
9th Grade has been studying the religion and history of Islam. We’ve had discussions about who Muhammad was, the relationship between Christianity and Islam and why the Middle East has so much discord. We also went on a field trip this week to the Natural History Museum where students were reminded of what they learned about the Aztecs and peoples of Africa and got to see the remnants of those civilizations.

Miss Schutz

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This month in Science we are studying forces and states of matter. Did you know that gravity pulls everything to the center of the Earth? We are learning about this principle and many others. We performed a lab that seemed to defy the law of gravity using a ball and rice. We are also learning about inertia, a state of matter that says if an object is at rest it will remain at rest unless an outside force acts upon it. We were able to see this law when the class performed a lab where their coins seemed to pause in the air before gravity pulled them down.

Miss Laforest

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Iroquois Indians

Last month in Social Studies 4L became the Iroquois Confederacy. Students were assigned roles in each of the Eastern Woodlands tribes. Each tribe had a clan mother, council leader, respected elder, and village member. The children were given Native American names and made headpieces. We also created artifacts and had to tell where and when they were found. We held a council meeting around a fire where students were challenged to make difficult decisions. At this time they also shared lessons and history through storytelling.

Miss Laforest

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After finishing a chapter on traveling, each student picked a country to do a power point presentation on tourism. It was a virtual tour of students’ hometowns and popular tour destinations. It was an exciting project where students brought the world into the classroom by introducing diverse cuisines, outdoor activities, and landmarks.

Ms. Park

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In Social Studies we became investigators and found out when Thanksgiving was made an official holiday and what the Pilgrims and Indians ate during the feast as well as how long it lasted. We ended November with a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and remembered how grateful we are for the things we have and our families.

Mrs. Emestica

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M and M Math

In math we are using the m and m’s (multiplication menus) to solve long division problems. We also used the m and m’s to conserve water in water conservation word problems.

Mrs. Emestica

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How does the eye see?

Many great things are happening in Fifth grade. In science we found out how the eye functions and did a hands on lab to see how an image can appear in the back of the retina. We used a balloon, lens and candle to see the image of the flame upside down on the back side of the balloon which is the retina.

Mrs. Emestica

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College Level

We have journeyed through Castilla and Leon with the honorable legendary knight, El CID of Vivar. Now join us for adventure with Don Quixote of La Mancha. Who is Don Quixote de la Mancha? In brief words, it is the main character in the famous work written by Miguel de Cervantes, also known as the Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance. Together, we shall battle windmills!

Mrs. Jean-Pierre

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Street or Avenue

Where would you like to live? In the city or in the country? Join us as we travel through different parts of an industrial zone in Chapter 9, and learn the differences between the boulevards of the city, and the small streets, if any, of the countryside.

Mrs. Jean-Pierre

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Level Two

After having traveled via train through Chapter 1, we now rest in Chapter 2, where we learn to ask for a menu and identify parts of a restaurant. Eat and learn with us!

Mrs. Jean-Pierre

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