This month we read a short story called “Mi querida Cunada” which the kids seemed to enjoy very much. We practiced reading aloud and independently and had interesting discussions in class. The students did a lot of compositional writing describing what they understood of the story.
Mrs. Pascualini

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The students have been learning about how our economy works. What a time to learn about the free market economy, as we are in a time period of a recession. The class continues to participate in the Stock Market Game online, one of our teams has even entered the top 10% of all the teams playing which is extremely impressive, maybe the students should be in charge of our stocks instead of Wall Street. We are now entering a chapter known as Factors of Production. This chapter should interest any student who wants to go into business as we discuss all the aspects, which businesses have to understand to be successful. Hopefully this class has the next Bill Gates.
Mr. Fowler

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For the past two weeks we have been discussing one of the largest conflicts in human history, World War II. For me this has been exciting as World War II history has always fascinated me since I found out my grandfather fought for Canada in World War II. We have gone over the causes and the major events of this time period and the rise of totalitarian governments across Europe. Next week the students will read an excerpt discussing the pros and cons of dropping the atomic bomb. Afterwards the class will debate whether or not the United States should have dropped the atomic bomb on Japan in World War II. The Regents is less than two months away, so we are getting ready to review for the Regents soon.
Mr. Fowler

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We just finished our chapter on Imperialism and its effects on the world. We specifically discussed the motives of Europeans as they went out and conquered South America, Africa, and Asia. Many of the students began to make connections between the present and the past, when they realized that the reason many of them speak the languages they do today are because of imperialism, (Puerto Ricans speaking Spanish or Brazilians speaking Portuguese). To finish this section we watched a movie called Last Samurai, the students were very excited by this. The movie illustrated the period in which traditional Japan met modern Japan and the conflict it created for the Japanese feudal society. We move onto Indian Independence next.
Mr. Fowler

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assetsStudents have been working on Corporate Bonds, annual interest, yield and rates. This class continues to prepare them for real life situations.
Mrs. Racoma

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inequality3Students have been working on inequalities and this month they continue with compound inequalities as well as graphing.
Mrs. Racoma

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newsflash_newspaper_text_hg_clr1Evangel’s news teams have collected all of the stories for their next issue. They are now engaged in the editing and publishing process! The next issue will be hitting the stands soon! Be sure to grab your copy!
Miss Collins

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Evangel’s Freshman class has travelled along the exciting road that Ted Dekker paved for them. They thoroughly enjoyed reading Blink of an Eye’s action packed plot, memorable characters, and engaging themes. They continue to explore the manner in which Dekker employed the literary elements in his work and will put their critical thinking skills to the test through Socratic discussion and literary analysis!
Miss Collins

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speechIn Physics, students have been studying the physical and mathematical properties of sound waves.  Our lab activities have been exciting and quite “hands-on”, and also help to deeper our understanding of the concepts we are studying.

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In chemistry students have been studying phase diagrams & vapor pressure graphs. They can determine the phase of a particular substance based on the given conditions.
Mrs. Wong

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