saved_graceWe have looked at the Corinthian and Galatian churches and compared them to the contemporary church in America. We have looked  at many questions such as: How far have we come? What issues do we face? How much does Paul’s advice relate to our present situations? We have been investigating these questions and learning more about the grace of God and the effect it should have on our lives.
Mr. Prawel

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vote_democratic_guy_waving_sign_hg_clrWe have investigated campaigns and elections and we have a better understanding of what it takes to get elected, and how a candidate needs to position themselves for the best results. PAC’s, contributions, advertising, networking, and a relentless spirit will help, but it is ultimately the voters who wil choose.
Mr. Prawel

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The most horrific conflict of all time is behind us and the tensions of the Cold War are upon us. Who is a Communist? Is it you?? Is it me?? Over the backdrop of the Cold War, we are fighting for Civil Rights in America. African Americans are leading the way and change is coming — love and peace are also new buzzwords that are lingering in the atmosphere.
Mr. Prawel

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lebron-james-slam-dunkAdvanced Algebra – We have gotten through factoring, FOILing and functions. We can now estimate LeBron’s hang time or the time it will take for a pop-fly to be caught – stuff we never knew math could be useful for. Totally Amazing!
Mr. Prawel

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o8jntecan3fgg7calkzktbcazi93wkcanfzzd6cafkceuhcao8kp6wca5c5b4tcay4ywluca76e55ica6bacvqcaau64qtcacl6xq7caaq3gz1cab0s4snca359aitcajqrxbncav86iioca0vmx9t9th grade presented their skit for chapel this past Friday. All 9th grade homerooms helped put together an amazing performance that reached our student body in an intense way. This skit demonstrated how each of us wear different masks to hide our true identity, but when we turn to Jesus we find out who we are in Him.sy9v0mcam2waudcac6a69bca69tyuccaoeqptycaalm3igca8inpplcaodb0dlcavgwwfhcazv6dolcaum8ycrcad7k1i5cas6a6j7candofdecaoy0pzcca80wnudcay0svqsca11mikucafrpld5

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Students in Geometry Math Class are working on research projects. They will choose from three to five topics and complete a written essay. Then they will complete their assignment with a math project and create their own math game.
Mrs. Christian

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Math A Class has been engaged in consumer math activities. Students have been taking life application word problems and showing how math is used in everyday life such as: banking, making purchases and paying taxes.
Mrs. Christian

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Ninth Grade Algebra Class has been working extensively with the graphing calculators. They are working on the following skills: solving quadratic equations, quadratic formulas, and comparing linear, exponential, and quadratic models.
Students have been sketching graphs of equations.
Mrs. Christian

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We have been discussing Illicit Drugs. Each group is required to do extensive research. Each group will present and have a board to display facts about various drugs. They will display presentations through skits, power point, and poster boards.
Mrs. Christian

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This month we had fun with a chapter called “Los Pasatiempos” (favorite pass times).
The vocabulary learned dealt with different types of hobbies, sports and things that people like to do in their spare time. The students enjoyed some class time playing board games and trying to converse in Spanish while they were being competitive. It was fun and a good speaking practice for them.
Mrs. Pascualini

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