The Seniors began their unit on forces by building a bridge out of paper and seeing which one could hold the most pencils. We reached 173 before the bridge collapsed.
Mrs. Wong

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The Juniors have begun to study the periodic table. They are currently working on a puzzle where they must identify the missing elements from the given characteristics.
Mrs. Wong

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The Seniors have been working with the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines this week. They have used all their new skills in solving a problem based on a rescue team scenario. Given limited information they were able to calculate the distance that the rescue team needed to travel to save the day.
Mrs. Wong

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The Juniors have been studying scatter plots and lines of best fit. They have generated their own data for a scatter plot using a gumball rolling down an inclined plane. They recorded and graphed the height that the gumball was released and the distance the gumball traveled. They used their calculators to determine the line of best fit and then compared values read from the graph to values obtained in class.
Mrs. Wong

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This week the tenth graders have been studying the relationship between parallel lines and angles. They are using those concepts to study the art and architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. This week they will be designing their own stained glass windows based on the geometric patterns they have learned in class.
Mrs. Wong

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Europe is taking shape and we will be comparing it to the development of Latin America. How have things been split up and where do some of our cultures and customs come from that we hold on to today?
Mr. Prawel

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We are finishing chapter 3 and basic algebra, percentages and ratios. We are rewriting formulas so we can solve for a specific variable and will be starting to graph next week!
Mr. Prawel

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Bible – We are just beginning the Book of John, a highly theological and spiritual look into the Life of Christ. We will be focusing on the mission statement found in chapter 20, verses 30-31; specifically investigating the signs that lead to belief that leads to life.
Mr. Prawel

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Government – We are preparing for next week’s election looking at party nominations and voting behaviors of the American public. We will be trying to determine why some people vote the way that they do. Hope you’ve registered!!
Mr. Prawel

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We are seeing the foundations of the Women’s Rights movement as well as the Abolitionist movement in preparation for the Civil War. We will be discussing the final sectional issues that will tear our nation apart. We are going to finish this quarter on the eve of Lincoln’s election in 1860.
Mr. Prawel

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