How does the species – any species – continue? Why, through reproduction, of course, whether asexual or sexual. Some organisms are genetically identical to their single parent. That is not the case with humans, of course, and seventh grade is making a study of the reproductive cycle and human development.

Did you know that blood cells begin to form by the time an embryo is a month old? Before the second month is over the embryo has a heart, brain, spinal cord, limbs, muscles, nerves, fingers and toes. It can even swallow and blink and only measures sixteen millimeters.

Thanks to Adam and Eve’s failure to comply with God’s single rule, however, there’s a lot of stuff out there to give us: viruses, bacteria, any number of other pathogens. 7th grade will learn how the body is formed to protect itself from infection, and what happens if something gets past our defenses.

Miss Kleinschuster

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