
Exponential terms are all around us; whether in the medical or scientific field, or from an historic point of view, exponents surround us. Counting cells, counting days, counting people, counting anything, can be done using exponents! How much do we earn each year? What’s the difference between $3.2 x 10² and $3.2 x 10³? The difference is $28,800!!!
Mr. Prawel

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12th Grade New Testament: We will be looking into the Pauline Epistles and the advice/guidance that Paul gives to the early church, as well as to us as Christians today. We just finished Romans and our understanding of what Christ has done for us leads us into a transformed life – some of these characteristics will be covered in Corinthians, a church that lived in the midst of a sinful culture.
Mr. Prawel

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In Government class, we are discussing civil liberties and civil rights. How are we as citizens protected from one another, as well as from the government? What rights do we  have should we be accused of a crime? How ‘free’ am I as a citizen, in terms of speech, religion, and expression?
Mr. Prawel

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Ever wonder why America is in a financial crisis? A look back to the 1920’s will give us a look at a similar time when similar problems caused a similar crisis. Though not as ‘bad’ as the 20’s [yet], debt and consumerism are crippling the American economy just like the 1920’s. What we are looking for now is a viable solution, but will FDR-like policies be enough, or is a more drastic change needed?
Mr. Prawel

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Our Forensics Class is working on making bite mark casts. They will investigate their group’s teeth impressions and will measure their teeth. In Lab they are working on Blood Stains and will soon be going on a field trip to John Jay for a hands on workshop.
Mrs. Christian

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As Evangel’s sophomores worked their way through Dickens’s, they discovered his masterful use of satire (prose or verse that uses wit in the form of irony, innuendo, or derision to criticize and/or ridicule humanity into improvement) t. In celebration of completing some of Dicken’s works, students were given the task of writing their own piece of satire. Topics range from gang violence and abortion to the school uniform and peer pressure. After undergoing a couple of workshop sessions, students will have the opportunity to see their pieces in our very own class publication, Satire Magazine. (Each sophomore class will have their own edition.) I hope this will serve not only as a memento of a job well done, but also as encouragement to persevere through any situation that may at first appear daunting. For when they decide to push on, they will undoubtedly find themselves in the midst of an undeniable victory. “With God, all things are possible!”

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Students have been talking about the stock market and will continue this discussion for the next several weeks. They will be looking at the “Wall Street Journal,” and how stocks rise and fall each day. Students will also have the opportunity to play a stock market game to see what would happen if they were to invest in stocks.
Mrs. Racoma

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In Math, students will be focusing on graphing linear equations and functions. Students just completed working on equations, ratios and proportions.
Mrs. Racoma

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March is the month that tests many things especially discipline and heart. Winter is waning and the end of school getting closer. Students must get recharged out of the winter blues, be persevering at staying on task with schoolwork as well as deal with the usual winter illnesses. March is also an exciting month because of the Academic Fair, March 19th. This is a great time for students to shine who are not always the top of the class academically. It allows creativity and performance skills to blossom. It even benefits those students the most who are willing to work as a team with parent and teachers to study, write about, and present their topic and project of interest. We can all benefit from remembering: Galatians 6:9,”Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” and Ecclesiastes 9:10,”Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.”
Mrs. Vikki Kemp

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Evangel has two new teams that have enthusiastically come aboard, bursting with fresh ideas. Each team has re-named their edition of the paper. The high school edition will now be called “Cutting Edge”, and the middle school edition will be called “Eagle Eye”. We look forward to our first edition coming out soon.
Ms. Collins

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