Evangel Pictures 084


On Tuesday, June 8th, we conducted our national Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society Ceremony. This ceremony is beautiful as students carry during the processional and recessional.WE are very proud to have inducted 63 new members to NHS and 13 new members to NJHS. We welcomed back 68 NHS members from last year and 53 NJHS members from last year. Both Societies worked very hard on their service project, raising money through bake sales and other means.  Students were delighted to take what they had raised to the different institutions. What a blessing to be able to bless others. Please see Galleries for some great pictures of NHS and NJHS traveling to give what they had raised.

Here is a little history about the National Honor Society and the criteria for selection:

When the National Honor Society was founded in 1921, the hope was to create an organization that would recognize and encourage high school students’ academic achievement while developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy.  The National Junior Honor Society was founded shortly thereafter-in 1929 to recognize middle school students in the same areas.  Now, over 80 years later, these Societies have become prestigious organizations with outstanding faculty members and students from the school community.  Their  reputation for excellence is the result of years of commitment on the part of everyone involved.  Membership is thus both an honor and a commitment.

The NHS and NJHS recognize outstanding high school and middle school students who demonstrate excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. The National Association of Secondary School Principals proudly sponsors these Societies.

For the selection of Members to the NHS and NJHS Chapters:

*   Members must maintain a cumulative overall 85% average or higher for two consecutive semesters with 80% as the lowest grade in all subjects.

*   Members must be in good behavioral standing.

*   Members must demonstrate outstanding performance in areas of scholarship, service, leadership and character.

*   The selection of each Member shall be reviewed and approved by the this School’s Administration and Faculty each school year.

Please click on the links below to view our NHS and NJHS Program.

2010 bulletin inside

2010 outside bulletin

Please go to “Galleries” for some wonderful piictures of this beautiful ceremony.

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