The Human Body

God’s master piece and his most precious creation is the Human Body. The Bible says, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We found this truly evident as we explored all of the human body systems, learning about structure and functions. Students had many questions regarding disease and its affect on the human body. We discussed, saw and heard other youth’s testimonies regarding diabetes/dialysis and cancer and how they cope with disease. As a result we took the opportunity to thank God for his many blessings upon our lives and prayed for those that have challenging circumstances in life. We pulled manikins apart and put them back together, we also labeled and colored diagrams. It’s amazing to see youth still enjoy coloring, gluing, pasting, crossword and word searches, all in the attempt to memorize how the body works. During labs we dissected grasshoppers and earthworms. They either generated a feeling of awe or disgust. We displayed our dissected specimens on our classroom bulletin board for all to see and learn.

Mrs. Alvarado

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