Henry and Mudge

Our second grade students learned a valuable lesson when we went to Manhattan to see the play Henry and Mudge. They learned that we should never be a show-off because it is not nice. Even if they are tempted to show-off they will try not to because it may hurt someone else’s feelings. When we are kind to our friends we will have many friends. If Annie wouldn’t have been a show-off she would’ve stayed longer at Henry’s house, and they would’ve had a fun time together. When we hurt our friends’ feelings we miss out on a lot of fun. They also learned that we should never run away from home no matter how angry we become with our family. It is not safe. Another valuable lesson our second graders learned was how we should treat a dog. Just as we should be kind and gentle to our friends we should also treat animals kindly. Henry was kind to his dog Mudge but he sometimes didn’t have patience with him and would forget that Mudge is a dog. For instance, he played dress up with Mudge. The kids laughed when Henry put a dress on his dog.


Most of our kids enjoyed the trip. Some enjoyed the bumpy ride to the city, while others were thrilled with the opportunity to sing songs of praise. There were a few who took a nap while others looked at our beautiful sky scrapers. Most of our students liked the show and commented on how funny it was. Overall it was a wonderful experience for our second graders.

Mrs. Boodram

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