In the 10 L Bible class, we are going over the final days of Jesus’ life and discussing the amazing sacrifice of His death on the cross for our sins.

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In 9th grade, the students have been going over ancient and modern Asia. I was able to share from my experiences in China this past summer and showed them pictures and cultural artifacts in our discussions. – Mr. Fowler

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This spring, in Mr. Fowler’s class the 10th graders have been preparing for the Global Regents. We have gone over topics from the Enlightenment to the Fall of the Cold War. While going over the topic of World War II, we were able to debate the ethics of dropping the atomic bomb

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High School Worship Elective – Mrs. Torres
This was my first year as the worship elective teacher. It was an awesome experience to say the least. Our time was spent in prayer and seeking the Lord as well as in worship. I realized that my priority as a worship teacher was not solely to prepare songs for Chapel, but more importantly, to encourage and challenge the worship team to not rely on their gifting alone, but above all things to draw near the “gift giver.” I feel we have a ways to go, but I am confident in this – “He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:5-7

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Music Elective/Studio Production – Mr. Caal
This year our Studio Production elective has truly blurred the lines between electives and ministry. The goal of the Studio Production Elective was to expose our students to the basics of ewquencing, multitrack recording, and basically “making beats”. Our current group of students taking this elective (aka BTC-Beyond the Calling), have not only ministered here in our school, but also at various “Big Houses” around the tristate area. With God all things are possible! Keep BTC in prayer as they prepare to minister in the summer of ’08.

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This year has been our pilot year for a “computerized” Spanish class. Although currently limited to beginners, our 10th graders were exposed to this new type of learning environment. Liicenses were purchased from “Rosetta Stone” anad enabled us to use their world renowned software. Needless to say, our students loved it. Who says learning a new language can’t be fun!? – Mr. Caal

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Our 9th grade Bible class is wrapping up our “Dynamic Christian Living” course. We could say that this course provides the basic building blocks of Christianity. Our closing topics have included witnessing, making right choices, principles of daily living, and even dating within Biblical standards. – Mr. Caal

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Our 10th grade Bible class has been continuing our study on the Life of Christ. Although our textbook is filled with countless facts and commentary, it is the words of Christ that make an impact! Most of our class discussions were based on the very words spoken by Christ, words that to this day speak to hearts of men.

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Our 9th grade classes have been delving into the world of HTML. HTML is the language used to construct documents viewable on the internet. Our students have taken great interest in our final project, which is to construct their very own web page! I have seen pictures, videos and music embedded within their web pages. It’s music to my ears to hear them excited and proud of their work. We may even post the best web pages on our website!

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On June 5th Juniors and Seniors began to trickle into the school “dressed to the nines”. What a great evening was had by all. Freshmen and Sophmores, dressed in black and white, were hosts and hostesses. Students ate an incredible Italian meal and then the fun began. Teachers gave each Senior a special gift and each Senior left something special for next year’s senior class. At 10:00pm students changed into their “play clothes” and “had a blast” playing in the gym and throwing water balloons outside. There was also a great time of sharing and remeniscing. What an awesome evening we had spending time with the seniors before they graduated. The evening ended at midnight with pizza and soda. We can’t wait until next year’s banquet. A special thank you to 11th graders, Sarah Singh and Daniel Herrera who organized and planned the evening. We’re going to miss you seniors. Please come back and visit us.

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