Evangel’s 10th grade class ended the year with the 30Hour Famine (a fundraising event designed to combat hunger all over the world). This awesome event began Friday, May 29th at noon. The tenth grade class (both homerooms) gathered as one to begin a fast of 30 hours (the students were allowed to participate in scheduled juice breaksJ). Friday afternoon 10L led the school’s chapel service, raised awareness and softened hearts to the plight of those suffering from hunger. Then students began to prepare for the main event—The Coffeehouse. Evangel’s Solid Rock Café was transformed into a 30Hour Famine celebration. Students prayed, performed songs, presented powerpoint presentations, sold clothes in their famine thrift shop, and sold food—all for those suffering from hunger around the world. The rest of the evening and the following day (yes, we spent the night in the schoolJ) students participated in activities to remind them of the importance of their commitment and the impact they were making. Activities included devotionals, Manhunt, and assembling Father’s Day packets at the World Vision warehouse (the sponsors of the event). We broke the fast at 6pm on Saturday, May 30th with communion and a meal! This was a powerful event and called for a special dedication from each of the students who participated and the other teachers who helped! Thanks to everyone for making the event a success.
Miss Collins
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