Our Nation’s Capitol

Government and Economic students had the opportunity to travel to our nation’s capital to witness the places where Congressmen debate, Supreme Court Justices deliberate, and the President resides (we even got to see him drive by in the Presidential motorcade!). After seeing the Capitol building, we had a tour at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, where our money is made. We watched real money rolling off the presses, and were told that these machines operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! That’s a lot of money! We also saw the new 100 dollar bills, which are blue instead of green, and will be coming out the beginning of next year. Our trip ended somberly, with a visit to the Holocaust Museum, where students could see the effects on a nation and its people when limited forms of government are replaced by dictatorship. We left thankful for our civil liberties and system of checks and balances, yet also challenged to stand against injustice in our neighborhoods, cities, and world.

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