Geometry students have spent the last few weeks preparing for the Math A Regents. They have also finished a study on transformations by reflecting images, and sliding and rotating them. They also worked with photos to enlarge and reduce the images (dilations).
Mrs. Wong

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Algebra II students have been studying powers. They like the challenge of solving these problems and racing to see who gets the final answer first. Students also completed a math lab. They compared the walking speed of each class member measured as they walked the hall with the theoretical walking speed as calculated by an athletic trainer. They analyzed the data and gave many reasons for the discrepancies.
Mrs. Wong

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Math B students have been reviewing for their midterms and sharpening their skills.
They have also completed a math lab where they compared the walking speed of each class member measured as they walked the hall. They then compared this information with the theoretical walking speed as calculated by an athletic trainer. They analyzed the results and gave many reasons for the discrepancies.J
Mrs. Wong

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It’s back to work again in 5E, but not before sharing that our Healthy Eating recipe book has done it again. As you know we are the Grand prizewinners in the PBS Produce for Kids contest. We were also blessed with the honor of being in the newspaper. I know that we never thought we would make it to a news story inside the periodical “The Gazette.” This lesson really hit home in 5E. Many of the students are eating more fruits and vegetables. We have learned that eating healthy is important. Some kids have even made a resolution to eat better for 2009. We created a contest to pick the best cover for our recipe book. We are excited about publishing our recipe book!

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December was a very busy month for 5E. With our amazing Junior Choir we spread the Joy of Christmas for the elderly, the sick and the less fortunate people around us this year. We sang our hearts out to the Lord and ministered to the hearts of the people in need. As put by one of the students “It’s the most wonderful time of the year to share JESUS!

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thank_you_md_clrGod Bless you all. I just want to give you an update of all the wonderful things that are taking place in 5E. First of all I want to thank all the students and parents for making our Christmas party a complete success. I also want to thank all the students who participated in our Christmas program.

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In Science we are studying volcanoes and what causes them to erupt. During a fun experiment students learned first hand how mixing certain ingredients together could be explosive.
Miss Laforest

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This week in Social Studies we are discussing the American Revolution. Students are presenting the wonderful projects they created, from models of the Boston Tea Party to depictions of the Battle of Yorktown.

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In Math we are learning all about fractions. Using egg cartons, we are visually learning how to create fractions and understand the

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This week in science students studied sedimentary rock, rock that is formed from small bits of rocks and compacted togeether, and we learned how to take a “core sample” during our lab.

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