Lets Look At Cells

In class we looked at plant cells through a compound light microscope and learned that every living thing is made up of tiny organisms called cells. During the first month we compared animal cells with plant cells, and learned the main differences between them. We got to talk a little about photosynthetic organisms and how they differ from animals. We learned about mitosis and osmosis, diffusion and differentiation. In class we had a demonstration of how water, through the process of osmosis and diffusion, slowly changed a raisin back into a grape! All of these topics have to do with the cell’s life cycle, how it behaves in nature, and how it affects us.

Mr. Lamb

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God Hates Pride

Students have been learning how God chooses the sometimes unpopular choice in people to do His work. They have seen through the life of Jacob and Esau how most people would have chosen Esau but God chose Jacob because He sees the inner man. We’ve also taken it a step further in what God hates. The perfect example of this is the pride of Satan. This caused him as well as many other angels to fall. In class we are having many great discussions and students are very interested in this topic.

Mrs. Racoma

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Middle School Music

Students in middle school have now played their first song on the guitar and have begun learning their first two chords. This month, students have focused on the “G” and “D” chord. In the midst of learning to play the guitar, they have also started learning their song for the Christmas program. Each class is learning how melody and harmony work together in producing a nice sound.

Mrs. Racoma

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Working On Rhythm

Students have continued working on Rhythm this month. Students have used tennis balls to show how many beats are in each measure. This music method is called Dalcroze, which is a type of teaching that allows students to learn music through movement. They also continue learning about melody through a variety of songs. These classes have also begun their work on the Christmas program, which is held in December.

Mrs. Racoma

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Learning About Melody

Students have been working hard on Melody this month. They have been looking at low notes versus high notes, skips & leaps in the melody. They have learned these various key elements in music through playing on the glockenspiel, using motions to illustrate low and high pitches as well as Kodaly hand signs. These classes have also begun their work on the Christmas program which is held in December.

Mrs. Racoma

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Pre-K 4 Music Class

Students have been working on songs that enhance the learning in the classroom. Each week we focus on the same letter that they are working on in class. For example, the week they were working on the letter “D” we sang the following songs: “How much is that Doggie in the Window,” “Life Without Jesus is like a Donut,” and “D-A-D-D-Y”. For the remainder of October, we will learn songs with the letters “G,” & “H.” This class has also begun working on their song for the Christmas program in December.

Mrs. Racoma

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Pre-K 3 Music Class

Students have been working on developing group skills through songs. They have learned songs that develop cooperation and team work. Some of the songs they have been learning are, Sally Goes Round the Sun,The Muffin Man, Grandmas Moses, and many others. This class has also begun working on their song for the Christmas program in December.

Mrs. Racoma

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Middle School Clubs

Discipleship Club

What to Bring: Your Bible, paper, and pencil/pen and a highlighter

Purpose: To make disciples (Matt. 28:19); for the older women to teach the younger (Titus 2:3-5); and to encourage one another (Heb. 10:24)

Club Description: This is a club for MS girls who are serious about deepening their walk with the Lord and encouraging their peers. It will be discussion & Scripture-based. Much of what we do will focus on the spiritual interests and needs of each girl who attends. Additionally, we will learn about the character of God and some theology; HOW to study the Word of God, pray more specifically, put off sin, love others better, and defend our faith (apologetics).

Board Games Club

Come and hang out and play a game or two at the Board Game Club. There are several board games to choose from. It is a great way to lay back and unwind from a long day at school.

Runners Club

Get fit and learn techniques to make you a better runner! Open to all levels of runners.

Fitness Club

Thirty minutes of intense workout. We will be doing P90X workouts..the X is for Xtreme! With this 90-day program, we will be learning all the exercise necessary for developing our own workout regimen. Prepare to be challenged!

Equipment needed: water, towel, resistance bands (can be purchased at any sporting good store), and workout clothes.

Chess and “Go”

Exercise your mind as you play a classic game of chess. Utilize your thinking skills in a game of Go. Not sure how to play either? Stop by and learn!

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High School Clubs

International Clubs

Calling all Internationals!!!!!These clubs are a time for all International Students to meet, discuss your day, share information, speak in your native tongue, and have fun. See you there!

Creative Writing

Come afterschool to relax, sip tea, and spend time with other aspiring writers who will meet to share ideas and write together!  Students who are interested in a variety of kinds of writing–journaling, poetry, short stories (fiction and non-fiction)–can come to write, share their writing, and get tips on how to improve as an author.

Christian Club

If you desire a closer walk with God or wish to be introduced to God, come join us for a time spent learning the Word of God.  If you have a prayer request, you can come and share it and it will be prayed for.

Instrumental Club

If you play a musical instrument or have a desire to, you have a place in this club. You will need to come with your instrument. We will compose music, play sheet music, play by ear with improvisations, freestyle, have jam sessions, and learn together! There will be solos and much growth by all who take part. Look forward to the group ministering to others through our compositions of music.

Board Game Club

Come and hang out and play a game or two at the Board Game Club. There are several board games to choose from. It is a great way to lay back and unwind from a long day at school.

Fitness Club

One hour of intense workout. We will be doing P90X workouts—the X is for Xtreme! With this 90-day program, we will be learning all the exercise necessary for developing our own workout regimen. Prepare to be challenged! Equipment needed: water, towel, resistance bands (can be purchased at any sporting good store), and workout clothes.

Chess Club

Castling? Checkmate? Do you know what this means? Come play a game or two with us. Learn about strategies and challenge your mind.

Book Club

Jesus invites us to have a personal intimate relationship with him, yet is it possible to have a relationship with someone we don’t know?  Jesus’ life is transparent and open for all of us to see.  In an easy, short chapter novel, titled The Story of My Life as told by Jesus Christ, read and discover His love, His miracles, and even those things that frustrated him that you may possibly learn of him, walk with him, and fall in love with him.

P.S. I serve tea too…

Debate Club

Do you love to debate issues? Do you like to get to the bottom of things? Then you’ll love the Debate Club. We will be looking at topic from different points of view and will be practicing defending our positions! Come on and a Debate with us!

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Drama/Human Video Elective…

…will work on a skit which is acted out to music. The skit tells of a girl who is forced to make a decision between going the way of the world and listening to those who are leading her to Christ. The song and the skit will be put together by the middle school students who are acting it out. This is Your Life is the name of the song they have chosen. The words repeatedly say: This is your life. Are you who you want to be? These students will be so enthused at putting the skit together, choosing the music, and ending it with a dance. The dance will be performed to a song called Victory. Encouragement and room will be given to write their own skit, add the music, and choreograph the unexpected dance! They will thoroughly enjoy themselves, as well as have an understanding of the message behind it! To have them perform this at the Christmas Program is their desire and our plan.

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