Earth Science Lab

The experiments of the 10th grade lab class explore why certain incidents have happened on earth and how they have occurred. Some have been previously reported by meteorologists. Our students have interpreted glacial landscapes with a topographical map, performed experiments to determine the permeability of different types of soils, and tracked Hurricane Andrew, a Category 5 hurricane which made landfall in the United States. Yet another experiment which the 10th grade has performed is calculating density, and accurately predicting whether an object and any size of the presented material will sink or float in water. The materials presented to them included aluminum, brass, copper, oak, pine, steel, PVC, Polypropylene, acrylic and others. Perhaps density could be calculated for a material not on the list for the given lab. That is what experiments are for. Did someone say gold? Did someone say planet earth? You would be amazed to see how easy it is to calculate the density of gold, earth, and a variety of irregular shaped objects and how it relates to life! With extra minutes in lab class, the experiments and discoveries are endless!

Ms. Farrell

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