The ninth grade right now is concluding a section on Africa. We have discussed its diverse and beautiful geography and how that has impacted its cultural history. As a class we watched a video, which discussed and illustrated all the various aspects we had discussed in class, giving a visual background to what the students had been studying. As we close out this half of the year, the students have greatly impressed me with their abilities to jump into high school history. We will move back to Asia after this section.
Mr. Fowler

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The 10th Grade Geometry class will choose topics such as Cubism, Tesselations, Mosaics and Optical Art to complete a research paper. They will type a one to two page bibliography of the artist they choose. They will also include the contributions made from the artist. Then they will construct a piece of art work in the form of their choice. Students will also need to prepare a powerpoint presentation to accompany their report and project.
Mrs. Christian

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Forensics Classes are studying about the 2nd Amendment: The Right to Bear Arms. The students watched a video on the militia and its history. They wrote their views as Pros and Cons. We had a class discussion on the positive and negative aspects of gun control.
Mrs. Christian

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Happy New Year!
We look forward to a new year of hope – hope in the Lord and assurance that God has a perfect plan for each student.
January is an exciting time with new goals set for a new year and yet a difficult month with mid terms on the way, homework to stay on top of and the Academic Fair coming. In Resource Room we will be checking our goals and finding strategies with which we can realistically meet those goals. Now is the time for students, parents and teachers to truly work together as a team to help students set good goals and begin to achieve them. In I Corinthians 12: 24-27 the Bible says, “But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”
Mrs. Kemp

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In Consumer math, students have been working through business balance sheets, with its similarities to balancing a checkbook. Students will now focus on the Profit and Loss in a business. We will be also talking about how profit and loss affect them whether they have a business or are working for someone.
Mrs. Racoma

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Students have been working on multi-step equations and will continue this topic as we begin in January. They will also learn how to solve equations when there is a variable on both sides.
Mrs. Racoma

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As we were contemplating what theme to use to enter the Fall Door Decorating Contest, Caroline Kemp from 12Q came up with the idea of being thankful for our homes, our minds to think, our hearts to love and our courage to stand for what is right. With that, she thought of using The Wizard of Oz theme. As a class, we then began to work hard and decorate our entire classroom using trees, a backdrop that took up the entire back wall, and the students even created the Tinman and the Scarecrow. We had our very own Alexis Lazzaro play Dorothy and Taylor Estevez who play the Lion. Taylor even curled her hair to make it resemble a lion’s mane. We enjoyed quality time as a class and I am proud to say that every single student participated. Class 12Q received First place. I am so proud of how every student worked together, and made this class project a success.
Ms. Quiros

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The Advanced Spanish class recently finished a project. The students made videos and presented their own Spanish Newscast. They were very creative. The students really worked hard. We are now starting a chapter about the human body and vocabulary pertaining to a doctor’s office. We plan to make diagrams and brochures for our own “health clinic” promoting good health.
Ms. Rivera

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The Advanced Spanich class was invited to go on a trip to an Argentinean Restaurant with another of the Spanish classes. We had chorizo, steak, etc. Thank you Mrs. Pascualini for the invitation. We had a great time.
Ms, Rivera

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Advanced Spanish-
The class finished a unit about the clash of two cultures, when the Spaniards encountered for the first time the Natives in the New World. This was a great opportunity to study how one event could be seen very differently depending on the perspective.
Ms. Rivera

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