In Psychology class we have just learned about how our senses help us observe the world around us. We have been working extra hard in trying to open our minds to understand how we perceive the world using our senses. We learned about the importance of our senses and were even drawn to learn about how animals have a “super sixth sense” – which in reality, they do not, however, God has give them the ability to adapt to their surroundings and their senses become super sensitive during a time of danger. We even learned about how animals were saved during the Tsunami in Eastern Asia years ago. This was because they made it to safety as if they knew something horrific was coming. This is one of the awesome deeds of our Lord, who gives us what we need to survive, as well as animals.
Ms. Quiros

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World Civ. Elective – We are comparing the Russian and Latin American social ladders as well as how forced labor was used in both areas to promote development. We will be going to the Met Museum next month to view world art from the Renaissance through the 1800’s!
Mr. Prawel

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9th Grade Adv. Algebra – We are finally getting to use our graphing calculators for graphing! Linear equations are beginning to look like lines and tables are being represented as graphs in chapter 4. Students have web access to their textbook through the publisher as well! Check Ed-line to find out how!
Mr. Prawel

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12th Grade Bible – We are moving through individual presentations of Jesus’ seven I AM statements in John. Students have put together sermons, poems, and pictures representing our Savior as “I AM.”
Mr. Prawel

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12th Grade Government – We are anxiously watching the 2008 presidential election. We are anticipating an interesting day on Tuesday the 4th! Though most of us are too young to vote, we are eager to see what kind of policies may be coming our way and patiently waiting for 2012 when we will all be eligible to register!
Mr. Prawel

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11th Grade US History – We are on the brink of a war between the states. Compromises have run out and a line must be drawn. Which side would you be on – the Northern abolitionists, or the Southern slave-owners who depended on the system for economic existence?
Mr. Prawel

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11th Grade Spanish this month, we are reviewing vocabulary words that deal with train travel. Students will also learn expressions they will need to know in order to order food in a restaurant. To do so, the class will be participating in many hands on and interactive activities such as: acting out skits using the vocabulary learned and having conversations with the teacher as well as fellow students.
Mrs. Pascualini

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Students continue working on checkbooks and check registers. This week they will also be taking a test on honesty. Not only do students learn practical skills in math but we also look at math from a Biblical standpoint. Students have learned and discussed what it is to be honest when dealing with money. We always have great discussions in class and students are learning from each other as well.
Mrs. Racoma

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Students have been working with the number line looking at positive and negative integers. They just finished a quiz on adding positive and negative integers and will be moving on with subtracting both positive and negative integers. After a little bit of confusion, students now seem to be grasping the concept.
Mrs. Racoma

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Students are learning about the Nature of Evidence. Describing the differences between known and unknown evidence and positive controls and negative controls. Students are also learning the 4 types of fingerprints and identifying their own.
Ms. West

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