Mission’s Trip is Huge Success!
This year’s Mission’s Trip took place from may 30th to June 4th, at our very own CAMP EVANGEL located in Byrne, New York!!! Yipeeee! The students had a great time working around the community and “lending a helping hand”. This year we reached out to the local area and offered assistance in many different areas: a local hotel where we cleaned, and painted, a local cemetery where we replaced rocks and cleared brush, a local preserve where we fixed trails and cleared brush and trees, local community buildings where we scraped and painted, a local church where we cleaned , gardened and painted.
What a great time the students had sharing the love of God with the community. There was also lots of time to spend at the Camp having a blast!!! Students went kayaking, rode golf carts, walked up the mountain at night using light from torches, went to a local cave,camped outside and had huge campfires each night will sharing what the Lord had done.
Please go to “Galleries” for some awwesome pictures!
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