
Great Memories

Pre-K 3 had a wonderful year this year as they explored a world of numbers and letters, discovered creations of land and sea, and experimented with colors all found in the rainbow. Pre-K 3 has created many memories to take along with them as they grow into little leaders for Evangel Christian school. I have seen my little ones grow into unique individuals all with a different character and story to tell. I will hold on to many stories of celebrating holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Some other memories include taking a trip to the Queens Farm to go pumpkin picking and celebrating our annual Fairytale Month. We took many adventures learning about some great classic stories such as Jack and the Beanstalk, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Rapunzel. Our Animal Masquerade was quite the hit as we ended the year with our moving up celebration with a big roar of pride! I am thankful for a very fun-filled and educational year. I can celebrate as well in my students’ achievements as half the class can write their full name and the rest can write at least a few letters of their name. We achieved many great goals in math standards and drew closer to God as we learned about prayer and the bible. This will definitely be a treasured memory that we will take with us wherever we go.
Ms. Aponte and Ms. Wilson

Art Class

This year in art has been great for the kids. Pre-K 3 & 4 learned about one of their favorite authors Dr. Seuss. They created Thing 1 and Thing 2 out of their hands and also the mustache from the “Lorax”. They also had fun learning to make puffy paint out of shaving cream and glue.
Mrs. Colon

Gym Class

The Parachute Game

The highlight of the year in gym was the parachute game. Bean bag frogs and turtles were placed on the parachute and the students shake it. Students then say how many are left and what color they landed on. They loved it.

Ms. Rosario


Beach Party

Fun in the Sun

We ended the year with a picnic in the playground. Pretend desert sand, plastic dolphins in water, bubbles, cheerful tablecloths, and wonderful snacks helped make the day special!

Mrs. Hampton

Fun Animals

Animal Masquerade Party

To celebrate what they learned about animals, PreK 3 had an Animal Masquerade Ball/Party. The children reviewed what they had learned in Bible lessons about God’s creation of the animals and Noah’s Ark. They had a Science Lesson about animals: where they live, how the live, how they look and move. Animal masks were then created in Art Class. A joyous time was had by all who attended.

Mrs. Hampton

Science Time

How things Grow

For our unit on “How things Grow and Mother’s Day, the children planted an edible salad cup. They planted Romaine Lettuce, Iceberg Lettuce, Spinach and Nasturtium seeds. Once sprouted and growing, their Moms had mixed salad greens. Both the leaves (peppery taste) and the flowers of the Nasturtium are edible. The children also helped to care for an Avocado tree that was started from a pit. After eating a Mango they observed the removal of a Mango seed from the pit and then placed it in a sandwich bag with a damp paper towel. Excitement prevailed when they saw the first root of the Mango seed start to grow. Healthy foods and how they grow helped make learning fun!

Mrs. Hampton

Music Class

The students in elementary enjoyed learning about music this year in its entirety . They learned how to cooperate with each other for when we had to move/dance to certain music. They have learned different aspect of music from the tempos in Italian to how to fine tune their social and motor skills.

Mrs. Colon


Art Class

Beautiful Butterflies

What an awesome year. We have learned so much in what seems now to be a little time. Pre K to Kindergarten has learned the power of the Lord’s creation by learning the stages of a butterfly.

Mrs. Colon


Fun Trips

We Have Fun Together

Our class went on a trip to the pumpkin farm and we each picked a pumpkin, and rode on the school bus.

When we go to the library we listen to great stories. We all prayer together, have snack and lunch together too. We are leaning so much in Pre K 3. Thank You Jesus.

Ms. Banoff

Fun In PreK 3

Songs Help Us Remember

We pick out puzzles shapes and colors, we know so many now. We have magnets with our alphabet letters on them and we sing songs to help us remember them. We trace them and color them too.

In class we play games to teach us things that are the same and things that are different.

Ms. Banoff

Morning Routines

Weather Calendar

Our class does our morning routines with Pinky, Sunny, Dilly and other puppets that help us learn about our weather and our calendar.

Ms. Banoff

Bible Time

Bible Time Dress Up

Since September PreK3 has learned so many new Bible stories, we have use puppets and have dressed up like some of the people in the Bible we have learned about. We now can walk together as a class and we are doing just great when we go to Chapel, Gym and Art.

Ms. Banoff


Each month elementary students have a “Spirit Day” where we focus on a theme, read books, and dress up for that day’s theme. September was “flash forward” day when students dressed like their grandparents or how they thought they might look in 70 years. October was “friends” day and they dressed up like twins or triplets. November was a fun time for elementary students as we celebrated Thanksgiving our spirit day was combined with the Harvest Fair and they dressed up like Cowboys, Indians, and Farmers. All of Elementary got together in November to participate in our annual Harvest Fair complete with crafts, games, obstacle course, and face painting! Instead of participating in Operation Christmas Child this year, we focused on collecting donations for Hurricane Sandy victims. We are so proud of our students for stepping up and having a heart of ministry! Each class had their own Thanksgiving meals in their classes and invited their parents to come and enjoy some great food and company.

See Galleries for great pics.

Spiritual Emphasis Week

Spiritual Emphasis week was by far the best we have ever seen here at Evangel.  We thank God for the Spiritual guidance of our staff who helped prepare and speak for this chapel but it was the moving of the spirit of God through our kids that made this one so unique.  The students took to heart the things that were spoken of in chapel and ran with it.  They stayed late, past their school day and continued to pray and worship in the altar.  It was an amazing site.  Many times, when a movement takes place like this, students go back to their normal lives but our students have gone the extra mile.  They have begun their own facebook and twitter page called “be the spark.”  On this page, students encourage one another with scripture and more ideas of how to grow in the Lord.  They have also begun morning prayer and lunch time bible study. They recently ordered bracelets with “be the spark” on them and are now selling them to the entire student body.  God is continuing to do great things through our students as the spark was lit during Spiritual Emphasis week.

Elementary Spiritual Emphasis Week was a great time as we learned that with God ANYTHING is possible. Through bible stories of faith and purpose, our students learned:


Why it Matters:

Adults may feel like kids have it easy- and by comparison, maybe they do. But every child has faced, or is facing something that seems impossible. For some, it’s falling asleep in a dark room while they imagine monsters under the bed. Other kids are dealing with intense peer pressure or unstable homes. Some kids might just need the courage to stand up for their faith or to obey God’s word. Those seemingly impossible tasks can seem overwhelming to kids…until they discover that EVERYTHING is possible with God!


THe NED Show

The NED show came to our school with a positive message through the use of yo-yo tricks.  NED stands for Never Give Up, Encourage others, & Do your best.  The students stayed attentive during the show and answered questions as the presentation was given.  They learned yo-yo tricks in the process of the show and were able to purchase their very own yo-yo’s to reemphasize the message the NED brings.  The students have continued to talk about it and there has been a special area in the gym designated in the gym called the “NED” zone where students can practice the tricks they learned.  We hope we can have the show return next year as it has such a positive impact on our school.

Please see Galleries for some wonderful pictures

Local Firemen Visit Evangel

THANK YOU FDNY Community Relations team!!!  Evangel Christian School is so thankful…for the 3rd year in a row  the FDNY has sent a community specialist to teach a fun workshop about a very serious issue…. fire safety. The morning started off with a real FDNY retired firefighter coming in and meeting with our Prek3 through 5th grade students, he brought in his uniform and special tools as well as hosting a Question and Answer session for the students. The morning ended with a wonderful video about fire safety encouraging students to check with and talk to their parents about a plan to evacuate, stop drop and roll and never touch matches or a lighter and make sure you have batteries in your smoke detector. Every Student left with a gift from the FDNY of a coloring book or afire safety facts page. We are so grateful for this completely free course the FDNY provides for our school!  BE COOL ABOUT FIRE SAFETY is a message we all need to keep in mind!!!

See “Galleries” for awesome pics.

Spring Celebration

Singing…..Dancing…..Drama……Poetry…….Worship……Fashion Show………..Flags……..and using our talents to honor the Lord. Our Spring Celebration was an amazing time and our student worked so very hard. Tuesday, May 22nd will be an evening to remember! A bid Thank You to all those who made this evening so very special.


Please see Galleries for wonderful pictures of the evening!


We want to thank everyone for your support of Evangel’s  ANNUAL ART SHOW on TUESDAY APRIL 3RD.

It was a very special afternoon as we celebrated all our young artists at Evangel. We believe it is critical to keep the arts in the schools! We are in a time when art programming is being cut from many public schools due to budget cuts, etc… at Evangel we are committed to continue with the arts programming even with our tight budgets(we operate on ½ the budget of the public school system)

Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the event… through touring and viewing the Art, or  making an anonymous donation to our collection box, participating in the silent auction of a few pieces of student artwork or just buying a cupcake in support of the art program! We appreciate you! A special thank you to our volunteer judges, some were our teachers and to keep it really interesting we brought in three special friends from the community who donated their time to be judges…. Janet Banks of our Foundation For ECS Scholarship, Inc. Board, Ms. Erika White a supporter and friend from Evangel Church, and Albert Popa a famous Christian Painter. Of the hundreds of students that participated in the our Art Show, 28 students artwork was voted best and went on to the ACSI Regional Art Show . At that Art show many of our students received ribbons and two of our students were named BEST IN SHOW , 2nd grade John Costa and 8th grade Christine DeArruda. We are so proud of all of our artists!!!!

In addition to enriching the students love for Art Appreciation and extending goodwill throughout the school the afternoon raised $400 for the Art Department and $40 for our Middle School Magazine production!  Special  thanks  to our PTF- Parent Teacher Fellowship they made a generous $100 donation, they told us they were so thrilled to see another outlet supporting Art appreciation at Evangel School. Of course the biggest thank you goes to Mrs. Bueno for coordinating this very special event. We love you Mrs. Bueno!

Please “Galleries” for some incredible pictures!

Academic Fair 2012

Ms. Gloria Gaynor

Academic Fair 2012

Over 1,000 people got a chance to attend our Annual Academic Fair on Thursday, March 22nd from 7pm to 9pm. Each student from Prek 3 through 12th grade designed and inquiry project which included a Project, Project Board, Research Research Paper and Presentation. Projects covered a gamut of Subjects: Science, History, English, Bible, Math, Sports, Home Economics, Technology, Fashion, etc…

The night was filled with excitement, smells of food from different countries, dances, singing, and so much more. We were honored to have with us Ms. Gloria Gaynor, famous for the song “I will survive”. Also, Mr. Michael Strawberry, brother of Darryl Strawberry, a former major-leauger, was able to attend and spend some time with our students. We are seriously honored to have had all the parents and students, families, friends, alumni, associates and partners that were able to attend.

We are so very proud of all of our students and we thank all the parents, staff and students for all of their hard work.

See “Galleries” for lots of incredible pics.


Our Pre-K 3 students have been working hard this past month to prepare for their chapel.  Pre-K 3 shared about Noah’s perseverance while building the ark.  They sang a beautiful song “I Am Special,” which reminded us all how important we are in God’s eyes.  They also sang a song about praying to God each day.  They did a great job and gave us all encouragement to never give up but to persevere in everything we do.

Elementary Christmas Program:

“A King is Coming to Town” was a great story of our Savior coming to this earth which our elementary students shared for their Christmas program this year.  It was a great journey as students looked at various kings, such as, King Tut, Elvis, The King of the Jungle and more on their discovery to realize that Jesus is the true King of Kings that came to this earth for us and is still alive today.

See Galleries for great pics.

Elementary Chapel

Each year our elementary classes are asked to be in charge of one of our chapels.  Our second grade students did a great job as they reenacted the story of Moses and the burning bush.  Each child took part and it helped the other students to better understand the story and how God is always with us even when we feel alone.

Harvest Fair

The Elementary School had a day filled with fun and adventure for our Harvest Fair!  Students came to school dressed as Cowboys, Indians, Turkeys, etc… During the day each class went to the gymnasium to play a myriad of games for which they won tickets and then used those tickets to buy prizes. t was a day filled with Thanksgiving!

International Week

International Week at Evangel was filled with diversity an a unique blend of rich cultures.  Over 73 different nationa are represented at Evangel and how awesome it is to share about our heritage with eachother.

Each day of the week was filled with something new… from wearing the colors of our flags, to country costumes, to food and desserts from our homelands. Each new student gets tpplace a marker in our wall map to represent where they are form.

We are so blessed at Evangel and we thank God for blessing us with such diversity.

Please see “Galleries” for some fantastic pictures.


Click on the link below to see News about our Curriculum.

“Evangel Newsletter”

Spirtual Emphasis Week

October 26th to the 30th was Spirtual Emphasis week at Evangel.  Students had an amazing week during our Spiritual Emphasis week.  Our younger students learned how God loves them just the way they are. They alsocompleted crafts and sang songs each day with our theme, “Panadamania.”  The students are continuing to learn that God is “wild” about us!  Our older students had an amazing week as our speakers, Ron and Heather Rhoads flew in for the week to share the love of God through the Word and song.  Many students responded to the message that was given each day and we are blessed as a staff to see the seeds being planted in our students’ lives.

Please check out “Galleries” for some amazing pictures.

Music Class

Action Songs

In Pre-K Music, if I don’t hear the children saying… Marching Song, I’ll hear Bumble Bee. They love those songs. They love to sing them. These songs give a story which they can follow, understand and move to. There are special moves, and they know them well. We do a lot of songs such as these, which are action songs. Some they cling to more than others, but they have a good memory and remember the songs we sing! We have a good time together!

Miss Farrell

Library Class

The Big Red Tub

Pre-k: Our pre-kindergarteners have enjoyed their library time with Mrs. Vera. She has read several books to them throughout this month. Mrs. Vera also allows them to explore books on their own. They especially enjoyed listening to The Big Red Tub.

Mrs. Ruiz


How do you feel?

Pre-k enjoyed listening to the story, Bear feels Sick. It was a cute story about being sick and what we can do to feel better. It also dealt with how to be a good friend and help out when others are sick. We talked about how we can prevent getting sick and how we feel when we do get sick.

Mrs. Ruiz

Library Time

We love story time

Our pre-kindergarteners have been enjoying stories by Eric Carle. We read The Very Busy Spider and The Grouchy Ladybug. They enjoyed the easy story line and enjoyed the wonderful artwork that characterizes this author and illustrator.

Mrs. Ruiz

Library Time

Yummy Books

Pre-K has been listening to stories written by Laura Numeroff. They have listened to If You Give a Moose a Muffin. If You Give a Cat a Cupcake was their favorite. They can identify with food that the animals like. They said that they love cupcakes with sprinkles just like the cat in the story. After they listened to the read aloud and we have our question and answer session they get to look at books on their own. They enjoy holding and looking at books.

Mrs. Ruiz

Ronald McDonald visits Evangel

Ronald McDonald visited our students Pre-K through 5th grade on Wednesday, May 4th.  Ronald shared a great message about being yourself.  The show was filled with student interaction, comedy, games and a great life lesson.  The lesson about “being yourself,” supported what our students are learning in their classrooms.  We teach our students to be who God made them to be and not follow the crowd.  It was a great show and students are continuing to talk about it.  As students left, they each got to shake Ronald McDonald’s hand.  How exciting!  What a great show!

Annual Academic Fair

The sounds of singing and music could be heard and the smells of delicious food filled the hallways and classrooms of our school. What an awesome night it was! On Thursday, March 24th the school was filled with over 1,500 adults and children. One parent described it as a “huge party”! Students proudly explained their projects as eager listeners tasted, smelled, and watched.

The students and staff worked very hard and I believe this year was the very best Annual Academic Fair we have ever had. Pre-K focused on plants and they even grew their very own. One Kindergarten studied the planets and the Solar System and even made costumes and performed a play. The other Kindergarten focused on the book “A La Casa de la Mama Provie”. Were she goes door to door to gather food for her recipe. The Kindergartners made recipes and then cooked the dish. First Grade learned about community helpers and chose one to focus on.

Third through Twelfth grades chose their own projects from a variety of subjects such as: Science, History, English, Sports, Math, Bible, etc… Projects ranged from animal dissections to a car made out of recyclables to delicious cupcakes made from scratch. A big thank you goes out to everyone involved from staff to students to parents for making this event a HUGE success!

Check out “Galleries” for some amazing pictures!

Afterschool News

Wonders Under The Sea

The PreK-K Afterschool students have been talking about sea creatures with their letters of the alphabet. They listened to a story about a Dolphin entitled Guru Dennis Dolphin: Communicate Kindness by Dr. Michael J. Tudor. The children also looked at beautiful photos in a book entitled Oceans published by National Geographic Kids written by Johnna Rizzo. National Geographic has wonderful resources for children. After coloring pictures of sea creatures we put them on the Bulletin Board.

Mrs. Hampton

Music Class


In Pre-K Music, we are continuing to rehearse the letter of the week and incorporate some of the words in the songs of the day. The children love to guess what the music teacher is creating with fuzzoodles. Recently the creation was a bee, which we sung about. For another song, the teacher created a spider, which we also sang about. Shapes were also created and sung about. And one creation that had all the children giggling for a while, was a little creation of a person what would dance to the song they were dancing to. The children love to sing and move, and dance, and march!

Ms. Farrell

Library Time

The Gingerbread Man

Our preschoolers have enjoyed listening to different retellings of The Gingerbread Man. We read, The Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett also Gingerbread Friends and finally the original story of The Gingerbread Man. The favorite seemed to be The Gingerbread Baby. We have had great fun reading and listening to these stories.

Mrs. Ruiz

Project Angel Hugs

Helping those in need…

We are always looking for opportunities to instill in our the importance of ministering to those in need. An opportunilty arose through the contact of a parent who led us to “Project Angel Hugs.” Project Angel Hugs is a Christ-centered organization ministering to the emotional eeds of children with cancer and their families. To youth touched by cancer and their families, they offer encouragement through prayer, words, gifts, and festivities; harnessing the adundant energy from healthy youth to accomplish work generated by this project while instilling in them a pssion for volunteering.

Evangel students were able to touch a child with cancer by making home-made Valentine’s Cards that will be distributed o Valentine’s Day. We collected 170 Valentine’s cards from our students to send to Project Angel Hugs. The students really enjoyed being able to “reach out and touch someone” in need with  card.

See “Galleries” for pics.

Spiritual Emphasis Week

Step Up Your Faith

January 3rd- January 7th

“Step up You Faith,” the theme for the week, encouraged students to go a step further in their walk with God.  Middle School and High School students were challenged with speakers each day to take their faith to the next level.  Our Elementary students looked at a different bible stories each day as well as completed crafts to encourage them to “step up their faith.”  Our memory verse for the week was Luke 17:5-6


Winter Wonderland

For the month of December we have read books about winter and about Christmas during our reading time. We read My Friend the Snowman. In this book the children learned about the changing seasons and about animals that hibernate for the winter as is the case of marmots which is one of the characters in the story. They also learned that snowmen are only around in Winter and as Spring comes around they melt. We also read On This Special Night a story that tells us about Jesus’ birth from the point of view of a little cat. They loved all the little animals presented in this story.

Mrs. Ruiz

Music Class

Letter Songs

We sing songs by the next letter of the alphabet each week. We have sung songs up to and including letter M. As we rehearse words for each letter, songs are chosen to accompany those words and more. Songs with expression and fun movements work well. One of the songs the children love is The Ants Go Marching. With this song, we rehearse words, numbers and include fun movements as we march in a line.

Miss Farrell

Elementary Christmas Program

“Christmas Hang Ups”

“Christmas Hang Ups,” the title of our elementary program this year was another take on what Christmas is really about.  Our students told a story through the eyes of Christmas ornaments.  It showed us how we get “hung up” on so many things, other than the true meaning of Christmas.  The students sang, danced, and acted out the true meaning of Christmas.  It was a great night filled with great joy of our Savior coming to this earth, Jesus Christ, and there were over 500 in attendance

Please see “Galleries” for some great pictures.

Art Class

Christmas Decorations

Elementary classes got a chance to make temporary sculptures this past month. Pre-K practiced with shapes and towers, while Kindergarten through 2nd grade practiced alphabet skills, all with Play-Doh. They also prepared for the Christmas season by making homemade, decorated Christmas cards and coloring beautiful Christmas templates.

Miss Kleinschuster

Art Class


Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st grade continue to celebrate the beauty of autumn by making their own customized trees decorated with abstract leaves. They, along with second grade, also celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday by constructing their own turkeys and writing down what they were grateful for.

Miss Kleinschuster

December Fun

Merry Christmas

December has been an awesome month. Our children have learned so much from Letters to numbers. They have been so willing to learn more and more new things. They had two Christmas songs to sing and did a wonderful job singing in the program. Their willingness to practice was a blessing to me. We have talked and learned about the reason for Christmas and why we celebrate it. Stories of Gingerbread men and creating special gifts for the season has also gone well.

Mrs. Colon

Literacy Day

The Nativity

On December 14th, our elementary students came dressed as the nativity scene.  They had the chance to come dressed as the stories they heard that day.  Students had a great time reading and illustrating the Christmas story.

Thanksgiving Fun


November was a great month of learning. The class learned the lesson of giving and sharing. They enjoyed creating pumpkins from their hand print using paint and learning what the purpose of a scarecrow is. They created their own place mat with a farmer or scarecrow.

Our Thanksgiving Feast was a success and the children enjoyed themselves. Thank you to all who were involved and made our day fun.

Library Time

Story Time

The Pre-K class has enjoyed story time in the library this month. We read “How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?” This was a perfect story especially at this time of the year when we all are prone to getting sick. The children enjoyed listening to the story and talking about their own feelings when they are sick and how we get better soon. We also discussed the steps we need to take to prevent illnesses from getting to us, for example washing our hands. The children also enjoy looking at books on their own after story time.

Mrs. Ruiz


Know Christ

We are currently practicing our songs for the Christmas Program! Students are excited and some looking forward to singing a solo while others are looking forward to singing nice and loud within their class groups. It will be a fun time and a time of reflection pointing to what this holiday season is all about, and how it is displayed through the words they are singing. As someone once said,

No Christ, No Christmas! Know Christ, Know Christmas!

Miss Farrell

Literacy Days

Stuffed Animal Day

“Where the Wild Things Are,” & “Corduroy,” are just a couple of the books students got to hear at our first Literacy Day this year.  Literacy day is a day to show students how much fun reading is.  At our first literacy day, students brought in their favorite stuffed animal and cuddled up with it in our new library as they heard fun and exciting stories.  We are looking forward to next month, “Fall Fun,”  as students hear adventurous stories about the change of season.

See Galleries for some adorable pictures!

International Week

Cultural Explosion!

We enjoyed a week of cultural exposure.  We saw different costumes and traditional dress, tasted exotic foods from far away lands and learned about traditions.  We also had new students place pins in our world map located on the first floor as people enter our building.  This map represents all the countries our students come from – over 73 countries!

See “Galleries” for pictures

Gym Class

Tuck N Roll

In the month of October, Pre-K 3 and 4 students learned to walk a balance beam. We have also been learning some acrobatics. They did the banana roll, tumbles, and the hand stand walk. That is where the students walk on their hands and the teacher holds their feet. Most of the students loved it. It was a great learning experience!

Music Class

Letter Songs

We have been learning songs which match the letter they are learning for the week. We sing creative songs and add motions to help the children remember the words and the meaning of the words. One of their favorites is when we walk around the room and dance, standing high and stooping low.

Miss Farrell

Art Class

Fall into Fall

Lower elementary has been practicing and reviewing their simple shapes and celebrating the Fall season with Autumn-themed projects. Thanks for helping Miss Kleinschuster decorate her door!

Fun in Pre-K

Circus time

So far this month, Pre-K students have been able to enjoy Literacy Day and the circus. They enjoyed the circus so much that they came back very excited. They were able to watch us teachers balance a peacock feather on our noses.

Mrs. Colon


Learning our ABC’s

October has been a very informative month. The class has learned their letters from A – F. Our children have enjoyed playing games with our letter rugs. Each child had the chance to tell me about the letter and what it stood for, whether it was a fruit, vegetable, animal, etc. Out of 15 tiles, each child got five of his or her own. They have been a delightful bunch, and they are very willing to learn. They ask for more to do every day.

Mrs. Colon

Spiritual Emphasis Week

“My whole heart follows hard after you and clings closely to you!”

We were thrilled bout our first spiritual emphasis week for the 2010-2011 school year.  It was held September 20-24.

The theme for Elementary School was “Spirit of the Seas.”  Each day during bible time, students focused on a bible story which all centered in on obedience.  The stories covered during this week were:  Jesus Calming the Storm, Noah and the Ark, Jonah, The Disciples Casting Their Nets & Peter Walking on the Water.  Each day students were able to have worship time, a bible lesson, memory verse and complete a craft.  The week concluded with an interactive bible story, including a large boat and someone “walking on water,” during chapel.  It was a great week and students received a certificate and snack for their completion of our Spiritual Emphasis Week.

Pastor Tom Mahairas (founder of Manhattan Bible Church) came in to speak to our Middle and High Schoolers. He graciously shared his testimony with them and spoke about how God rescued him from a life of drug addiction. Pastor Mahairas also shared that there are 3 types of Believers….. The Believer, The Non-Believer, and the Make-Believer…….he challenged them as to which one they were. At the end he asked all those that would like to rededicate their lives to Christ to come forward. On Friday he shared with them that they are special and that God loves them very much. Seven students came forward to receive Jesus as their personal Saviour. He also asked student to pray for one another.

We praise God for His presence and for moving amongst our students. We are excited to see what He has in store for us this school year!

See Galleries for some great pics!

Gym Time


Students also ran relay races and obstacle courses. They ran with the hula hoop, jumped hurdles and slid under things. Last but not least, the students enjoyed gymnastics. Some students were a little scared, but I was surprise that some of the student were very flexible. We did push ups to make our arms strong and they learned to do bridges, toe to their head, banana rolls, cartwheel handstand, headstands, tug a war and tumbles. The students are talented they were eager to learn and practice.

Mrs. Rosario

Gym Class

Let’s Play Games

The students love playing all kinds of games in gym class. Steal the Bacon and Cat and Mouse were two of their favorites. In Cat and Mouse, the cat has to chase the mouse while the mouse wears a sock on the back of their sweat pants. The cat pulls the sock off and the mouse becomes a cat and chases until everyone gets caught. Another favorite game is Red Light Green Light 123 – Scooter Race. The students get on the scooter on their stomach or their knees and go backward and forward.

Mrs. Rosario

Gym Class

Fun in Gym

We also did fun games with the parachute. We use the jumping frogs and the beach ball and tried to keep them in the parachute. We also took turns going under the parachute.

Mrs. Rosario

Gym Class


Soccer was interesting, we had students that were great kickers and some that were great goalies and stopped them from scoring. Students learned to guide the ball with there feet and not with their hands. . I remember one student who was goalie and he stopped the ball with his chest and got scared because the other student was a strong kicker. I asked him if he was ok and told him that he did a good job stopping the ball. Then the student came back and said he would like to be goalie the next time we play soccer.

Mrs. Rosario

Gym Class

Fun with balls

During our Basketball time, students had fun learning how to dribble, pass, and shoot the ball in the basket. We also did relay races and steal the bacon with the basketball. In Baseball the students learn how to hold the bat correctly, how to stand and how to hit the ball with the bat.

Mrs. Rosario

Library Time

Rainbow Fish

Our library is still under construction and let me tell all of you that it looks amazingly great. Our students will surely enjoy it once its ready. For this month with PK and Kindergarten we have read books that deal with summer themes – for example, Rainbow Fish. After we read the story we talked about the importance of sharing and being friendly. Then we colored rainbow fish and pasted glittery scales on them. This Rainbow fish now decorates the bulletin board outside the library.

Mrs. Ruiz

Library News

A new Library

First of all there is exciting news for the library. Our Library is being completely remodeled. We are blessed to have the opportunity of upgrading our library. For this reason, I have been and will continue to be having library in the classrooms. I come in with a rolling bookshelf for students to continue borrowing their favorite books. Although they miss the library it’s a nice chance for the library to come to them. The important thing is that they continue to exercise their love for books. Pk and Kindergarten have been reading about The Old Lady that Swallowed a Shell. They enjoy this story about the old lady that swallowed a whole bunch of ocean stuff. It is a great story to teach them about fiction, fantasy, and make believe and also stimulates their imagination.

Mrs. Ruiz

Art Class

Fathers Day Tie Card

Elementary worked on father’s day cards that unlike the traditional cards these resembled a shirt and tie! They were able to personalize the card to include their father’s favorite color and pattern.

Miss Arnau

Art Class

Mothers Day Fans

Mothers deserve so much! Instead of the traditional Mothers Day card students made their mothers a colorful elegant fan, great for when she’s on the bus, train, park bench or even at church and needs to cool down. Using regular drawing paper students made designs and colored the entire page then folded it accordion style, and tied a ribbon at the end.

Miss Arnau

Art Class

3D Rainbow Craft

We know that if you follow a rainbow you wont find a pot of gold, however you can remember a promise that God made to his people. After the flood that left only Noah and his family and the animals alive, God placed a rainbow in the sky to remind us that He will never get rid of mankind by flooding the earth again. Children used oak tag to make two double sided rainbows then cut a line in the center and created a 3D rainbow.

Miss Arnau

Art Class

Spring Is Here

What says Spring more then a baby Chick? Students made greeting cards in the shape of an egg and when the egg hatched (or is opened) inside was a feathery chick. 

 Pencil holders don’t have to be boring or expensive. Students brought in empty food cans and transformed them into Chick Pencil holders by covering the can in construction paper, giving it a head, eyes, beak, feathers and feet.

Miss Arnau

Art Class

Symmetrical Painting

Symmetry is all around us. Most plants are symmetrical, shapes and even people! If you split a flower down the center both sides are identical, being that spring was just around the corner students took a sheet of paper painted a flower on one side then folded the paper over and rubbed it onto the un-used side making an identical flower.

Miss Arnau

Art Class

Pet Rocks

Pet rocks are great for those of us who don’t have time to feed and walk our pets. Students chose a rock and painted it into a pet of their choice, some made ladybugs, spiders, dragonflies etc.

Miss Arnau

Special Chapel

Acts 3

Once again our PreK 3 students presented in Chapel. They all acted out the story of Acts 3. No one was stage shy as they all did their parts. Everyone was blessed.

Mrs. Rodriguez

Fun With Paints

Hand Painting

Remember when you used to finger paint? How much fun it was? Well, our students had even more fun as they painted with their entire hand. They each made beautiful handprint paintings.

Mrs. Rodriguez

Chapel Time

PreK 3 Presents

Our students had a great time sharing in Chapel. They sang Jesus Loves Me and recited a Bible verse. What a blessed time.

Mrs. Rodriguez

Family Fun

Academic Fair

We had lots of fun learning all about our families for the Academic Fair. Each child did a special project. Everyone’s project turned out fantastic.

Mrs. Rodriguez

Fish Fun


After the children colored their fish, they had fun making a home for them. They made fish tanks out of paper, sand and shells. The fish looked beautiful in their new homes.

Mrs. Rodriguez

Slow Pokes


Students had lots of fun making slow poke turtle puppets. They used paper turtles and bags. After making them, they had lots of fun playing with them.

Mrs. Rodriguez


How does the music make you feel?

As the year comes to a close, students have been working on expression in music. They have learned to express the way they feel when certain types of music come on. They have even looked at paintings from various artists who have drawn pictures while listening to music. The students have been able to listen to various pieces of music and create their own piece of art.

Music Class


Students have been focusing on rhythm. They have identified various types of drums as well as other instruments. Students have been able to come up and demonstrate beats on the drums. Another fun way the students have learned rhythm is through tennis balls. It is a great music method called, Dalcrose, where students apply the number of beats per measure with a particular pattern using a tennis ball. It has been an exciting month seeing students play instruments and learn about rhythm.

Mrs. Racoma

Music Class


Students have been working hard on learning about form. We have used a lot of dancing to illustrate form. The younger students learn simple AB form where they move one way during the A section and then they move another way during the B section. They not only learn to sing the music, but to move to it as well. As the student gets older, we have learned ABA form and ABACA form. They are having a great time of movement and singing in the class.

Mrs. Racoma

Art Class


Peacock Bookmarks

Reading is fun but its tough when you forget which page you left off at. Students made lively peacock bookmarks using Popsicle sticks, feathers, googley eyes and markers. There’s no better way to save your page then with a bright peacock!

Miss Arnau

2010 Academic Fair is a HUGE hit!


Over 1,000 people cam to Evangel on Thursday, March18 to experience our Annual Academic Fair. Students in PK through 12th grade, worked for 2 and one half months to create a Research Paper, Project and Project Board for our fair. Students picked a topic of their choice from a variety of subjects such as: Science, English, Bible, Home Economics, Fashion, Art, Design, Technology, Math, Music, History, etc…

As you entered the school you experienced the sound of music, the smell of delicious foreign foods cooking, students super excited to share about their projects, dancing, acting, singing and so much more. Although the Academic Fair was a lot of work, it was well worth it.

We thank all the parents, students and staff for their hard work to make this year’s Academic Fair a HUGE success. We look forward to next year and if you didn’t make it this year we look forward to seeing you then.

Please check out our PHOTOBLOG and GALLERIES for some fantastic pics.


Music Class

Skating on Paper Plates

Students have learned how to ice skate on paper plates to music this month. It has been very fun to see them do this. As the music changes from a fast song to a slow song, they change the tempo of their bodies. As a teacher it is neat to see how they are learning to move in correspondence to the beat.

Mrs. Racoma

Art Class


Valentine’s Day Cards & 3D Art

In celebration of Valentines Day, students made handmade valentines day cards for friends and family using a variety of colored construction paper, lace, ribbon, hearts, buttons, glitter and more.

For our Lesson in 3-D…….I began the lesson by placing the following objects in front of the class (aluminum foil, glue, paper and paint) and asked – Which of these can we use to make art? Most students replied glue, paper and paint, but one student said – All of them, and he was right. Art can be made out of everyday objects or even things we’d normally throw in the trash. Students had to first draw the face of their own imaginary character then turn the character into a 3D face glued to cardstock and paint it. The students left never looking at aluminum foil the same.

Miss Arnau

Elementary Literacy Day

Winter Wonderland


We had an amazing time at our Literacy Day: Winter Wonderland. Our Reading Room was transformed into a real life winter scene. We had snowflakes of every size and shape suspended from the ceiling, an igloo constructed by one of our 5th graders and the song Walking in a Winter Wonderland playing in the background as our students entered.  Our Elementary school students sang songs and were read incredible winter storybooks such as The Tiny Snowflake, The Little Snowflake, and Winter Rabbit. We watched a special Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr., which talked about snowflakes. Students drew pictures and answered questions based on what they learned from the video.

However, the best part of the day, and all the students will agree, had to be when upper elementary played a game called Build Your Own Snow woman. Each class was split into three groups and had about two minutes to decorate teachers and aides as snow women. They used a roll of toilet paper and a whole lot of creativity. It was yet another successful, fun Literacy Day for all! Happy Reading!


The Lion Sleeps Tonight


Students are learning about rhythm and expression this month. Students have been dancing and moving to the various rhythms they are learning. One of the favorites was in fourth and fifth grade where they danced and sang “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”. They really enjoyed it and had the freedom to make up their own dance as long as it matched the rhythm. Third grade got to learn rhythm through the use of tennis balls. They had a great time seeing how every beat in each measure could be demonstrated through the use of the tennis ball. Some had a hard time controlling the tennis ball at first but they really got the hang of it. The students are having a great time learning how music can be expressed through dance, movement and the use of instruments.

Mrs. Racoma

Elementary Christmas Program 09

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Christmas Around The World

What a wonderful evening was had by all as we celebrated our Savior’s birth! On Friday, December 11th our Elementary School celebrated Christmas Around the World. Songs were sung from different countries and children spoke about the way Christmas is celebrated in places other than America, such as Ireland, Brazil, etc.

Each grade had a special part to play and our Elementary Electives came through with “shining colors”. Our Dance Team danced to “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High”. The children did a great job and it was a beautiful dance. Our Drama Team took care of all of the narration! Way to go guys! Our Junior Chorus sang”This Little Light of Mine” and “Spread a Little Love”.

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This was an awesome way to celebrate our Savior’s birth. Thanks for all who helped to make this a wonderful evening.

Check out “Galleries” for some super pictures!

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Music Class

Students are so excited to share their Christmas program with family and friends. They have learned a lot through this experience. This program focuses on countries all around the world and how they celebrate Christmas. After we have made it through the program, students will be able to sing Christmas carols and share what the true meaning of Christmas is for the last week of December. We look forward to coming back in January and continue learning music through instruments, voice and movement.

Mrs. Racoma


Operation Christmas Child Visits Evangel

Operation Christmas Child, a ministry under Samaritan’s Purse, asks people to fill shoe boxes with items and love yearly, to distribute to children in need around the world.  From basic essentials like toothbrushes and bars of soap to fun activities like crayons and flash cards, people around the world give a little bit of hope to children who may not otherwise have any.

Evangel Christian School continued our tradition of packing shoe boxes.  On Friday, November 13th we dedicated these shoe boxes to the Lord at our chapel services.  Students shared testimonies about what packing a shoebox meant to them.  We prayed that these shoe boxes would reach their destinations and that the child whose hand a shoebox landed in would come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

We then received the honor of having a film crew from Operation Christmas Child come to Evangel on Tuesday, November 17th to film our students praying over their shoe boxes.  Selected students also went up to our roof to shoot various plugs for OCC!  This footage will be used in future Operation Christmas Child promotional videos.  How exciting!  The OCC film crew and staff were impressed with our children’s enthusiasm and the abundance of shoe boxes collected.  Colorful posters and even some students wearing self-made t-shirts graced the sanctuary for all to know that Evangel loves Operation Christmas Child!

In total, 211 shoeboxes were packed and more than $800 (that could be visibly seen in a shoebox) in donations were collected.  These donations cover the shipping costs for each of the shoe boxes.

More than 69 million children world-wide have been impacted by Operation Christmas Child and Evangel is so proud to be a part of this.  Check out pictures from our chapel and the film crew coming to visit in the Galleries section of our website!

We pray that many children will be blessed this Christmas season!  Thanks to everyone who helped to make this event a success!

Fall Colors

Prek-3 has been enjoying the Harvest Season. We have been focusing on the beautiful season of fall. We created beautiful tissue paper leaves, handprint fall turkey frames, and a precious Indian Cross. My students were able to learn what each color of fall represents. Brown is for the beauty of fall. Red is God’s love for us all. Yellow is for the golden sun. Orange tells us to give God praise and keep him with us everyday.

Mrs. Rivera

Library Time

Both pre-k classes have been enjoying books by Jan Brett. The students have enjoyed her rich language and wonderful illustrations. We have read “The Mitten,” “Gingerbread Friend,” and “The Hat,” and they have also gotten a chance to color coloring pages of the illustrations from the books.

Mrs. Ruiz

Fun In Gym

For the month of September the Prek3 and 4th were taught in gym class to pass the ball and say there name. Also we worked on learning how to tumble and do banana rolls.

Ms. Rosario

Pre-K 3 Music Class

Students have been working on developing group skills through songs. They have learned songs that develop cooperation and team work. Some of the songs they have been learning are, Sally Goes Round the Sun,The Muffin Man, Grandmas Moses, and many others. This class has also begun working on their song for the Christmas program in December.

Mrs. Racoma

International Week

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International Week

China. India. Mexico. Brasil. Nepal. Switzerland. Peru. Spain. These are just some of the 73 countries beautifully represented by our students and staff and Evangel Christian School. We held our semi-annual International Week to celebrate the heritages of our families. This year, our celebration took place from October 19th through October 23rd. Throughout the week, students had opportunities to research one or more countries that their families are from, present objects or pictures from their country to their classmates, and dress in their flag’s color or in an outfit native to their land. The highlight was definitely the food sharing portion of International Week where students brought in a dish to share with their peers. From “arroz con pollo” to “roti” and “flan” to a “guarana” drink, both students and staff alike appreciated the delicious and rich culture they got to partake in. We culminated our week by bringing students and staff down to the huge world map located right beyond our main entrace where they put a pin in the city and country they are from. On Friday, the last day of the event, we held a special missions-oriented chapel where an alumnus, Joseph Lee, talked about his parents who are missionaries to Indonesia and showed a slide presentation of their work there. Check out the wonderful pictures in “galleries” and be blessed as you see the excitement on the student’s faces as they show pride in their heritage!

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Fun With Bears

Both pre-k classes have been having a great time listening to stories written by Bill Martin Jr. We have read Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? And Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear? They have also colored pictures of the animals in the stories and have listened to the sounds that these animals make in the computer. We have had an awesome time.

Mrs. Ruiz

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Trips To Green Meadows Farm

Our Prek3, KV and 1st Grade classes went on field trips to the Green Meadows Farm. At the farm, students were able to feed the sheep and goats, pet baby chicks and guinea pigs and chase after chickens. The highlights of the trip for many of our students was being able to go on a pony ride.  Students were treated to a  funny puppet show and before leaving the farm, each student was able to pick his or her own pumpkin to take home. Students and volunteers all had a wonderful time at the Green Meadows Farm and look forward to visiting again!
To see some great pics please visit “Galleries”.

Station Day


Come to Pre-K3 on Tuesdays and you’ll be involved in “Station Day.” Children are separated into groups of two and works at a particular station. Every 15-20 minutes the child cleans up and rotates into another station. We have the playdough station with cookie cutters and a whole bunch of assortments to decorate and build with playdough. Art station consists of a craft and they are also able to freely express their artistic abilities by creating collages with glitter, sequence, crayons, markers, pompoms, craft sticks, stickers, etc. At the sand station students can play with animals that belong in the sand and create a desert. Next is the water and bubble station where children must determine what objects sink or float. Our next station is the chalk station where they use different color chalks to draw pictures and express there imagination. We also have a puzzle station where a more difficult puzzle is displayed and they must use team work to solve it. We also set out a board game station, usually memory games to also encouraging sharing, taking turns, and communication. Last but not least we have a sewing and lacing station to enhance fine motor skills. Overall this is a very messy but fun day of the week for us. The kids love it.

-Desiree Rivera

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“Bring Your Favorite Stuffed Animal to School Day!”

What better way to enjoy school than with your favorite furry friend?  That’s exactly what students in grades Pre-K3 through 5th got to do on Tuesday, September 29.  Students and teachers were encouraged to bring their most beloved friend to show off during the day.  Children excitedly placed their favorite animals on their desks as they worked hard throughout the day.  “Bring Your Favorite Stuffed Animal to School Day!” – just another way we get to know each other a little bit better here at Evangel Christian School!  Check out the cute and cuddly pictures in the gallery section of our website!

Welcome to Pre-K 3


Prek-3 has been doing a phenomenal job, considering the fact that they have completed only one month of school. We have been focusing on the letter A, color red, numbers zero and one, and the circle. This month has been a very crafty, hands-on month and we have also been learning all about God’s Creation. We have done sensory A’s using small alphabet sprinkles to trace the capital letter A. We have done apple prints to reinforce both the color red and the fact that God created food for us to eat. We have also made apple peanut butter smiles, Oh were they yummy. The children loved them so much that they wanted to eat more and more. They even wanted their mommies and daddies to make some. Overall we have kicked off the New School Year with a bright, creative, and fun start. I look forward to next month where we will focus on learning the letter B, continuing the circle, numbers zero, one, and two, the color gray, and the story of David and Goliath.

Mrs. Rivera

Sponge Painting

PK3-Kindergarten are having fun learning to sponge painting with number, letter and people shaped sponges.

Ms. Arnau

What is your favorite furry friend?

What better way to enjoy school than with your favorite furry friend? That’s exactly what students in grades Pre-K3 through 5th got to do on Tuesday, September 29. Students and teachers were encouraged to bring their most beloved friend to show off during the day. Children excitedly placed their favorite animals on their desks as they worked hard throughout the day. “Bring Your Favorite Stuffed Animal to School Day!” – just another way we get to know each other a little bit better here at Evangel Christian School! Check out the cute and cuddly pictures in the gallery section of our website!

Elissa Candelier


emoticon_drums_hg_clrStudents have all been focused on rhythm and steady beat this month. They will continue learning about rhythm as well as adding dynamics and melody this. Students sing, play and move to the beat while in class.

Mrs. Racoma

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