Letter Songs

We have been learning songs which match the letter they are learning for the week. We sing creative songs and add motions to help the children remember the words and the meaning of the words. One of their favorites is when we walk around the room and dance, standing high and stooping low.

Miss Farrell

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Let’s Dance

We have been learning high and low sounds and notes, singing songs together, and playing instruments for different words and sounds in the song. We have been putting motions with the songs and dancing around the rooms.

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In 4th – 5th Grade Music, we have started paying recorders, and we have practiced our first notes and first song. All the students have been enjoying themselves as they’ve played/performed in class.

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In 6th – 8th Grade Music, we have been learning the parts of the guitar, tuning the guitar, and learning how to hold the guitar. We have also practiced charting chords and fingering different chords. The class is learning chords for their 1st song. We are excited about starting to play songs.

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For Living Environment Lab, we have analyzed prepared slides under the microscope. We have also dissected earth worms and discovered the organs and anatomy of this type of worm. Another lab we have completed is a Regents lab called Making Connections. In this lab, we checked our pulse before and after exercise, to show the connection between exercise and the functions of our body.

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For Earth Science Lab, we have been identifying minerals based on their hardness and common properties. We have identified their level of hardness by comparing it with the hardness of a fingernail, glass plate, copper penny, brass nail and other items. We have identified talc, sulfur, galena, quartz, and other pure minerals.

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Maturing in Christ

In Bible, we are focusing on the process of maturity which is essential for leadership. We have learned about the purpose of our Christian school, how all things work together for good, how we need to know God more, His perseverance in us and His discipline. To know all He does is done in love and for our good is what we need to be assured of.

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New Testatement Survey

We are studying the teaching, parable, and miracles of Jesus Christ – the Son of Man and the Son of God. 12th grade has re-enacted the parable, written their own modern day parables, and attempted to break the standing long-jump record! We continue to seek a deeper appreciation of the King who came to meet God’s perfect standard on our behalf – and to suffer the penalty for our sin in our place.

Mr. Roberts

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Old Testament Survey

Each of the 11th grade classes has been studying the lives of the four major characters of the second half of Genesis. Most recently, we enjoyed watching students re-enact Jacob’s deception of his aging father Isaac – beard and all! We continue to seek understanding of this Merciful God who has chosen to use weak and sinful people to accomplish his purposes.

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Oliver Twist

The 10th Grade English classes began reading Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. Although the novel is a challenge, the students have engaged in great discussions about social justice, poverty, and how authors can use their writing to change society. Students took a quiz today over the material and were excited to show that they knew the answers when we reviewed the quiz. Students are rising to the challenge of the novel and hopefully having a great time doing so.

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