This year has been very exciting in Art. Students have learned a lot this year from Art History to the culture of others’ art work. Here are a few highlights of the year:
· Pre-K learned a lot of new things from learning about design and how to create a collage. The most exciting thing they enjoyed was their marshmallow/pretzel sculpture and worms in dirt mixture they made and ate.
· Kindergarten this year learned a lot about themselves and how they saw themselves. They made wire sculptures and large drawings of themselves.
· First grade learned about architecture. They leaned that every structure has a foundation to help support the building. With this they studied old castles and drew what their fairytale castle would look like.
· Second grade learned about overlapping and designing. They used this knowledge to create a name design where their name was the focal point of the design.
· Third grade learned about what a mola is. They learned that a lot of Indian, aboriginal and Spanish cultures use these types of symbolic pictures to tell stories and as a decoration. They then created their own type of mola.
· Fourth grade learned about self-expression by using multimedia. Multimedia is drawing, paper collage, magazine pictures and or painting to depict themselves. They did a wonderful job.
· Fifth grade had an art history lesson on the artist Piet Mondrian. They saw examples of his work and how it changed over time when he learned the different genres of Art. They then created their own style of Mondrian’s work.

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