
We just finished a chapter that deals with clothes and how to
shop for them in Spanish. We also learned the Spanish names for different
types of stores like: supermercado, hypermercado, joyeria, panaderia
and so on. Now we have begun a chapter called “Los Pasatiempos” in
which the students will learn to describe their favorite passtime and learn
about different passtimes in Spanish-speaking countries.
Mrs. Pascualini

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nuevo_md_clrWe just finished a chapter that deals with clothes and how to
shop for them. We also learned the spanish names for different
types of stores like: supermercado, hypermercado, joyeria, panaderia
and so on. We have just started to read a short stories book
entitled “Viajes Fantasticos”. We will be doing some group reading,
as well as some independent reading to enhance our knowledge of
the Spanish language.
Mrs. Pascualini

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Do you think it is fair for one country to take over another country?
This is a question 8th grade students explored as they studied the topic of American Imperialism. Students learned about how the nation of America changed its foreign policy as it began to expand; creating a world empire. Was this fair for other countries? Many students favored American Imperialism and others disagreed with it. What a great debate we had!!!!!!
Mr. Sanchez

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After the Revolutionary War, the young nation of America found itself at a crossroad with many decisions to make. Students learned about how America made important decisions that continue to affect us today, such as the establishment of the United States Constitution, with its three branches: the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judiciary.
Mr. Sanchez

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Ancient Greece is one of the topics students have studied. Students studied important Greek figures, such as Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato. Towards the conclusion of our study, students were introduced to Philip II and Alexander the Great of Macedonia. They spent several days performing skits in which Alexander the Great fulfilled his father’s (Philip II) dream of conquering Greece and Persia.
Mr. Sanchez

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Honoring your parents is one the topic students learned about in Bible. The class spent time learning about how Isaac obeyed Abraham even though Isaac would possibly die. Students pretended to be Isaac and wrote diary entries describing their outing with their father Abraham in which Abraham planned to sacrifice his son. We also learned that God is faithful and in this story God saved Isaac and provided a sacrifice.
Mr. Sanchez

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Celebrating the month of love, we emphasized Jesus’ love to each other by memorizing our monthly verse I Peter 1:22,  “Love each other with all your heart”. This was a very festive month. We played heart shaped Bingo, and decorated felt hearts with glitter and stickers. We worshiped Jesus through songs and gave Him thanks for first loving us. Most of all we wrote poems and posted them daily to create a poetry book of love designed by PreK 3. Thank you all for having hard working hands filled with love and joy.
Mrs. Rivera

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The 10th graders are currently learning the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. In the past few weeks, we have been discussing the importance of practicing the Be-attitudes and showing others our inner Christ-like character. Our curriculum guides us through the Bible, teaching us to examine and improve our “Inner Man” and reconcile this generation to Christ.
Ms. Ramos

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The eighth graders have just begun my favorite topic-weather! I get excited just thinking about all the exciting projects that come along with this topic and how much our everyday life correlates to the pages we’ll be covering in our book. From making clouds and rain to studying extreme weather such as, tornadoes and hurricanes, the students will be hard-pressed to become bored with the weather unit.
Miss Lawrence

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The seventh graders are going through a crash course for medical school as they explore the human body and all 11 organ systems that make up the body. Students have been working hard to become experts on one system so that they can teach their fellow classmates about it through a presentation. The students have produced quite fabulous work so far with creative projects like sculpting a bone and magnifying a layer of skin, to get a close up look. The hands-on approach (students are choosing any way they would like, to present, about their organ system) has really allowed the students to excel in areas that they are strong in (art, oral presentation, writing-creating worksheets), which has shown in their excellent work. We are trying to eventually put all our work together to create a life-size human body!
Miss Lawrence

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