This year we studied weather and climate in the fall semester where we learned about global climate changes and US regions and how weather affects defferent parts of our country. In the spring semester we learned about magnets and electricity and how the combination of the two brings power into our homes on a daily basis.

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This year over 81% of the class took and passed the Math A regent in January! Most will retake it again in June 2008 in order to gain high ranking scores for their advance regent diploma or regent diploma with distinction. I am very proud of all of their hard work in error finding, formula memorizing and vocabulary review.

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This year was the first year the 9th grade math classes were expected by NYS to take a math regent at the end of their freshman year of HS. Miss Stahler’s class worked very hand all year long to understand new topics while retaining and reviewing past math knowledge. Ms. Stahler

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The 11th graders became savvy investors by studying the stock market. They invested money (not real of course J ), made trades, and researched companies. They also ran a mock t-shirt business and competed against other teams to see which team made the wisest decisions and the most profits.

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In chemistry, students tested household items to determine which were acids and which were bases. They prepared an indicator by boiling purple cabbage and saving the juice. They then tested common household items such as soap, vinegar, antacid tablets, and soda to name a few.

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This semester, the 12th grade Physics students have been learning about electricity and magnetism. They constructed series and parallel circuits and determined which is best for Christmas lights. They also used iron filings and compasses to map the magnetic field of a bar magnet.

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Our 9th grade class of Advanced Spanish went on a trip to a Spanish restaurant. Before the restaurant, we had a small tour of the neighborhood where they saw different markets they have been learning about in class. It was very gratifying to hear them talk about the things they had learned in class. At the restaurant, the students had to order in Spanish because our waitress did not speak English. They were able to put into practice what they had learned in class.
Ms. Rivera

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One of the most exciting times this year in Computer Lab had to be the 10th grade learning Photoshop. I introduced Adobe Photoshop CS2 to the 10th grade at ECS and they were very quick to catch on to the photo editing software. We started the Photoshop chapter of Compute Lab on how to maneuver your way around the editior and learned the basic tools. Each week we would have a video lesson and a lab. The video lesson consisted of a professional graphic designer teaching the basic tools of Photoshop and also sharing some tricks along the way. I would then provide the students with a lab that would correspond with the previous lesson. The labs consisted of creating special affects for pictures, editing text to make it have a special design, and even creating writing to make it look like it was imprinted in a stone.
I was very impressed on how the 10th grade caught on so quickly and how they responded to learning a new technology. I look forward to continuing to help the students learn in technology as they apply it to their lives. I am confident if you ever need any help editing any pictures at home you can ask your 10th grade student and they will be of great help!

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The “End of the Year” Resource Room trips went very well this year. Both Middle School students and High School students went on separate days to Johnny Rockets Restaurant at the Atlas Mall and then to Juniper Valley Park for “R & R”. For each trip the weather forecast looked ominously wet and stormy, however God was merciful and the sun broke through at the last moment to allow for an absolutely beautiful day at the park. “Some how” the Middle Schoolers aquired water toys and had a great time getting wet! Anyway, I look forward to next year’s trips.
Mrs. Kemp

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This year I have had the privilege of teaching Physical Education for Grades three through twelve. The year has been a wonderful learning experience filled with awesome memories. Some of my fonder memories include: High School will always be remembered for their competitiveness. Whether it be playing basketball, dodge ball, or even just sitting around having a conversation, they were always trying to top each other. But the greatest thing that I will be taking away this year is the relationships that I have with my students. I would not trade that for anything in the world.

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