The past week in Living Environment we have been studying the biosphere. Students have had an up close look at the different interactions between organisms and their environment. The liveliest discussion we had all week was about the way that our waste moves nutrients back into our water and soil so that the different nutrient cycles can continue. Most students were shocked to know that we had waste plants that take our waste and get clean water from it. We are hoping to plan a trip sometime this year to view a waste plant. Hope the kids are ready for the smell!

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12th Bible – We are walking through the Gospels looking at each writer’s account of Jesus’ life and His teachings. We are being challenged in areas of our motives and the relationships that we maintain or build. We are focusing a lot on the BOTTOM LINE!

Mr. Prawel

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12th Government – We have looked at the foundations of American government, taking 11th grade a step further, and now we are discussing our civil liberties and how far they extend – we will soon begin to look closely at elections and how we choose our policymakers!

Mr. Prawel

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9th Advanced Algebra – we are moving along through some review of basic algebra and getting into deeper issues of integers and the multiplicative inverse J Our classes are lively and fun as we explore some of the rules of Math and how we use them or see them almost every day.

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11th US History – we have been looking at the foundations of American society and government, from the colonial period to the Revolution and now the formation and implementation of the Constitution. We are noticing some of the rich history right here in NYC that the Dutch and the British left us (ie street names and cultural pockets).

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Greetings from teh Middle School and High School Resource Room! The year has started out with a great sense of expectation. Because of last year’s success many students are looking forward to a better year. Students are beginning the year with great attitudes and a healthy desire to work hard in order to achieve higher goals. We are setting the groundwork for success first through prayer and second by covering the “10 easy steps” taught in the booklet “How to get Good Grades” by Linda O’Brien.

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the 12th graders are taking Economics, where we will discuss global, national, and personal economics. We just finished a section on money, the student’s learned a little more about what our dollar is worth and how money has evolved over the centuries.

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My name is Mr. Fowler and I will be teaching the Global I, Global II, and Economics classes this year. In 10th grade the students will be finishing their two-year global course and learn about the modern world. Most recently, the class discussed the Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman societies. The students were excited about both of these civilizations as they had watched movies about both, which gave us a chance to discuss fact from fiction.

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My name is Mr. Fowler and I will be teaching the Global I, Global II, and Economics classes this year. This year my 9th grade classes will be going over ancient and classical civilizations that helped shape our modern day civilization. We have been discussing ancient civilizations of the Middle East most recently. The student’s are very intrigued by the practices of these ancient civilizations especially the Egyptian’s mummification (I even had some student’s ask if they could be mummified today, to their disappointment I told them I knew of no companies which still mummified people).

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The students in 12th grade Physics have been studying the equations of motion. This week in lab they put these equations to the test by chasing after toy cars and marbles rolling down ramps.

Mrs. Wong

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