Resource Room

December is such a wonderful month as everything around us remembers the birth of our Savior. This year we added Advent reflections to devotional/prayer time. Our favorite passage by Dennis Bratcher was:

“We live in a world in which bigger and better define our expectations for much of life. We have become so enamored by super size, super stars, and high definition that we tend to view life through a lens that so magnifies what we expect out of the world that we tend not to see potential in small things. But as the prophet Zechariah reminds us (Zech 4:10), we should not “despise the day of small things,” because God does some of his best work with small beginnings and impossible situations.”

The students read them and came up with their own reflections, which graced our bulletin boards. They wrote them on angel shapes and decorated their version of an angel. It is always nice to see students using their creativity especially as a way to worship.

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