We have chosen to put it all together. We are emphasizing speaking in real life situations. During this month we practiced different situations and phrases used for the greetings and farewells, introductions and descriptions of people and things. We practiced whether you are talking to one or more person, whether you spoke to people you are familiar with or not. It’s been great to use the language we have been learning for so long.
Ms. Rivera

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We are wrapping up Shakespeare’s, Julius Caesar. One of his most famous tragedies. We learned that Shakespeare took real life individuals and made up fictional scenarios and placed those individuals in those scenarios. We discussed pathetic fallacy and how Shakespeare used this literary technique to express to his viewers the mood of the actions of the play. We were also able to identify the 5 elements of a story laid out for us in this play. As we end the school year soon, we are going to see how everything we learned this year will help us with the Regents that lay ahead. I am confident the students are prepared for this exam. They were exposed to different literary works which expanded their critical thinking skills.
Ms. Quiros

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We are working on John Bunyan’s, The Pilgrim’s Progress, and finding examples of realistic experiences. We are going to make correlations with a film that depicts believability using fictional characters. With this assignment, we will realize how the media as well as authors use symbolism, allegory and fiction to depict real situations that we as readers and viewers can make personal connections to.
Ms. Quiros

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We just completed a chapter on Adolescence, our focus was Social Development and Identity. We learned 4 categories that Psychologist James Marcia developed: Identity Moratorium- time out period of exploration, Identity Foreclosure- commitments based on suggestions from others, Identity Diffusion – “I don’t care” attitude, and Identity Achievement – working on what we desire for our future “right now”. We spoke about how important it is to find who we are and what God has laid out for us as individuals. With this being known, we can all fall under Identity Achievement and reach those goals that God has mapped out for us as believers.
Ms. Quiros

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CPR & First Aid has always been one of my favorite topics to teach my 12th Graders. It is something that they can put into practical use right way. Students are placed in real life scenarios and asked to perform life saving techniques. As the course advances, they become progressively more confident in their abilities and are competent and confident enough to respond effectively and efficiently in any given situation.
Mr. Wong

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This is the 1st year that we have decided to incorporate soccer into the high school P.E. curriculum. Students are more enthusiastic and excited to play this sport not because they are experts at it, but quite the opposite. They are all novices. Those students who excelled at team handball, volleyball, and basketball are now trying to adjust to feet-eye coordination instead of hand-eye coordination. They welcome this new facet of the game and enjoy improving themselves.
Mr. Wong

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April was a busy month in the computer lab. One of the highlights was when the students were able to participate in Administrators Professional Day. Middle School and High School students made cards using Microsoft Publisher and later were presented to the staff. The students expressed their gratitude to these hard working individuals and used the computer lab to make these memories.
Mr. Miller

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10th grade has recently been studying the essential qualities for spiritual leadership. Learning how to deal and understand different personalities is important, but being sensitive and caring is the key. We recently had a little demonstration with the help of Crystal Johnson, Seth Bujosa, and Alahna Dones showing the class the importance of humility in our lives whether we are a leader or not. The class came up with different situations we all deal with everyday that may at times overwhelm us, and for each situation Crystal was wrapped around with duck tape binding her together. Eventually all the circumstances of life became unbearable resulting in Crystal being unable to move (which everyone found funny). Seth and Alahna had to pick Crystal up in order to move her showing the students that we cannot do everything on our own, and a piece of humble pie every once in a while is definitely needed.
Ms. Ramos

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johnny_doing_pull_ups_hg_clrStudents are doing their second physical fitness test for the year. They have to do pushups, situps and the bent arm hang plus a ten minute run. It’s a lot of hard work, but everyone is doing their best.
Mrs. Rosario

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world-globe-fullIn World Civ. we have not only been looking at revolutionaries who have changed their region of the world, but we have also been looking at how the rest of the world looks at change and nationalism. We are finishing the course as we approach more contemporary issues in our global economy and community. We are also looking at what impact we can have as individual citizens participating in such a large network of human beings.

Mr. Prawel

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