the-lion-the-witch-and-the-wardrobe-new-f-coverAs we continue reading The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe the students were asked to draw their favorite parts of the story. I had pictures of wardrobes, fauns, the White Witch, and centaurs. It is amazing how every student liked a different part of the story.
Mrs. Bienemann

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oliver_twistEvangel’s sophomores continue their travels through Oliver Twist analyzing the forces of Good vs. Evil, pondering the implications of Nature vs. Nurture, and assessing Dickens’ use of satire throughout the novel. They will be wrapping up in the next couple of weeks and concluding with their own satirical piece which evaluates an issue in society today. Compiled, the individual essays will create a satirical magazine! Look for it in February!
Miss Collins

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Evangel’s freshmen have wrapped up their study of A Christmas Carol and will begin investigating the elements of an in-depth literary analysis. They will, then, put their acquired knowledge to the test as they begin an exploratory journey through Ted Dekker’s Blink of an Eye. Students will also have the opportunity to have formal discussions of this fictional piece using the methods of Socratic discussion. There they will have the opportunity to see that “the future changes in the blink of an eye…or does it?” They’ll find out! Ask them about their discoveries! I’m sure they want to share!
Miss Collins

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Newspaper Elective:
Evangel’s reporters are putting together their very own broadcast. It will feature skits, games, original commercials, special segments, and more. Please take the opportunity to take a peek. We truly hope you enjoy it!
Miss Collins

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We have discussed the most prominent events of the exodus and the time the Israelites spend in the desert and how God formed them into a powerful nation. We are now studying the Tabernacle, and how God asked of the Israelites to worship Him. We are studying this in an effort to find out what is the worship God seeks and demands of us. We are learning that our Holy God demands his people to be holy. As the gold mitre (diadem) of the high priest read, we must be “Holy unto the Lord”.
Miss Rivera

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We have taken a journey to get to know Jesus. We started with his birth and all the events that surrounded his childhood. We have studied his ministry, his power, his teaching, his authority. We have seen his power to heal, to set the captives free, to command nature, to raise the dead. We have studied his teachings about the kingdom of Heaven, its nature, its subjects and Him, the ruler. After taken this great journey, we are now faced with the cross. We now understand that it was because of us he stayed at the cross, no one took his life but He laid His life for us, for His love. What great love!
Miss Rivera

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This week our 9th graders will be studying how to “hold forth” the word in Bible class. According to Philippians 2:16, holding forth the word of life keeps us from “laboring in vain.” I’m excited to see the word of God taking root in each of our student’s lives!
Ms. Ramos

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Learning verb conjugations have been our toughest challenge this month, especially the imperfect past tense. The students were a little confused at first, but finally have gotten a good grasp of it. They are trying hard to use it in our classroom conversations. We have started reading the Psalms in Spanish aloud during our devotional time to get accustomed to hearing the language and practice listening skills.
Mrs. Pascualini

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As the semester comes to a close we have been wrapping up our study of Economics. This last chapter that we did was on budgeting and saving. As these students get ready to leave high school and get ready for the real world, they will need to learn how to save and budget their money. I’m hoping the students will understand the importance of saving their money and how their saving now could lead to much greater investments and rewards down the road. The assessment the students will do for their last exam will be writing a plan of how they would invest $10,000 dollars. They must demonstrate an understanding of the various methods of investment and explain why they have chosen their specific method; and most importantly how this is an illustration of good stewardship of our resources.
Mr. Fowler

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Half way there! The students are half way to their global regents in June. As we prepare for the midterms, the students were amazed at how much information we had covered already this year. We finished out this semester discussing the Enlightenment and the French Revolution. This was interesting because we were able to discuss how the ideas of the Enlightenment had greatly influenced the development of our own country. At this time in history as we start a new Presidency, one surrounded by hope and excitement, we can discuss why our government was set up the way it was and understand not just how but why. Our country would not be the way it is today if it had not been for some of the great philosophers of that time (Locke, Montesquieu, and Voltaire).
Mr. Fowler

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