
Several of our High School classes have visited the Bowery Mission, a 200 year old Christian mission that provides food and care for New York’s homeless. The students ran several chapel services where they ministered in song, spoken word, drama and shared personal testimonies of God’s love, hope and peace. At the end of every service, students distributed cards made by our Elementary School students. It was amazing to see the faces of these men and women light up by such a small gesture of love. Our student’s experienced first hand what was spoken of in Matthew 25:40, when Jesus said, “I tell you with certainty, since you did it for one of the least important of these brothers of Mine, you did it for Me.”

Though it was our mission to be a blessing to the men and women of the Bowery Mission, we can say full heartedly, that we always leave the Mission feeling we received more than we gave.
Mrs. Torres

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