3-D Art
Elementary is a special age, things can become so mundane to this age group that even sometimes art becomes boring…so I introduced 3D art. I held up a bottle of paint, a paintbrush, glue and a role of aluminum foil and asked the class which one or ones of these is used to make art? Just as I had expected everyone (with the exception of 2 students) said the bottle of paint, paint brush and even sometimes the glue. I then revealed to them that aluminum foil can be used as art as well. They were asked to create, draw and color their own character’s face and to give it a name. Once they completed and colored their picture they were given aluminum foil and glue to bring their drawing to life in 3D form. After they paint their 3D faces they will be displayed for all to see, that typical household items (such as aluminum foil) can also be used to create art. Great job guys!
Miss Arnau
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