
The 10th graders are currently learning the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. In the past few weeks, we have been discussing the importance of practicing the Be-attitudes and showing others our inner Christ-like character. Our curriculum guides us through the Bible, teaching us to examine and improve our “Inner Man” and reconcile this generation to Christ.
Ms. Ramos

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In High School, students learned to describe their family and home. They learned vocabulary associated with family members and housing. They learned to use the verb tener to describe what kind of family and house they have. They also learned the possessive adjectives – our focus was the importance of family.
Ms. Gines

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Our National Honor Society has been working diligently on fundraising for Cancer research. We have had several bake sales and just recently hosted our first after school Game Day, where students were allowed to play video and board games. One of our upcoming events is a Ping Pong tournament which is sure to bring in a crowd!

If you are interested in making a donation towards this worthy cause, please see Aileen Torres, Activities Director in Room 104.

Our goal is to reach $1,000 by May 1st.
Mrs. Torres

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As overseer of Chapel, it has been my desire to see the hearts of our students be drawn closer to our Lord and Savior. The Lord has been faithful to hear my heart’s cry. There has been such a growth and hunger in our students to worship God and carry out His purpose for their lives. From Elementary to High School, there has been  steady growth and our Spiritual Focus for the year has truly been our anthem:
Philippians 3:13 NIV
“I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
Please continue to pray for our chapel services. We need to continue to ask God to open our children’s hearts and minds, we need the Lord to anoint our worship teams and we need God to empower every speaker who shares.
Mrs. Torres

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Several of our High School classes have visited the Bowery Mission, a 200 year old Christian mission that provides food and care for New York’s homeless. The students ran several chapel services where they ministered in song, spoken word, drama and shared personal testimonies of God’s love, hope and peace. At the end of every service, students distributed cards made by our Elementary School students. It was amazing to see the faces of these men and women light up by such a small gesture of love. Our student’s experienced first hand what was spoken of in Matthew 25:40, when Jesus said, “I tell you with certainty, since you did it for one of the least important of these brothers of Mine, you did it for Me.”

Though it was our mission to be a blessing to the men and women of the Bowery Mission, we can say full heartedly, that we always leave the Mission feeling we received more than we gave.
Mrs. Torres

Check out “Galleries” for some great pictures.

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We have just finished the world of short stories. It was as if we literally pulled stories apart according to the elements of a story. We will never look at a setting or the characters of a story the same again. This strategy has definitely made my students interactive and critical readers. Our next literary piece is a taste of the supernatural explored in the natural. We have added the works of Ted Dekker to our curriculum. The students have literally been eager to begin this new literary venture.
Ms. Quiros

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We have just completed Shakespeare’s Macbeth. We discussed the roles of the characters and how their greed and selfish ambitions led to their fate. One major project we tackled was a debate on the role of a husband and wife. We learned how Lady Macbeth sought after a title and how she pushed and antagonized her husband to kill those who were heir to the throne. As we explored the marriage relationship of Macbeth & Lady Macbeth, we discussed whether their marriage was led by the wife or the husband. We then brought in biblical and modern day perspectives on marriage; the conversations and discussions were great. The greatest part of this unit is the fact that we turned our classroom into a cooperative learning environment.
Ms. Quiros

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In Psychology class we have recently focused on different levels of intelligence. Howard Gardner was a famous Psychologist who came up with the Multiple Intelligence Theory. We took a survey and saw how God has fashioned us and how our uniqueness ties in with Gardner’s theory. We also learned about Mental Retardation and that Geraldo Rivera played an important role in helping the mentally and developmentally disabled people receive rights in our nation. We learned about the Willowbrook State School and their horrific conditions. Thank God for Rivera who brought this to the light and has changed our views about them. Our Class lessons were extremely interesting and the students were exposed to something new that they had never learned about before.
Ms. Quiros

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The tenth grade Geometry class is working on drawing parts of circles and learning tangent and secant of circles. They also just finished a unit on Trigonometry –  ratios of right triangles.
Mrs. Christian

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We’re approaching modern times as we sift through the Cold War and the ideologies at war with one another. We will see how conflict and tension has shaped the world we live in from its economy to entertainment.
Mr. Prawel

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