Compute Class
I have fallen in love with the excitement in their eyes when they walk into the room. Well, let me introduce myself, “My name is Ms. Lapointe.” This is my first year teaching at Evangel Christian School, and I am blessed to be here. The excitement is in the air, and the learning possibilities are endless.
One fine day when I looked at the screens of the computers around the room, and there was a rainbow of colors with their students’ names typed in 72-size fonts in a document in Microsoft Word. It was wonderful! They typed their names using a small 8-font on the left margin, and then used the mouse to control the pointer to enlarge the letters. They edited the text: just their names.
The lesson did not appear that significant at first. They came in quietly, holding their excitements and letting it loose once they entered the room. “Computers are fun,” one student shouted. First they always ask if they can play games. The answer is always, yes. “I have a wonderful game for you.” The students use to warm-up. They turn on the computers, sign-in, and begin to use the keyboard game. The game is designed to help them learn the keys on the keyboard and to practice moving and controlling the mouse.
Emmanuela Lapointe
Computer Teacher
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