
Evangel’s freshmen took a journey through 6 short pieces of literature in order to investigate the use of 7 major literary elements: plot, point of view, characterization, style, setting, symbolism, and theme. Using that as a foundation for the wonderful world of reading logs, vocabulary journals, and Socratic discussion, students will begin reading Ted Dekker’s “Blink of an Eye”.
Ms. Collins

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Geometry student are very hard working and motivated. They did an excellent job learning about tangents and secants.
Mrs. Wong

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Math II students are learning about growth and decay functions. They are able to calculate how fast their money will grow and how fast their car will depreciate.
Mrs. Wong

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Math B students continue to strive for excellence. They are currently reviewing tangents and secants.
Mrs. Wong

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Chemistry students have been challenged by balancing equations and calculating quantities. They are also able to predict if a reaction will occur and have investigated various reactions in lab.
Mrs. Wong

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Physics students have been studying waves using ropes, slinkys, and water. They have come to appreciate the energy of a wave by watching news clips of Tsunamis.
Mrs. Wong

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In February, we explored Capitulo 14 that deals with “La Tienda”(“The Store”).
The vocabulary learned has dealt with shopping and items that we can purchase at various stores. As a project, the students had to create a store brochure or flyer and label various articles using the vocabulary words learned in class.
Mrs. Pascualini

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The students just began their second half of senior year by starting Economics. We discussed the fundamentals of economics and how an understanding is so vital to being a citizen in America. After this section the students began a section on one of the most important pieces of economics, money. We have discussed some of the various characteristics that money has, (portability, divisibility, etc.). As an example, I brought in money that I had acquired while traveling abroad; this was a great opportunity for the students to observe what other countries currencies look like. As a project to illustrate their understanding of this topic, each student is designing their own money. They have to explain the various characteristics of their money and then illustrate what their money looks like either through a detailed drawing or a physical representation of the money.
Mr. Fowler

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The students have been discussing the Industrial Revolution to start off the second half of the year. They learned what the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution were. We had quite a few classroom discussions about how life is so different today because of the advancements made during this time period. Students looked at primary documents from people who lived during this time period and we discussed the feelings and hardships that these people experienced. As a summative assessment the students had to write their own newspaper. In the newspaper they all had to write why the Industrial Revolution is considered a revolution, but then they got the chance to choose from four other creative writing assignments to add to their newspaper. The students got to show a bit of creativity and originality while at the same time still displaying their understanding of this time period.
Mr. Fowler

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The students began the semester off returning back to Ancient Asia. Ancient China is a wonderfully exciting topic as it is so rich in culture and history. Once again due to my travels in China, in the summer of 2007, I have been able to infuse my own personal accounts of China and my travels there into our discussions. In addition, we looked over pictures and artifacts which I had acquired while I was abroad. The students seem to enjoy hearing personal accounts and are very eager to learn more about this foreign culture. As an assignment, I had the students make their own mock journal diary of Marco Polo. They had to pretend as if they had discovered some foreign city and culture; some students have quite the imagination.
Mr. Fowler

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