The juniors have been learning about acids and bases. They have tested various household products to see which category they would fall into. They have also used various indicators to determine the pH of these items.
Mrs. Wong

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The seniors have been working hard to prepare for the Math B regents. They are completing regents and reviewing. They are definitely up to the task.
Mrs. Wong

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The juniors have spent some time on complex fraction. They are currently studying the six trig functions and using them to solve real world problems.
Mrs. Wong

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The sophomores have been moving forward with Algebra 2 in preparation for next years regents. They have evaluated and graphed functions. They have reviewed slope and solved real life problems.
Mrs. Wong

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As the school year comes to an end, it’s always great to see where we have progressed and also see the areas we still need to improve on. In the beginning of the school year each student filled out a little card writing down any areas in their lives where they would like to see change. The time finally arrived to hand them back to the students! This was just a great way to see so many of them encouraged, knowing that God can change many things just in a matter of a few months. This year our students have learned the amazing power of prayer….that through Him all things are possible! My prayer is for each and every one of them to carry on what they have learned into their everyday lives even their summer vacation.
Miss Ramos

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We have been working on vocabulary, verbs and comprehension of words used in the practice regents tests. Students are also working on how to write in Spanish so they will be ready for the regents tests.
Mrs. Colon

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These students are very motivated in class. They have shown me that they can do whatever I give them. They were given a practice regents test and they all did very well on the listening and comprehension part of the test.
Mrs. Colon

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Students worked on a project using magazine pictures to create postcards. They wrote to a friend or family member about a vacation.
Mrs. Colon

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Consumer math finished out the year by looking back at ratios and percents. Students also worked on a study guide, which helped prepare them for their Finals.
Mrs. Racoma

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Students finished their work on Linear Systems by learning to multiply the system by a number, which then allowed them to eliminate a variable and solve. Students also worked on a study guide, which helped prepare them for their Finals.
Mrs. Racoma

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