Our ninth grade global classes just wrapped up a unit on Ancient India and China. We discussed in detail the similarities and differences between Hinduism and Buddhism. We also studied China’s dynasties such as the Shang dynasty and the Zhou dynasty.
Mr. Berrios
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar once said, “One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team.” Teamwork is just one lesson that our students need to learn in order to become successful in life. Whether they go on to become a professional athlete, doctor, lawyer, business man, teacher, etc, they need to learn how to get along and work side by side with their peers despite their differences. Through sports, students learn that they are just one part of a whole and in order for the team to function they all need to contribute.
-Mr. Wong
In 9th grade we are learning all about salvation. Why we need it, how we attain it and the effect it has on our lives.
Mr. Lopez
Eighth grade is on a quest to discover how God used others through out history despite their flaws and hang-ups. This month the characters we will be studying are Peter and Nehemiah.
Mr. Lopez
Our focus this month has been the development of character. Allowing God to deal with us in a real and intimate way. The first character trait we are learning about is Love.
Mr. Lopez
This month we are talking about wining your race. Every one who competes in Olympic games must enter strict training. We are training in the Word and allowing God to develop character in us. It has been exciting to see 6th grade respond to God as they learn how to win their race.
Mr. Lopez
Last week students rehearsed the fall skit, “The Telltale Talent.” It is a humorous, Christian spoof on Edgar Allen Poe’s haunting poem “The Telltale Heart.” As they practice, students are working on characterization and voice projection, as well as learning a valuable lesson: God gives us our talents and expects us to put them to good use!
Mrs. Lapp
This week students will be “playing teacher” by giving presentations on Asia’s First Civilizations, India and China. We just wrapped up a unit on ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia in which we also compared these cultures to the emerging culture of the Israelites. The Israelites were (unlike their neighbors) monotheists whose God was seen as a protective Father rather than as fickle, violent, and anthropomorphic like the other ancient gods. We saw this first hand by reading the “Enuma Elish,” a Babylonian creation myth.
Mrs. Lapp
History students have been learning about the Revolutionary War and the founding of our country, focusing specifically on the ideas of liberty and order. Is it better that a nation has a government of the people with mistakes, or a government led by a dictator who imposes order? Currently we are studying the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and learning how the Constitution fixed many of these weaknesses by creating a stronger national government.
Mrs. Lapp
Government students have been learning about the founding of our country, focusing specifically on the ideas of liberty and order. Can liberty and order coexist? Students also participated in a passionate discussion about whether or not rebellion against a tyrannical government is justified. We are currently studying the Constitutional Convention and have even been having our own mock Constitutional Convention with delegates debating and compromising in order to form a classroom Constitution.
Mrs. Lapp