Our journey through the World of Psychology continued as we studied the topics of Learning, Memory and Thinking and Language. As we toured the city of “Learning” students learned of the difference between Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning. Students explored the role of Pavlov and Skinner, their experiments, and the significance of these experiments in understanding “learning”.
As we explored the topics of reinforcements (+ and -) and punishment, it was interesting to hear student views on reinforcement and punishment. In fact, students had the opportunity to express their views in two ways. First, students wrote a brief editorial supporting either rewards or punishment (or a combination of the two) as a means of influencing behavior. Second, students assumed the role of Principal of their own school and created a classroom policy for their school – including reasons for implementing such policies.Following our tour of the city of “Learning”, we entered the city of “Memory”.
Our time touring this city will always be a “memorable” experience for our students. Students learned of the types of memory, the processes of memory, and the stages of memory. They also explored strategies that can aid in memorization. Finally, students were informed of the levels of forgetting including more severe cases (i.e. amnesia). Classroom activities used to reinforce theoretical concepts are always fun. Students had the opportunity to recall and share childhood memories. Students also tested their memory through various memory tests (who’s missing, classroom mix-up, false memories, eyewitness, common cents, simon says, college shopping at Staples). One of my favorite moments was when Sir William Shakespeare invited our class to the Globe Theatre to perform his very own work – Shakespearean Sonnets. Students were challenged to memorize Shakespearean Sonnets and perform them in groups – props and all – before the “Lords” and “Ladies” at the historic Globe Theatre (aka C202). All group performances were phenomenal! Our culminating trip was horseback riding at Sweet Hills Riding Center. Students “psychologically bonded” with their horses. What an adventure!

Although our journey through the World of Psychology has come to an end, I trust that the memories created in C202 will last for a lifetime.

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