Let’s go shopping

November was a very exciting month en la clase de Espanol. Students learned about going shopping in all Spanish speaking stores. Their vocabulary expanded as they learned various words for school objects and clothing.

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We won pizza!

November was a very exciting month en la clase de Espanol. Students learned about going abroad and how to manage getting around in an airport in a Latin speaking country. We discussed about various trips we have taken in the past. Also because of their extra efforts in class and doing so well during learning games, they earned a pizza party.

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November was a very exciting month en la clase de Espanol. Students learned about things around their home and family structure. They learned about the importance of family in the Hispanic community.

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Earth Science

November has brought a change in the weather and also a change in what the 8th grade is learning about. We have finished learning about the theory of plate tectonics. We have learned that the earth has multiple parts that range from the inner core to the lithosphere. We have also learned how the crust of the Earth has been molded over time by tectonic plates moving towards, away from, or side by side another plate. It’s amazing what God has done to shape the Earth.

Mr. Penland

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Life Science

Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is really a fun word to learn and a difficult subject for students to grasp quickly. DNA is the double helix strand that is present in all living cells that has the information for a cell to replicate or keep a living person going with all the traits that God has given us. Students learn that there are 4 types of nucleotides. These nucleotides are: adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. These nucleotides in combination with sugar and phosphate are the structure of DNA.

Mr. Penland

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Earth Science

November has been a great month. We have transitioned from life sciences to earth sciences. What a big change going from learning about viruses and bacteria to learning about plate tectonics and the formation of the continents. The students are doing a project to teach the class about the theory of plate tectonics so that each student may get a better grasp of the chapter.

Mr. Penland

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Hand Turkies

9M competed in the Door Decorating Competition for Spirit Week. Each student made a hand-turkey and helped create a really special class door.

Miss Miller

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The 9th grade class continued reading the novel Blink of an Eye, by Ted Dekker. The thrilling book kept the students wondering what would happen next. Most students read ahead, not being able to put the book down. Students had fun answering challenging riddles, practicing their critical thinking and figurative language, and created their own riddles based on the novel. Students are now looking forward to reading A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, just in time for the Christmas season.

Miss Miller

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November was a busy month for the 10th grade English class. Students finished reading Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens. As a class we read the poverty edition of Evangel magazine. Students learned about the real life poverty that human beings around the world experience every day. They learned that, just as Dickens gave a voice to the poor in the 1800s, individuals and organizations today can be a voice for those in severe poverty. Each student chose a picture in the magazine and wrote an essay from the perspective of that person, literally giving them a voice. Students discussed why the children are those most affected by poverty and began to research charities that are addressing these needs.

Miss Miller

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Reading Braille

Second grade listened to the story of Helen Keller. They were very sympathetic and concerned about her condition. They have become so interested in this story and how she learned to read Braille that the following week we read a piece of the Louis Braille biography, they really enjoyed this also, we are going to try to write our names in some form of Braille, with glue dots. I am sure they will enjoy this activity.

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