Poetry Jam

We have begun our semester of poetry. We’re even studying the famous Anglo-Saxon epic, Beowulf. Students have been taught strategies and poetic theories to help them express their inner voice. Students have created four poems and are now preparing for the 3rd Annual Poetry Jam which is taking place on Tuesday, November 2 at 7 PM. Tickets are on sale. If anyone is interested, please call the school.

Miss Quiros

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Ancient Rome

Moving from the imagination of Greece to the strength of Rome, the 10th grade has learned the history and culture of Ancient Rome. Students honed their writing skills by applying the great Roman orator Seneca to their own lives and arguing whether Julius Caesar should have been assassinated. In learning about the early Christians, 10th grade got to see the historical side of the New Testament and delve into the heresies of the early church. They also now understand the factors that go into a failing empire and how the fall of Rome was a turning point in Western Civilization.

Miss Schutz

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The Far East

After studying the Ancient Near East, we moved into the Far East with Ancient India and China. Students learned how to compare and contrast by making Venn diagrams of Hinduism and Buddhism and different Indian rulers. We talked about the differences between eastern and western culture and what formative events and people could have caused those differences. Now the students are working in groups to tell the culture of the four ancient Chinese dynasties: Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han.

Miss Schutz

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Spanish Talk Shows

11th grade just completed their first group project. The student’s assignment was to create a talk show in Spanish. The students really displayed their various talents in Español. We had a great outcome. We had students record their talk shows then played them in class we had great laughs and really appreciated one another’s hard work.

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En El Hotel

The students just learned how to ask for basic services in Espanol when traveling. Students where placed in groups of three and had to create skits En El Hotel. Even though many students where shy and have limited Spanish abilities they really show their creativity and hard work in their skits. I enjoyed each skit.

Ms. Purdee

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En La Papeleria

The class has been learning to spot descriptive vocabulary. They are busy learning the mechanics of the Spanish language. Next week they will have their first project -En La Papeleria. Students will be creating different scenes at the local stationary store.

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The students have been working hard learning to conjugate verbs and future tense but they also have been learning medical terminology in Spanish. The students had to use their new vocabulary and create skits in their show called El Consultorio. The students really worked hard and their presentation showed it. I am very proud of both 8th grade classes and so should they.

Ms. Purdee

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Family Tree

The students are working hard in Spanish class. They created their first project of a Family Tree. I really got to learn many things about my students and their families. The students were proud to show of their extensive families and many got very creative with their project. Thank you to all the students and their families.

Ms. Purdee

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Picture the story

Students are completing the novel, The Silver Chair. Through art, students will draw a scene that depicts one of the themes of the story. Students have had fantastic allegorical discussions, written essays and compared the book to the

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Seeing the story

We have been finishing up the novel, The Magician’s Nephew. Through art, students will draw a scene that depicts one of the themes of the story.

Mrs. Foster

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