
In Earth Science we are learning all about Minerals and Rocks, from how minerals form, to how to identify them by testing for streaks, density, hardness and looking at the structure for cleavage and fractures. Students are fascinated!! It’s awesome to explore the world that our God has created.

Mrs. Alvarado

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Fall greetings from the Middle School and High School Resource Room! This year we are blessed to have Mrs. Cathy Hampton join our team. She has wonderfully stepped in to help as Evangel’s Resource Center has grown. She is a special asset in assisting the international students in all classes.

As the year started students came with a great sense of expectation, positive attitudes and high goals. In Resource we are setting the groundwork for success first through prayer and second by covering the Building Blocks to School success. This includes but isn’t limited to study skills (SQ3R), reading skills (finding the main idea), Learning Styles Assessments (visual, tactile, auditory), how to take good notes and how to read the textbooks effectively.

It is a blessing to have students from all over the world at Evangel. Our international students represent interesting and varied countries of the world such as China, Indonesia, Korea, Peru, Philippines, Switzerland, Venezuela, and Viet Nam, and many more. Locating their home countries on our classroom map, gave all of the students a chance to discuss the distance to the United States. Becoming familiar with American Idioms has been challenging but it helps with both their conversation and written English skill building. As they discuss their assignments, we might say that some of the answers “are on the tip of your tongue” as a way to practice the use of idioms in conversation. There are many new things to teach and learn for everyone.

Mrs. Kemp

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The Sophomores began the year preparing for proofs. They are studying vocabulary and properties. They have learned how to construct segment and angle bisectors and they are able to calculate distance and find the midpoint.

Mrs. Wong

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In our class we are learning how science is related to everyday life. Matter, Matter everywhere – exploring the basic unit of matter, the structure of Atoms. In lab students are learning how to use microscopes and create wet mount slides. Its always pretty exciting to see their reactions as they see what is not visible to the naked eyes through magnifications. Ohh – ahhh – yuck – ill Mrs.!!!!

Mrs. Alvarado

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spartan_2To begin our 10th grade year in Global History, we studied the history of Ancient Greece. Students found most interesting the lives of the Spartans and Athenians. After learning about the two city-states, our classes discussed what a typical life of a Spartan or an Athenian might have looked and felt like. To wrap up this unit on Ancient Greece, we watched a film on Sparta which we all enjoyed. Now we move on to Ancient Rome!

Mr. Berrios

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Students are learning about the purpose of our Christian School, God’s plan for their life and the God we serve. They have already completed two quizzes and a unit test. They will continue learning about leadership through God’s perseverance in our lives, His discipline, discipleship, His dislikes and building their character to be like that of Christ.

Mrs. Racoma

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In English grade 9 and 10 for the month of September 2009, we have been working on writing skills, by focusing on expository essays, essays about the student’s summer, mnemonic devices, etc. I have given the students freedom to write on topics of their interest and choice, while using the defined skills. Through writing and expression, I have seen their career pursuit, endeavors, and special interests displayed, nurtured, and developed. We are continuing to write on current events, giving the student the opportunity to express, evaluate and investigate using questioning and inductive methods.

Ms. Farrell

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manic drive

Manic Drive Visits Evangel

High School Chapel on September 18th was TOTALLY AWESOME as Manic Drive – an up and coming Christian Band – came to visit us. They played two hits off their new album – our favorite was Closer. It talks about getting closer and closer to the Lord. We had a blast ………………. took tons of pics…………………..and had them sign CD’s and posters. We are so thankful to Manic Drive for blessing us and we pray that the Lord continues to bless their ministry!

Check out “Galleries” for some great pics!

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This year we had over 500 in attendance at our Annual Academic Banquet. Students that have made the Honor Roll, High Roll or Principal’s List are honored each year with trophies at our banquet. The gymnasium was decorated in Red, White and Blue and the food was fantastic. We had a great time celebrating all of our students accomplishments. Way to Go!!!!!

Check out “Galleries” for fabulous pics.

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