11th grade has come a long way in trying to understand Spanish. The Project for November is to send postcards to friends and family about their imaginary trip to Mexico. By doing this they are reinforcing their knowledge and the vocabulary they have learned.
Mrs. Colon

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Students in 10th grade are doing well in class. They are working hard and striving for the best. Our project for September was to write a menu on the foods that we learned. In November we will start a project based on communication with a pen pal. They will have to write to a friend from a Spanish speaking country, using the knowledge and characteristic traits we learned to write these letters. They must also write response letters from this friend to themselves. This will help them enhance their writing skills.
Mrs. Colon

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“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” -Vince LombardiThis month in Gym we have begun our Team Handball Season and will continue it until November. The object of this game is to throw a “team handball” across the three-point line, past a goalie, and into the net. These games are highly intense being that rivalries have been sown from the year before. Whether students are playing goalie, defense, offense, or midfielder they are determined, focused, and resolute to win the game. Often that means jumping in the path of the ball. Even though these games are intense, students maintain a high level of sportsmanship thought the season.
Mr. Wong

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Over the summer we were blessed with new software for the computer lab. This included the new Microsoft Program that is a little tricky to understand when you first use it. The high school students have spent the first few weeks becoming experts in Microsoft 2007. This Microsoft course will take us to the end of the first quarter and we will start our next course on computer maintenance.
Mr. Miller

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This class is taught mainly in Spanish. We have a majority of students in this class that speak Spanish at home and we would like to expose them to the literature of the countries and cultures they come from. We have covered a lot of literary theories in class that we are now applying as we read “El Cid”. We are learning about the origins of the Spanish language and culture and finding those elements that permeate to the culture even today. The most important principle in our class is: “If we can understand our past, we can understand our present, and correct our ourselves for the future.”
Ms. Rivera

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We are currently working on making a Spanish newscast. The students are recording news reports, planning the outline of the news cast, creating interviews, acting, and coming up with their own version of the news. They are working very hard to produce an excellent product using Spanish in the entire process. This project involves the students asking and answering questions, requesting information, using the preterit, imperfect, present and future tenses of the verbs in Spanish. This is a win-win situation; we have fun and are practicing the language at the same time.
Ms. Rivera

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Resource Room
November is fast upon us with many changes in the forecast. Students are now finding out what is really hard for them and what is easy. Those who have been bringing in copies of their classes from Edline already knew and have been working on improving weak areas. Students are also finding out the consequences of poor study habits verses good study habits. This month I will focus on test corrections, remediation and encouraging them to”… press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14
Mrs. Kemp

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In Economics class we just finished going over how governments affect their economy through their involvement. The students have been given the opportunity to analyze and discuss the pros and cons of various governments and their policies. The students have also begun their Stock Market game. With the current market, the students seem to be competing on who can lose the least amount of money rather than who can gain the most. However, it has been fun to watch the students research products which interest them and debate with their teammates over which stocks would be best for them to acquire.
Mr. Fowler

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In Global class we just finished discussing the Middle Ages. As a culmination activity, the class will be traveling to the Cloisters in the Bronx. The Cloisters is a museum, which focuses on Medieval Art and history. This will give the students a chance to apply some of the information we went over in class. In addition, the students will be able to get a more in depth view of what life was like for people during this time period and how this was evident in their artwork. After this we will begin our unit on the Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution.
Mr. Fowler

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In Global class we have been going over Ancient India. This has been a great time of discussion as we have gotten the chance to discuss other religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. The students have been eager to understand and then compare those religions to one another and Christianity. As we finish this topic, we move onto Ancient China, which I am excited to teach since a summer ago I was able to travel to China and visit some of the places we will discuss. I look forward to sharing my experiences with the students and showing them pictures and artifacts from this time period.
Mr. Fowler

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