Eleventh grade Spanish is learning to put into practice what they have learned over the past two years. We will be doing exciting projects to help reinforce this knowledge. This will enable the students to succeed when taking the regents test.

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In our tenth grade class we are learning how to buy things from clothes to school supplies at a store. We are also learning the different verbs to use in each case.

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Ninth grade Spanish is learning about school and the many names for classes available in school. They are learning to tell time and express their opinions. By doing this we learn how to describe people and things.

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We have gone on pause with the balancing of checkbooks, keeping a checking account and so on due to the upcoming PSAT. Students have been working hard to study and prepare themselves for next week’s exam as they prepare themselves for SAT’s and the college life.

Mrs. Racoma

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We have gone back the past two weeks and reviewed old material so that we can continue with harder concepts in Algebra. The areas we have covered are multiplying and dividing decimals as well as “Order of Operations,” or PEMDAS. (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction) Because this is review, we are going through each concept in a day and then moving on as we continue to get deeper into Algebra.

Mrs. Racoma

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Evangel will be publishing a newspaper for the middle school and the high school this year! Students have been brainstorming on titles and slogans and have come up with some pretty interesting options. I can’t wait to see what they will settle on! We hope to have our first issue out by the end of October! Please pick up a copy and see what’s going on in Evangel!

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Evangel’s tenth grade class began the year by introducing themselves; however, instead of creating a Bio-Poem, they created “I Am” poems. They are posted in the class and are eager to be read, so do please stop by and learn a little bit more about our sophomores. They have just completed a wonderful short story unit where they were introduced to the “Horrible Miss Dove.” They continue to look at character as they delve into a mini-unit within their Daybooks. Soon, they will be starting Oliver Twist and entering into Dickens’ amazing world of satire. 

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Evangel’s ninth grade class began the year by introducing themselves with their fabulous “Bio-Poems” and setting high academic goals for obtaining success this year. Ask them to share their goals with you; I know they’d love to. Now, we are diving into the The Pearl with Kino. We’ll study all of the elements of plot and explore the theme of good vs. evil.

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So far this school year, the 12th Grade English Class has been focusing on poetry. We took time throughout the first weeks of school to look within, see what is there, and pour it out on paper. We wrote poems called, “I Am” – an outer voice shouting and portraying who we are and why we are the way we are. We wrote poems called, “The Secret One Inside of Me” – an inner voice explaining what are things in this world that bother us, and what we feel about it. We then had an in depth study of the Anglo-Saxon period and heard about one of the most famous poets – Caedmon. This poet was an illiterate, herdsman, who felt comfortable and complacent just working with the cows at the barn. Denise Levertov, a Modern American Poet, gave us a picture of what he possibly experienced – the calling of God on his life. Caedmon had a revolutionizing event take place in his life, where God gave him a vision and told him that he was to write poems and sing them. When he asked God, “What am I to sing about?”, God answered, “Sing about the glories of my creation”. This was a phenomenal eye opener to all, where we learned that even though we are all just simple people living in this world, everyone has a voice and has something to say. So we got out of our comfort zones, and complacent mindsets and are getting ready for our Poetry Jam to be held in class on October 31st.

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In Earth Science the past couple of weeks we have been studying rocks. Most students would agree that rocks are boring and useless; however I have been so impressed with my 10th graders this week as they have shown me how they’ve grown into quite the rock experts. As I played a review game with the students for their test over rocks, I gave the students names of different types of rocks and they had to classify the rock into one of the three major rock categories. All the students surprised me with how well they were able to classify most rocks. Their hard work and studying really paid off!

Miss Lawrence

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