Philadelphia or Bust

As we continued to review for the US History Regents in class, students were able to step outside of the classroom for a day and travel to Philadelphia: a place where the history we were reviewing actually happened. We saw the liberty bell, Carpenter’s Hall (where the First Continental Congress met), the house where Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, and the first National Bank (which we had just been learning about in our discussion of implied powers). Our tour guide gave an excellent review of America’s founding fathers and founding documents, and students were able to stand in the same room at Independence Hall in which the many compromises of the Constitution were debated and voted upon. We even got to see George Washington’s chair, decorated with a painted sun, which Ben Franklin famously alluded to when, as the Constitution was being signed, he said:
“In the course of the Session…[I have] looked at that [sun] behind the President without being able to tell whether it was rising or setting: But now at length I have the happiness to know that it is a rising and not a setting Sun.”
It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to stand in front of that same rising Sun and witness the birthplace of our nation!

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