We did a project in Bible class where the students wrote down things they wanted to see changed in their own lives. We took the requests and put them in an envelope for them to receive at the end of the school year. This will allow them to see if there has been any growth or change from now to end of the school year, and also for students to see the powerful effects of prayer!
God Bless,
Ms. Ramos

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This week 10th grade will be discussing the Beatitude “Blessed Are The Pure In Heart”. We are learning that the only way we can attain righteousness, is by faith in Jesus Christ. My challenge for the students is to pursue purity through looking into the word, receiving daily cleansing of sin, and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in their lives.
Ms. Ramos

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Students have been working on how to record credits and debits for a business. They are learning the many journals that are kept and how much work goes into owning and maintaining a business.
Mrs. Racoma

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Students are now working with percents and ratios. They continue to add on to the work they have already done with multi-step equations. Despite the frustration with the many steps to solve an equation, they seem to be grasping the concept. It is a pleasure to watch their face when they finally “get it.”
Mrs. Racoma

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World Civ. – Global imperialism has begun; Europe has staked her claims in the four corners of the globe, and cultures are spreading and mixing and evolving into the roots of who we are today.
Mr. Prawel

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Jesus has ascended, the Holy Spirit has come down, and the disciples have gone out! We are in the midst of the book of Acts – we are tracing the beginning of a small group that will eventually grow into one of the world’s largest religions.

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We discussed our national security and the different avenues of foreign policy; the world is much more complicated today due to technology and global interdependence.
Mr. Prawel

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We have turned the century into the 1900’s! We are quickly bearing down on the present as we discussed Progressive reforms that still impact us today; some things like direct election of our senators and many municipal reforms. WWI is upon us and our world dominance is being tested as Germany continues unrestricted submarine warfare…
Mr. Prawel

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We just tested on chapter 6, dealing with inequalities and graphing inequalities. We related inequalities to city blocks and choosing a subway station to walk to, as well as determining how much to work in order to earn a minimum amount of money. We are all very excited about midterms…
Mr. Prawel

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As the second quarter winds down, high school students have been busy in the computer lab. The activity ranges from writing papers for classes to last minute printing for assignments that are due. In computer lab, the students have been learning the ins and outs of Google Maps. Google Maps is a program developed by Google to assist people in looking at maps. The most common use of Google Maps is acquiring directions, but there is much more to the program. The student have learned how to use all the special features including the Street View setting which lets users see destinations as if they were standing on the street. Many students found it interesting to see their home or their favorite location around the city. Technology keeps improving and we strive to keep the students knowledge improving as well.
Mr. Miller

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