100 Hungry Ants

100 Hungry Ants is one of the topics we’re doing in math. The book One Hundred Hungry Ants by Elinor Pinczes was quite humorous in that the 100 ants were traveling to go on a picnic. They were really hungry. As the 100 ants traveled they split up into equal groups of 10’s and groups of 4’s and this had our 2nd Graders thinking……… Not only did they get to laugh as the hungry tummies went by “a hi and a hi dee hoo!” but they got an opportunity to use unfix cubes to actually work out how many groups of 10’s there were in 100 and other related groups. What was very interesting was when we brain stormed about the topic Ants as to the information we already knew; a few children related the ants to our class. Some said they are a team working together to get their food, just like 2B are working together in our class. While others said it was important for each ant to cooperate and walk-in straight lines, when they tried to get their food. They saw that 2nd graders needed to learn lessons from the Hungry Ants. They knew almost immediately that the hungry ants made more than one line because they wanted to get to the picnic faster. It was really a fun project as the kids got to make up problems from what they observed and show how they came up with their answer. It was amazing when a particular student said we all need to follow a leader and each group of ants had a line leader just as we 2nd graders need to follow our teachers and God.

Mrs. Boodram

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