The eleventh graders were very anxious about their class. They were studying Spanish literature from its beginning to the present. From beginning to end, this class was a struggle but we had fun. When we were reading about the clash of two worlds and the writing of the time from both the Spaniards and the people in the New World the class had to act out the encounter. The students prepared for days. They were in costumes; they had dialogs and were armed with props and chocolate “gold” coins (we still don’t know why someone ate them). The results were magnificent and hilarious.

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The tenth graders were able to learn about the different cultures that make up the Hispanic cultures. They were able to experience the differences from one place to another and to correct their thinking. The Hispanic world is very diverse in customs, clothing, food, celebrations, etc. The one thing that unites us is the language, and even in that there are differences. The children learned to appreciate and respect those differences in the cultures and in us.

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Dance Elective is so much fun. The students get a chance to really work out and it’s a learning experience. Many students came and found out that they had gifts that they didn’t know about before. The students learned how to express their emotions in a different style of dance and they learned how to worship in Spirit and in Truth

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In the spring, the High School dance Elective did a Spring Celebration here at Evangel Church. Some of these students also ministered in dance while on their Mission Trip to Spain. The Dance Elective also had the opportunity to minister at a church here in Queens, the Church of the Nevia Vida, where the people were truly blessed by our Dance team.

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In December the High School Dance Elective worked on a “Hiphop R & B” dance to the song “Crossover”. They also did a dance with flags involving 22 students to the song “Mighty to Save”. It took them two days to learn the moves and the technique of the flags but they had a lot of fun learning and performing the dance routine.

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■ Participate in Volunteer/Internship Program (preferably in a company/organization/agency that would expose student to their field of interest).
■ Prepare for the October SAT I – Reasoning Test
Note: The following are suggestions to help students improve SAT scores — enroll in a Prep Course of choice – i.e. Princeton/Kaplan, purchase and study the “The Official SAT Study Guide, inquire about free SAT Prep Courses.
Note: NYC Local Libraries sometimes offer FREE SAT Prep Courses.
■ Plan to attend School Open Houses.
■ Request Admission Applications from schools of interest.
■ Identify required supplemental documents to be included with Admission Applications – (i.e. SAT IIs – Subject Tests, Essay, Letters of Recommendation, Interview, Portfolio, Audition Demo, etc.).
Note: Students are able to submit online applications to most schools. Requesting hard copy applications before applying will help students become familiar with the admission application before actually applying. It will also give insight as to the types of short answer questions/essays students will need to include with their applications.
■ Begin to prepare application responses (i.e. short answer questions and essays).
■ Plan to register for the October SAT – the registration deadline for this SAT is in early September.
■ Select at least TWO teachers you plan on requesting letters of recommendation from. Note: You will be requesting letters from these two teachers in early September.I believe – with you – that the Lord has great plans for your child. I am excited to be a part of those plans and delighted to support you all in this endeavor.

Comments Off on TASK List (Summer of 2008) – Mrs. Ninah

It has been a pleasure assisting your child in the college preparation process over the last several months. I understand that this process can be overwhelming for the child and the parent. As such, I would like to provide you with a brief report on what we have covered in Junior Seminar – to date. In addition, I have included a list of tasks that your child should accomplish this summer in preparation for their transition into college.JUNIOR SEMINAR REPORT
– Students have taken a Career Exploration Assessment – a tool to help students identify and explore various occupations and to develop effective strategies to realize their career goals. Students have also completed a “My College Options” survey that has provided results on schools that have matched student profiles.
– Students have taken the March or May SAT I, or are planning to take the June SAT I – Reasoning Test.
– Students have created a COLLEGE BOARD account (administers of the PSAT & SAT) that allows students to create personal profiles and explore various schools that match their preferences. Students are able to research schools throughout the nation and determine if schools offer programs of study that are of interest to them. This resource also provides students with key information on admission facts and requirements. Students are also able to register for SATs and view score reports via this website. Website:
– Students have created a FASTWEB account (scholarship search engine) that allows students to set-up a personal profile and receive scholarship opportunity updates that match their profile. Website:
– Students have received information on various schools (NYC, NYS, and out-of -state schools) and Summer Institutes that college/universities offer.
– The City University of New York (CUNY) and the State University of New York (SUNY) have sent representatives to speak – to our juniors – on the various schools and programs offered at CUNY & SUNY.
– Students had the opportunity to visit NYACK College (Rockland Campus) in April. Students were informed of the programs of study offered at NYACK College and were given a tour of the campus. In addition, students attended a Financial Aid Seminar that addressed the types of Financial Aid available and how/when to apply.
– Students interested in the Culinary Arts visited the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY.

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Our journey through the World of Psychology continued as we studied the topics of Learning, Memory and Thinking and Language. As we toured the city of “Learning” students learned of the difference between Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning. Students explored the role of Pavlov and Skinner, their experiments, and the significance of these experiments in understanding “learning”.
As we explored the topics of reinforcements (+ and -) and punishment, it was interesting to hear student views on reinforcement and punishment. In fact, students had the opportunity to express their views in two ways. First, students wrote a brief editorial supporting either rewards or punishment (or a combination of the two) as a means of influencing behavior. Second, students assumed the role of Principal of their own school and created a classroom policy for their school – including reasons for implementing such policies.Following our tour of the city of “Learning”, we entered the city of “Memory”.
Our time touring this city will always be a “memorable” experience for our students. Students learned of the types of memory, the processes of memory, and the stages of memory. They also explored strategies that can aid in memorization. Finally, students were informed of the levels of forgetting including more severe cases (i.e. amnesia). Classroom activities used to reinforce theoretical concepts are always fun. Students had the opportunity to recall and share childhood memories. Students also tested their memory through various memory tests (who’s missing, classroom mix-up, false memories, eyewitness, common cents, simon says, college shopping at Staples). One of my favorite moments was when Sir William Shakespeare invited our class to the Globe Theatre to perform his very own work – Shakespearean Sonnets. Students were challenged to memorize Shakespearean Sonnets and perform them in groups – props and all – before the “Lords” and “Ladies” at the historic Globe Theatre (aka C202). All group performances were phenomenal! Our culminating trip was horseback riding at Sweet Hills Riding Center. Students “psychologically bonded” with their horses. What an adventure!

Although our journey through the World of Psychology has come to an end, I trust that the memories created in C202 will last for a lifetime.

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For 15 weeks, 14 high school future scrap bookers gathered for 80 minutes to crop and chat. Each girl had the opportunity to create an “All About Me” book in an expandable fabric album. They were able to use various scrapbooking tools and were taught several techniques to embellish their album. They learned that a scrapbook is a wonderful way to preserve and share their most cherished photographs. I truly enjoyed sharing my favorite hobby with these precious girls.

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This year has been very exciting in Art. Students have learned a lot this year from Art History to the culture of others’ art work. Here are a few highlights of the year:
· High School for the fall semester learned to paint. They learned about painting still life and the different effects of acrylic paint. The fall semester was Digital Photography. They not only learned how to take pictures but how to manipulate them on a computer by using Adobe Photoshop. 

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