they even grew their very own. One Kindergarten studied the planets and the Solar System and even made costumes and performed a play. The other Kindergarten focused on the book “A La Casa de la Mama Provie”. Were she goes door to door to gather food for her recipe. The Kindergartners made recipes and then cooked the dish. First Grade learned about community helpers and chose one to focus on.

Third through Twelfth grades chose their own projects from a variety of subjects such as: Science, History, English, Sports, Math, Bible, etc… Projects ranged from animal dissections to a car made out of recyclables to delicious cupcakes made from scratch. A big thank you goes out to everyone involved from staff to students to parents for making this event a HUGE success!

Check out “Galleries” for some amazing pictures!


Adobe Illustrator

We have begun doing Adobe Illustrator tutorials, which the students are loving! We started from the ground up, learning first how to choose the correct settings for a new file. I spend about 2-3 minutes showing the new material, and the students copy the steps for a grade. We’ll be getting more advanced as we go!

Mr. Boyd

Resource Room


Our Valentines analogies were both fun and great practice for critical thinking skills. For example, butterfly: wings as flower: petal or romance is to love as camaraderie is to friendship. Now it’s your turn. You decide which of the four (4) choices fits best. bracelet: jeweler as bouquet: (a) florist (b) arborist (c) flowers (d) herbalist. We also had a bulletin board display for Black History Month.

Ms. Hampton

Resource Room

Bulletin Boards

Students in the Resource Room have been asked to consider varied topics that relate to both their academic and spiritual growth. The Weekly Food for Thought Quotations and Daily Scripture are designed to strengthen students spiritually. Some quotes: It is better to be prepared when an opportunity presents itself than to have an opportunity and not be prepared. or When you feel least secure, God can be your Rock or Fortress.

For a special bulletin board project, the students were asked to consider gifts that God had given them and how they would use those gifts to bless someone else. They wrote their responses on colorful three dimensional Stars which were displayed on the bulletin board. We continue our positive word alliterations using the days of the week and the students have been very creative – Let’s make this a Magnificent, Marvelous, Magical Monday or Let’s make this a Terrific, Thankful, Thoughtful Tuesday, or Let’s make this a Fantastic, Fun, Fabulous, Five Star Friday!

Ms. Hampton

ESL Class

More Vocabulary

We started the new year sharing our new year’s resolutions in the classroom. Many students shared that they wanted to improve their English and learn more vocabulary. So we started a vocabulary log and made a list of different topics students wanted to talk/read about throughout the semester. This month, our topic was the difference in education between Asia and America. The students had a heated discussion as they have experienced both school systems and came to the conclusion that a balance of discipline and freedom was both important for successful learning.

Sara Park

Project Angel Hugs

Helping those in need…

We are always looking for opportunities to instill in our the importance of ministering to those in need. An opportunilty arose through the contact of a parent who led us to “Project Angel Hugs.” Project Angel Hugs is a Christ-centered organization ministering to the emotional eeds of children with cancer and their families. To youth touched by cancer and their families, they offer encouragement through prayer, words, gifts, and festivities; harnessing the adundant energy from healthy youth to accomplish work generated by this project while instilling in them a pssion for volunteering.

Evangel students were able to touch a child with cancer by making home-made Valentine’s Cards that will be distributed o Valentine’s Day. We collected 170 Valentine’s cards from our students to send to Project Angel Hugs. The students really enjoyed being able to “reach out and touch someone” in need with  card.

See “Galleries” for pics.


Momentum and Impulse………..Energy

Students are exploring momentum and impulse. They learned the importance of safety equipment and the idea of follow through in the area of sports. Students alsoexplored work and energy. They learned the difference between potential and kinetic energy and were able to apply this information to calculate the speed of a roller coaster.

Math Class


In January students began their study of limits. They are now able to estimate a limit numerically, graphically, and analytically.

Mrs. Wong

Math Class


In December students learned to divide polynomials using long division and synthetic division. They also spent time working with functions. They determined horizontal and vertical asymptotes and sketched graphs of the function.

Mrs. Wong

History Class

Our Legal System

Thank God we live in a nation of law and not one simply of majority rule! The 12th grade has been learning about our legal system, from evidentiary rules to the traditional customs observed by our Supreme Court. As we have been exploring this fascinating topic, I think all of us, teacher and student alike, have grown more and more thankful for our system of law. It may not be perfect—God knows it is far from the ideal!—but it is better than many other countries’ legal regimes. I told the students of a friend of mine from Ecuador who is studying the Founders at Columbia University in order to take their great wisdom back to his country. Ecuador is on their umpteenth (the 20th to be exact) constitution, while we’re still on our first (not counting the Articles of Confederation)! My friend finds this impressive and worthy of intense study and contemplation; I hope our Evangel students do to.

Mr. Poe

School Trip

Chronicles of Narnia-The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Our 5th through 12th grade students had the privalege of viewing the new movie, “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.”  We were able to secure the entire theater exclusively for our students.  We had a great time with snacks and viewing this new movie based upon C.S. Lewis’s books, “Chronicles of Narnia.” After we returned, students discussed the Christian Symbolism represented in the Bible! It was awesome!

Spiritual Emphasis Week

Step Up Your Faith

January 3rd- January 7th

“Step up You Faith,” the theme for the week, encouraged students to go a step further in their walk with God.  Middle School and High School students were challenged with speakers each day to take their faith to the next level.  Our Elementary students looked at a different bible stories each day as well as completed crafts to encourage them to “step up their faith.”  Our memory verse for the week was Luke 17:5-6

High School Christmas Program

Our Hero

Who is your hero?  This was the theme of the high school production.  Students did a tremendous job of illustrating through song, dance, drama, music videos, spoken word, flags and worship who their hero is, Jesus Christ.  They also took this theme a step further by looking at themselves and the important role they have of sharing the gospel to others by being the light of the world in the midst of darkness.  These students showed what it was to be a hero to those that don’t know Christ.  They displayed a lit cross to the song “Go Light Your World,” signifying the importance of who Christ is in their lives.  Our Hero, Jesus Christ, is the true reason for the season.

See “Galleries” for some awesome pics!

Health Class

Counting Calories

With obesity on the rise within the United States, more and more people are learning to count the amount of calories that they consume. Students undertook a project where for one week they needed to count the amount of calories that they consumed. This included breakfast, lunch, dinner and any other snakes that they ate during the day. Students then compared their total daily calorie intake to that of the average. If the amount of calories fell below or above the average, students needed to examine that day and find out what events lead to this difference. This project gave students a better understand as to what they put in their bodies and for some it should them that they need to change their eating habits and eat healthier food.

Mr. Wong

ESL Class

Lets Talk About God

In ESL we have been focusing on improving our speaking skills and because the textbook doesn’t always offer the most interesting or relevant topics, we came up with our own topic for the month of December. Remembering the true meaning of Christmas, students wrote questions they had about who God is or anything about Christianity and we picked one question in the beginning of each class. Students came up with great questions such as: Why did God allow evil to exist? Why didn’t he get rid of it all? Or I want to know how to be a real Christian, not just study in a Christian school. A lot of our thoughts and answers pointed towards Jesus and it was a great way to celebrate Christmas even through a speaking activity.

Miss Park

Canned Food Drive

Boxes of Love

During Fall Spirit Week, November15-19, MS and HS students participated in a canned food drive as part of their class competitions. Students were excited at the opportunity to win points for their class while helping needy families. In all, we collected 130 cans and were able to help feed 30 families for the holidays. We are extremely happy with the results and very proud of our students for focusing on the value of giving.

Computer Class

Microsoft Projects

11th and 12th grade have finished their first independent learning project, completing lessons and a final creative product in one of four Microsoft office programs. Their final products turned out wonderfully. During the second term, they are working on assignments for Mr. Hernandez, our college preparation guidance counselor. They are researching scholarships and making college applications and resumes.

Mr. Boyd

Resource Room


December is a magnificent month as we reflect on the coming of our precious savior. This month we encouraged students to not only keep this a No NC Zone but also a to create a Mutual Respect Zone in which students not only refrain from saying anything hurtful or disrespectful about others but also make a point of blessing those around them. Many created a 3-dimensional star on which they wrote a reflective statement about a gift that God has given to them that and how they can use that gift to bless others Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2

Mrs. Kemp

ESL Class


After finishing a chapter on traveling, each student picked a country to do a power point presentation on tourism. It was a virtual tour of students’ hometowns and popular tour destinations. It was an exciting project where students brought the world into the classroom by introducing diverse cuisines, outdoor activities, and landmarks.

Ms. Park

Bible Class


12th Grade continues its survey of the New Testament. We are currently looking at the book of John, exploring the rich imagery of Jesus’ I Am statements. Jesus the Bread of Life; the Light of the World; the Door for the sheep; the Good shepherd; the Resurrection and the Life; the Way, the Truth, and the Life; and the Vine. It is our hope that the richness of these God-breathed names and their implications will inspire fresh devotion and impart new life.

Mr. Roberts

Computer Class

Microsoft Office

11th and 12th grade have just finished their first independent learning project, completing lessons and a final creative product in one of four Microsoft office programs. Their final products turned out wonderfully. During the second term, they will be working on assignments for Mr. Hernandez, our college preparation guidance counselor.

Mr. Boyd


Laws of Motion

Seniors have been studying forces and the Laws of Motion. They have crashed toy cars into walls. They have used stuffed animals and rubber bands to simulate the effects of not wearing seat belts and the benefits of wearing one.

Mrs. Wong

Math Class


Seniors have been studying functions. They have graphed functions and they have also found the inverse functions. They are now studying quadratic functions and polynomial functions in more detail.

Mrs. Wong

Spirit Week

A Week of Fun and Spirit!

Spirit Week was AMAZING this year! All of Middle School and High School participated in trying to win points which made Spirit Week very enjoyable. Spirit Week was based on a point system this year: everything that took place counted as points toward every class that participated. Throughout the week, we had many contests going on. We had a Coin Contest, a Can Drive, a Door Decorating Contest, and a Shopping Cart Contest. We started off with “Tis’ the Season” on Monday, on which students dressed as their favorite symbol from their favorite holiday. We had students coming in dressed as everything from Christmas trees with ornaments and lights hanging from their clothes to soldiers in army clothes as a tribute to Veterans’ Day. Monday was also our Game Day for middle school. Sixth through eighth grade competed against each other in trying to rack up points to win Spirit Week. We played games such as the Cracker Whistle Relay, Bug Hunt, and Root Beer Chug-a-Lug. Tuesday was “Crazy Shirt and Tie Day.” Students were challenged to find their old clothes and tacky ties to show-off to their friends and the school. Tuesday was also our Game Day for high school in which we played games similar to Middle School’s Game Day! Wednesday was “Multiplicity” Day; students were asked to team up with their friends and match up with clothes, so that they would look like twins, triplets, or even quadruplets! Thursday was “Spirit” Day. Evangel students came in dressed in Evangel colors – blue, white, and gray. Last two periods on Thursday was our fall Pep Rally! Middle School and High School cheered on our Girls Varsity Volleyball Team, Boys Junior Varsity Basketball Team, Girls Varsity Basketball Team, and Boys Varsity Basketball Team. We congratulate our Girls Varsity Volleyball Team for their Undefeated Regular Season! We finished off our incredible week with “Formal Friday;” the day on which students came in to school with their fanciest dresses and spiffiest suits. Friday was also our Air Band Contest which was another way for students to rack up points. Despite the LOADS of entertainment, our Spirit Week, sadly, had to come to an end… However, the Senior Class of 2011 came in 1ST PLACE because they scored the most points!!! Tenth grade came in 2nd, eleventh grade came in 3rd, and ninth grade came in 4th. All in all, this Spirit Week was ASTOUNDING and UNBELIEVABLY WONDERFUL!! Thank the LORD!!!

Submitted by Peter Rezkalla – Class President

See Galleries for some great pics!

Resource Room

November Update

November is a wonderful month. Many students have caught on to the study skills and are using time more effectively. Those who have been bringing in copies of their classes from Edline are progressing beautifully. This month will promote Resource as a Prepared Zone, a Mutual Respect Zone and a No NC Zone. On the lighter side the vocabulary game Blurt has been re-introduced to many of the students at the end of Spirit week. For our Thanksgiving bulletin board we talked about the different ways in which people perceive love and care; from the discussion Thanksgiving cornucopias were created using interesting, complex sentences that tie into thankful thoughts about what is meaningful to individual students. Finally, November is the time in which we encourage students to Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. Colossians 3

Mrs. Kemp

ESL Class


We worked on Do’s and Don’ts posters this month. The students, in groups, picked a topic of their choice such as “Improving your English” then created posters and presented their thoughts. Some advice from the ESL classroom on improving your English! Do make friends who speak English. Learn the local culture. But don’t stress too much and never give up! All posters are displayed in the classroom. Here are other topics the students came up with: Getting Good Grades, Losing Weight, Building Good Friendships, and Staying Healthy.

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