
December is a magnificent month as we reflect on the coming of our precious savior. This month we encouraged students to not only keep this a No NC Zone but also a to create a Mutual Respect Zone in which students not only refrain from saying anything hurtful or disrespectful about others but also make a point of blessing those around them. Many created a 3-dimensional star on which they wrote a reflective statement about a gift that God has given to them that and how they can use that gift to bless others Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2

Mrs. Kemp

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Students presented their own business or invention. The students presented technology inventions to help students with homework. They also came up with baking, dog training, and fashion businesses. Students then presented their business/invention as an advertisement for a commercial.

Mrs. Christian

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Students presented their own business or invention. The students presented technology inventions to help students with homework. They also came up with baking, dog training, and fashion businesses. Students then presented their business/invention as an advertisement for a commercial.

Mrs. Christian

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Native American Indians

Students just finished presenting reports on various Native American tribes such as: Nez Perce, Cherokee, and Iroquois. Students presented with power point and dioramas.

Mrs. Christian

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Students just completed projects on the country India. Students presented with power point, food, dioramas and fashion. Several students dressed as an individual from the country of India. Students also used poster boards to assist with their presentations.

Mrs. Christian

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Merry Christmas

December has been an awesome month. Our children have learned so much from Letters to numbers. They have been so willing to learn more and more new things. They had two Christmas songs to sing and did a wonderful job singing in the program. Their willingness to practice was a blessing to me. We have talked and learned about the reason for Christmas and why we celebrate it. Stories of Gingerbread men and creating special gifts for the season has also gone well.

Mrs. Colon

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Happy Birthday Jesus

Kindergarten is excited to celebrate the season that remembers the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. We have many exciting activities planned including ginger bread houses, nativity ornaments, and even some holiday cooking! KV knows that in the middle of this season’s hustle and bustle we all must share with each other and remember that the true reason for this season is Jesus Christ.

Miss Velez

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December Fun

December is always an exciting month in Kindergarten! Kindergarten was thrilled to participate in their Christmas presentation that took place Friday evening December 10th. Many parents were very impressed with the singers, dancers, and, actors that took part in this program. KV sang their best as they bundled up on stage!

Miss Velez

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The Nativity

On December 14th, our elementary students came dressed as the nativity scene.  They had the chance to come dressed as the stories they heard that day.  Students had a great time reading and illustrating the Christmas story.

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Renaissance Period

10th Grade has been studying the Renaissance and Reformation the past two weeks. We have been doing many small projects in class to understand the creativity and revolutionary thought that took place in this time period. We made our own mosaics out of paper in the style of the Byzantines. In honor of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses each class made 5 Theses about the modern church.

Miss Schutz

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