The 12th grade Economics class has been playing the Stock Market Game using the Internet now for a month and half. The game has been a lot of fun for the students as they have bought and sold stocks with their fake money. Although the market has been rough students have been competing to see who will lose the least amount of money compared to will make the most, which has still been a lot of fun. In class we have been going over the various factors of production and discussing what it takes to become a successful company. Hopefully, these students will be the future business leaders of America and the information and experience they receive now will contribute to that success later on down the road.
Mr. Fowler

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Goooooooo EAGLES! Cheering, Pompoms, Pictures Flashing, Team Members, and Plays were all part of our Pep Rally. this was all part of our Spirit Week Students in 6-12 grades had very special days the week of November 17-21. Each day students represented a different theme: Monday – Favorite Sports Team, Tuesday – Funny Hat and Feet Day, Wednesday – Twin Day, Thursday – School Spirit, Friday – Country Day (dress in the colors of your nationality). Elementary School enjoyed: Wednesday – Favorite Color Day, Thursday– Favorite Stuffed Animal, Friday – Funny Feet And Hat Day.

On Thursday, during the latter half of the c day, Middle School and High ch gathered in the gym for our Pep Rally. All our team members were hailed and there were fun contests and prizes given out. This was a great way to get us ready for the first double-header of the year.

Make sure to check out our “Galleries” to view lots of adorable pictures.

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The ninth grade Global classes just began a chapter on the Americas. The students discovered how the ancient Americans traveled over the Bering Strait in the Ice Age in search of food and populated North and South America. We have gone over both the Mayan and Aztec cultures and next we will discuss the Ancient Incan civilization. The students have shown interest in this topic because of movies and cartoons, as well some of the students have traveled to some of these countries and have explained what these giant pyramid structures looked like.
Mr. Fowler

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Recently the 10th graders were able to go on a field trip to the Cloisters museum in New York City, a Medieval art museum. The Cloisters is a museum made up of real architecture from churches and monasteries in Europe, with art that dates from the 800’s A.D. to 1500’s A.D. The students really enjoyed seeing some real pieces of art and analyzing how they illustrated art from that time period. This was a great culmination activity at the end of our Middle Ages unit. We moved onto the Renaissance shortly after that and have been discussing the new ideas, which had greatly shaped and continue to shape our ideas about the world around us. During this time period we have been able to discuss the Protestant Reformation and the impact that has had on our faith. The students have been able to engage this topic and realize how their own faith was influenced by the ideas of Luther and Calvin.
Mr. Fowler

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Evangel’s Middle School/High School elective continues to gather material and hone their writing skills in preparation for the publication of the first edition of their newspaper. Reporters will also work on improving their interview skills. We’d love to have the opportunity to interview you! Please let us know if you have an interesting story to share!
Miss Collins

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Evangel’s Sophomore class has been introduced to the complexities of Dicken’s language and will continue to tackle it’s intricacies. I look forward to a developing understanding and appreciation of his writing style as they delve into the world of Oliver Twist.
Miss Collins

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Evangel’s Freshman English class continues their exploration of good vs. evil in Steinbeck’s The Pearl. They will be wrapping up their study of this lyrical parable by performing skits of the major events of each chapter. Feel free to stop by and have a peek!
Miss Collins

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Living Environment: 9th grade:
For the up and coming scientists of the high school November will be wrapping up the unit on Ecology and pulling together all the loose ends so that the students will have a big picture about how ecosystems work. After studying in great detail about the non-human living components (animals and plants) of ecosystems, it’s time to focus us (humans)-quite possible the most vital role in ecosystems. Students are going to be able to see exactly how their behaviors affect the world around them. We are looking at populations in generals and then more specifically how we as humans alter the ecosystem either positively or negatively. I am excited for the students to finally apply their knowledge to real life and make the connections between how they live now and how they should be living.
Ms. Lawrence

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Earth Science: 10th grade:
As November approaches we are preparing to go “underground!” The students will be studying all types of things that exist below ground level. We’re taking a closer look at groundwater and soil and how both affect the world above ground. Students are not just going to look at these things but they will also do hands on activities that allow them to uncover the truths and unveil the misconceptions they may have had before about water and soil. I am excited about going “deeper” and I sure hope the kids are too!
Ms. Lawrence

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The 12th Grade Class is getting ready for it’s Poetry Jam that will be held on November 4, during 3rd and 4th periods. Students will share some of their writing pieces. The theme is “A Black and White Affair”. Students have been working through their fears and their confidence. They are all eager and excited to participate in this event. I am so proud of this senior class and am confident they will shine like stars.
Ms. Quiros

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