Bible Class
This Bible class is a survey of the Old Testament. We started this class with the history of the Bible as a book, how we got the Bible. We discussed the canonization of the books of the Old Testament and those of the New Testament. The students were presented with indisputable evidence, recent archeological evidence, that gives proof of the veracity of the Bible and how it has remains the same, even after so many years of copying. We continued with an introduction to the Old Testament and the arrangement of the books. We then started with the events of Creation. The students did beautiful projects illustrating the days of creation according to Genesis 1-2.
Miss Rivera
Advanced Spanish
This Spanish class has finished with the curriculum for High School and is now following the curriculum “Dos Mundos” from McGraw Hills. This is a college curriculum. In this class, we are tying together all we have learned and we are working on our communication skills. It is our goal to develop our speaking skills so we may be able to communicate more effectively in the Spanish language. We have discussed how to give and obtain personal information, such as the name, age, and address. We have dealt with talking about our family and inquiring about other people’s family. We share in pairs, or as a class.
Miss Rivera
Advanced Spanish
This Spanish class is a continuation of the ninth grade curriculum, ¡Buen Viaje! from Glencoe. Most of the students speak or are familiar with the language and so most of the class is conducted in Spanish. We started with reviewing what had been taught before. The class has reviewed traveling by train, how to order and handle oneself in a restaurant, and the technology used for communication. The students did a project where they had to write a story and illustrate it with all the things reviewed in class.
Miss Rivera
Regular Spanish
This Spanish class is an introduction to the basic structures and vocabulary of the Spanish language. We use the Rosetta Stone Program. We are learning from basic survival Spanish to identifying objects. We started creating our own word bank/picture dictionary to remember the new vocabulary words we learn everyday.
Miss Rivera
Compute Class
I have fallen in love with the excitement in their eyes when they walk into the room. Well, let me introduce myself, “My name is Ms. Lapointe.” This is my first year teaching at Evangel Christian School, and I am blessed to be here. The excitement is in the air, and the learning possibilities are endless.
One fine day when I looked at the screens of the computers around the room, and there was a rainbow of colors with their students’ names typed in 72-size fonts in a document in Microsoft Word. It was wonderful! They typed their names using a small 8-font on the left margin, and then used the mouse to control the pointer to enlarge the letters. They edited the text: just their names.
The lesson did not appear that significant at first. They came in quietly, holding their excitements and letting it loose once they entered the room. “Computers are fun,” one student shouted. First they always ask if they can play games. The answer is always, yes. “I have a wonderful game for you.” The students use to warm-up. They turn on the computers, sign-in, and begin to use the keyboard game. The game is designed to help them learn the keys on the keyboard and to practice moving and controlling the mouse.
Emmanuela Lapointe
Computer Teacher
This month we started to learn that the Earth’s crust was made of minerals. We learned, on an atomic level, what makes a mineral different than the other natural substances found in nature. We also learned how to identify the different types of minerals that are known today. In class we got to test our learning skills by using the identification markers like, color, luster, streak, and harness. The class will be studying more about how we mine for these minerals and what their uses are.
Mr. Lamb
We started the year off with a lot of review from last year to get the kids back into science mode. We went over the different branches of science to show the overlapping relevance of each area of study. We quickly moved through the introduction week and started focusing on Geology. We went outside to show how a makeshift compass can get you to the magnetic north-pole, but we also learned that the magnetic north-pole is not the true geographic north-pole. The science of mapmaking as a form of model testing is heavily relied upon by many branches of geology; to name a few, meteorologists, oceanographers, and cartographers. The students made a map model of the school and some of the results were quite colorful!
Mr. Lamb
Candy Animal Cells
This month we have been analyzing life on a cellular level. Last month we learned that all of life is comprised of cells, now we are delving deeper and seeing what a cell is and what its function is. Last week we studied prokaryotic and eukaroytic cells This week we studied animal and plant cells and in class the kids made a 3-d animal cell out of candy!
Mr. Lamb
Life Science
Our first month back to school was packed with so many interesting topics. We had a safety lab that was preparation for the upcoming labs that we will have this year. We started the year off introducing Life Science and the many different subcategories within Life Science. Our second section that we moved into was addressing the question of Life, what makes something alive and other things not alive? We discussed the six characteristics of living things and the way life was organized in the world around us.
Mr. Lamb
Protists and Fungi
Last month lead us into the kingdom of Protists and Fungi. In this section we took a close look at different single-celled organisms called Protists, a famous one being the amoeba. The simplest of life is found in the Protists and Fungi kingdom. At this microscopic end of the chain of life you find bacteria on the furthest link, and just passed it, viruses. We are currently reviewing the bacterial and viral diseases, their symptoms, and the current fight for life in the field of medicine.
Mr. Lamb