Let’s Get Organized

Resource Room is in full swing as we continue to teach the students writing and study management skills helpful toward success. The students are learning how to use Edline printouts of their classes to evaluate how they are performing in each class. They also use it to track late homework that either needs to be turned in or finished. International week provided a wonderful platform from which to use graphic organizers. Both middle school and high school had so much to offer that we could make three-circle Venn diagrams. These diagrams were at first intimidating, but, working together, the students learned how easy it was to use them to compare and contrast different countries that were studied. In the end, we learned that we are united in Christ. Our hallway bulletin board will soon read not only, Be confident… in Christ but also Be unified… in Christ.

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People on the move

We are talking about people on the move. How did America become so great? How were the states formed? We are also learning about importing and exporting products.

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We are learning about Abraham and his faith. We learned about God telling him to sacrifice his only son. He was a man who trusted God even though he did not understand what was happening.

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What can we see?

We are learning about science and how it works. Our class has a microscope that we use to look at things that we set under it. We looked at crystals under that microscope and discovered they were salt crystals. It was fun guessing!

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It has been a fun two months. So far, September we started out with subtraction and addition. October took us to measurement and multiplication. Yes, 3rd grade is multiplying!

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Mountain Pathways

We have continued to read selections from Mountain Pathways, our reading textbook. We have focused on three stories: The Beginning of the Armadillos, a story which we enjoyed very much, Pony Penning Day, and, lastly, The Renegade Husky. This last story has been a great enjoyment to us. We spoke about animal cruelty and the reasons for it, and, in the process, read this wonderful story about this mistreated husky that found love and respect from a young boy named Rick.

Mrs. Ruiz

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A Crow as a pet?

This month we have been reading When Crowbar Came. This is an awesome story by Jean Craighead George which talks about a crow they had as a pet. Through this pet crow they learned how intelligent these animals are. We even learned that crows could be trained to speak just like parrots. This was the last story from our 1st reading unit, so this week we have started our unit 1 benchmark testing.

Mrs. Ruiz

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Bill of Rights

The 12th Grade Government class is learning about the Bill of Rights and how the Supreme Court has interpreted it over the last 200 years. The Supreme Court has issued judgments that impact our daily life and other judgments which are completely unheralded and unknown. They have issued popular judgments and radically unpopular judgments. My job is not to initially pre-judge the ruling – my job is to get the students to first understand it. Only then can we critique it through the lens of a Biblical worldview.

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U.S. Constitution

Students are going through the history of the Constitution, and we are having a blast learning about the founders of this great country. It is such a privilege to live in a nation where a system of ordered liberty has been established. I’ve been trying to encourage a spirit of thankfulness in the students, because we truly live in a unique country.

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Custom Paintbrushes

8th Grade has created colorful portraits and experimented with watercolor and ink, making their own custom paintbrushes.

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