In class, we have had discussions on what it really means to be a Christian and during an emotional Friday chapel, students of 8C shared personal testimonies of how the Lord has worked and is working in their life. I am blessed that we are able to have deep and meaningful discussions in class where the students are understanding how to draw nearer to the Lord.
Mrs. Candelier

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03-ps11-5confidence-postersThe students spent time in January learning about Timothy and how to survive a lack of confidence. Timothy was a trustworthy young disciple who overcame his timidity to become a powerful witness for the Kingdom of God. The students learned that confidence does not come from knowing the right people, attaining a certain position or having a lot of possessions. Your personal relationship to God and your understanding of what He has done for you determine the strength of your confidence.
Mrs. Candelier

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The students finished reading C.S. Lewis’ The Magician’s Nephew from his The Chronicles of Narnia series. We are reviewing this text as well as the past book we read in the first quarter in preparation for our mid-year final.
Mrs. Candelier

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The students had a great time working on their entries for the Association of Christian School International (ACSI) Creative Writing Festival. Students put their best effort into creating short stories, essays, and poems. Asia Francois of 7L wrote a beautiful story entitled “You Too Can Forgive”. Geraldine Haberlin of 7P wrote a cute poem about the beauty of Spring, while Wesley Bryant’s haiku about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was simple, but wow! It was hard picking just a few to enter into the next level of competition and I congratulate those who were selected! Please check out Room 302’s bulletin board to see more great entries. Aside from this nice “creative” break, the students are busy preparing for their mid-year finals. Prepositions, anyone…?
Mrs. Candelier

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Heather Cortes, 718-937-9600 x2361 or

Raise Dough for your School… Evangel Nights at Chicago Uno Grill a great success!

Chicago Uno Grill is giving back to our local community in Long Island City and Astoria!

On Dec. 4th and 5th Evangel Christian School partnered with our local Chicago Uno Grill for a Raise Dough for your school fundraiser, our goal was to raise funds for our school, raise community awareness of our school, and partner with a great corporation and community supporter Chicago Uno Grill.

In these challenging economic times it is inspiring to work with companies like Chicago Uno Grill that enrich the communities they are in by giving back to them and supporting education. Heather Cortes Development Manager at Evangel Christian School said.

Thank you to all the staff at our local Chicago Uno Grill at 37-11 35th Avenue in Astoria and especially to Jennifer Burns for making this fundraiser wonderful and making us all feel welcomed. The food was great and the service was even better! The support from our Evangel family and friends was amazing for a 1st time event! Totaling just over $1100.00 in receipts, which gave us the maximum fund raising benefit of 20% going directly to Evangel and education! Way to go and thank you to all who came out in support of education!

Evangel Christian School is (ECS) a nonprofit, diverse school with more than 500 students in pre-kindergarten through high school. Founded in 1985, ECS holds an Absolute Charter from the New York state Board of Regents. Evangel Christian School is located at 39-21 Crescent St., Long Island City, New York. For more information, call 718-937-9600 or visit

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oliver_twistEvangel’s sophomores continue their travels through Oliver Twist analyzing the forces of Good vs. Evil, pondering the implications of Nature vs. Nurture, and assessing Dickens’ use of satire throughout the novel. They will be wrapping up in the next couple of weeks and concluding with their own satirical piece which evaluates an issue in society today. Compiled, the individual essays will create a satirical magazine! Look for it in February!
Miss Collins

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Evangel’s freshmen have wrapped up their study of A Christmas Carol and will begin investigating the elements of an in-depth literary analysis. They will, then, put their acquired knowledge to the test as they begin an exploratory journey through Ted Dekker’s Blink of an Eye. Students will also have the opportunity to have formal discussions of this fictional piece using the methods of Socratic discussion. There they will have the opportunity to see that “the future changes in the blink of an eye…or does it?” They’ll find out! Ask them about their discoveries! I’m sure they want to share!
Miss Collins

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Newspaper Elective:
Evangel’s reporters are putting together their very own broadcast. It will feature skits, games, original commercials, special segments, and more. Please take the opportunity to take a peek. We truly hope you enjoy it!
Miss Collins

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In class 3 G we are working very hard in our Math class. The students are writing Math strategies with words and pictures to describe Math in a new and fun way. Each student has a “white board ” and marker to work with. Third graders now love math time. Students call the white board their own over head – just like the teacher’s.

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